My perspective of how to fix Pokemon on a competitive level..
As you all know Pokemon is a game that has a competitive scene like mostly every other game around.. the problem is that it's a game that revolves too heavily on luck. Granted luck is a factor in every game but that doesn't matter as much as skill can easily overcome luck. In Pokemon you may come out with a win this way but give it time and luck will overcome skill.. therefore Luck needs to be nerfed in this game and some strategies need to be fixed. These are my opinions on what is wrong with Pokemon so you may or may not agree with these things but please note I've been in the competitive scene for a little while (since the end of G5).. I'm also a defensive player and have lost matches because of luck intervening to heavily in matches
The first thing is the neutral rate of Critical hits.. this is only a problem with no direct influence from an ability, move, or item.. I'm fine with how they work as they go through defense increases and provide a reliable way of taking them out.. however because of their they can't properly be prepared to counter as that extra damage can go through buffs and dual screens. It may not seem like they should be a problem with how low the chance is but they have happened nearly every situation where they are needed to give the opposing player the win.. because of that "small" chance of a crit happening. It should be like the flinch, and other status effects, only when there's a reason for it to be a crit.. I know there's Lucky chant and battle/shell armor but unless they make Lucky chant last until the end of the battle, or more widespread diversity of these two Abilities then they aren't a viable means of stopping the crit from ruling the meta.. either way they fix the crit is fine with me.. I just want to win the battles I probably [italic]Should[/italic] have won.. it's better to have lost because you were out played then to have lost because of the opposing player got a 1/16 lucky hit that decided the match..
Another thing is probably the most used move on smeargle in doubles.. I'm taking about Darkrai's signature move Dark Void. This move puts all the opposing Pokemon to sleep with 85% accuracy.. The problem is the sleep status itself and the fact that it puts both of your Pokemon to sleep. Spore, sleep powder, and the other sleep moves only puts one Pokemon to sleep per one move. The accuracy of Dark Void doesn't even matter.. I mean ever since finding my AS again a while back I've seen Hypnosis (that has either 55 or 60 accuracy) probably over 15+ times.. and it hasn't missed one of those many times it's been used on my Pokemon.. I feel like this move needs to have the Surf treatment in order for it to be fixed.. (aka make it hit the allied Pokemon as well as foes..) this should make Dark void's usage go down..
There shall be more to come but these two things were two I can thing of right now..
But before I stop for now I just wanted to say that this VGC format makes little sense to me.. they allow Mega Rayquaza and the two primals to be used but Mythical Pokemon are a big NO?
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