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How to escape a brony cult

Blackshirt Brony


"Don't do anything whatsoever with the mind. Abide in an authentic, natural state. One's own mind, unwavering, is reality." - Niguma


Are you taking your hobbies way too seriously? Do you suffer from sleep deprivation or feelings of persistent anxiety after using the internet? Have you become dismayed by today's internet culture? Do not despair!


Discover for yourself, glorious, free information on escaping the fandom-inspired guilt, weakness, and sloth in your life! I have faith that you can begin turning your life around today!


Advice for someone brainwashed by bronies:

  • Take more breaks from internet/technology. Start with small and realistic steps, progressing slowly toward a better lifestyle.
  • Spend more time with other people, and get out in nature more.
  • Remind yourself that you do not need flashing colors and Youtube to be happy.
  • Remind yourself that "fandoms" and tv shows are hobbies. Spend less time on large projects such as "fan art" and attempt to distract yourself with other hobbies.
  • Do not allow your hobbies to become the damage control for everything that goes wrong in your life. Build the mental and physical strength to deal with life yourself in a more wakeful and natural state.



How to leave a cult: http://www.wikihow.com/Leave-a-Cult


How to prevent an internet addiction: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jan/09/5-ways-internet-use-web-addiction


Here also are some wise words from the YouTuber who made this glorious video...


  • Brohoof 2


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