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PART III: IcanmakeitIcanmakeitIcanmakeitIcanmakeit... O_o



*”Oh, Applejack. You make it sound as if it’s going to be hard!” It IS hard, Rarity. Season 1 is about 12 hours, that’s more TV than I’ve ever watched in one sitting, except on a few NFL Sundays. Must not fall asleep.


*It’s impossible not to love Rarity, and Suited For Success gives us more of what we love. Poor pony, she wants so badly to please her friends, but they didn’t like her first designs even though they were great. Reminds me of my first submission to FIMfiction…but anyway! Enjoying “Art of the Dress,” the best song/s of the show so far.


*Epic Fluttershy/Rarity exchange. This combined with her later outburst about Rarity being “petty,” make me think they’re not the closest of ponies. Even when they connect later in the season, it’s over a misunderstanding. And yes, I’m going to say it…ABOUT 20% COOLER. Was that the first appearance of Vinyl Scratch?


*”She’ll become a crazy cat lady!”

“She only has one cat.”

“Give it time.”

Poor, poor Rarity. But once again, an awesome ending with a heartfelt resolution. We learned here that Rarity’s fashion isn’t just a hobby, but a passion.


*Here’s one of the first controversial episodes, Feeling Pinkie Keen! Yes, I like it, and no, I don’t think it’s an allegory for religion. It could be read that way, but I’d say it’s more about Twilight accepting that not everything needs a rational explanation, especially where Pinkie’s involved. Plus we got to see Pinkie’s science hat (awesome meme fodder) and angry Twilight in a wheelchair.


*After the show is done making fun of her, Twilight shows the makings of a hero here: she saves Pinkie and Spike from the hydra and distracts it so her friends can get away. And don’t forget Super Saiyan Twilight!! :angry:


*Watching all these in succession, I am noticing some small moments between Applejack and Spike—maybe three so far—so the new episode featuring them will not be entirely without precedent. They have chemistry. Not romantic chemistry, but something.


*Only one thing is necessary to introduce Episode 16: YAY. Dash is a little hard on Fluttershy’s cheering style, but it’s really a reflection of her own lack of confidence; she’s afraid of not measuring up at the Young Fliers Competition. Damn, Rarity’s wings are absolutely dazzling. Her attitude when she has them isn’t, but nopony’s perfect. “Don’t worry, Twilight. I’m sure they can’t get worn out from too much attention.”


*The Rainbow Factory! Before the memory of it was desecrated in fanon. And now the competition…doesn’t matter how many times I see it, the Sonic Rainboom scene is still an amazing rush. I love Dashie x2. :D


*Well, that one sure woke me up. I hope I can last through Stare Master. I really wasn’t into it the first time around…and it turns out I’m not now, either. The Crusaders are more annoying than they need to be and none of them develop individually, which is what I like to see. Fluttershy staring down the Cockatrice was brilliant, though. All Twilight did was get turned into stone and she still has to write a letter to Celestia. xD


*Okay, I managed that one…next is The Show Stoppers, the one episode I’ve never seen before! I wasn’t ready for two Cutie Mark Crusades in a row, but right off the bat this one is much better than the last. Scootaloo is amazing on the scooter, and Apple Bloom did a hell of a job on the clubhouse; how can her special talent not be carpentry? And Sweetie Belle sings very well, which makes her painful display in S3E6 a bit of a conflict. (Maybe she’s only good with her own material. xD)


*If nopony eats meat in Equestria, why are the CMC slopping pigs? Time for another beer, and I am suddenly feeling very happy right now! ^_^


*I like this voiceless musical montage a lot more than hearing the Crusaders yell about their goals. A problem with their strategy is that they tend to try something only once and move on when it doesn’t go well or doesn’t immediately get them a mark. And of course they’re not doing what they’re good at for the talent show. “We use our stomachs to digestia,” oh man.


*Applejack has a really weird look on her face after peeking in at the CMC practicing. No doubt this inspired a number of NSFW fics about what they were "really" doing in there. *shudder*


*The fillies’ glam rock outfits are ridiculous, Scootaloo’s singing isn’t very good…Bloom does well with the very limited moves she had, except for when she kicked a hole in the set. Judging time. If Snips and Snails’ were “best magic act” I don’t want to see the worst. The CMC get an award, then deny Twilight a chance at a letter. Hooray for the first MLP episode with no message to the princess! I liked this one quite a bit.


*My eyes are getting so heavy…body only partially responding to mental commands. Still eight episodes left! But I’m too close to stop now. Must do something to restore my strength………


*Were you thinking “another beer?” Ha! Shows what you know. Instead I’ll wake myself up by taking the dog out in 5-degree weather. THEN I’ll get more intoxicated. See? I know my priorities. Hey, somepony grab me another drink! :lol:




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