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From: Judas' deaths- apologetics and god works in mysterious ways debunked.

Lil Pip



Judas' deaths.

Matthew 27:5
Then he threw down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed, and went and hanged himself.
Acts 1:18
Now this man purchased a field with the wages of iniquity; and falling headlong he burst open in the middle and all his entrails gushed out.


Now the apologetics answer "There is no contradiction here at all because both are true. A contradiction occurs when one statement excludes the possibility of another. In fact, what happened here is that Judas went and hung himself and then his body later fell down and split open. In other words, the rope or branch of the tree probably broke due to the weight and his body fell down and his bowels spilled out." http://www.carm.org/diff/Matt27_3.htm


I will open by saying you can find the possibility in any contradictory statements, to suppose they can both be true at once.


I have a cat, it is orange, and died yesterday. Ghosts don't exist. Vs I have a cat, it was purple and turned into a ghost after its death.


They could say oh well it said 'was' purple that could've been when it died and it was orange before that, no contradiction. Or it was orange, but got coated in something purple before, it just fails to specify. Also it being a ghost and not existing obviously he is hallucinating the ghost or its no ghost at all, its simply the spirit of the cat.


Thats apologetics for you, you can debunk ANY actual contradiction doing that.




Now for the god works in mysterious ways argument.
I ask why is he gone, it doesn't fit his character.
They say he works in mysterious ways, surely someone with infinite intelligence could have confusing motivations.


First off the bible describes him with human emotions, he kills peoples to demonstrate his power by specifically reducing the number of participants to make them seem more fearsome, he gets offended easily and sends plagues and death across the lands and is a self-described petty and jealous god. This was a statement to fear monger to prevent worshiping multiple gods at once which occurred back in the day(easy enough to google). So obviously the deity likes controlling through fear and basic power demonstrations. Not only that he mourns the loss of life after his flooding the world, and says humans were made in his image (like he had emotions before humans did). Which means he is like us, which means he is very much comprehensible.


Not only that if you analyze his behavior he is basic as anything. He fear mongers, he gets angry and throws tantrums, he imperfectly solves decisions that cause him to mourn (flood, but also epic of gilgamesh contradicts that) when he could snap his fingers and fix the world as he wants he is rather blunt and lazy about things and indirect. He could show up and just spank everyone and they can't do anything then explain why they were wrong and why he is there now and why he wasn't there before etc, instead he is like, oh haha you made a mistake I get to slaughter you 'angrily'. The only way he could differ isn't because he is 'mysterious', its because he is a lie, or lying. Considering bible contradictions or unoriginalities (epic of gilgamesh) its not a big issue to consider too in depth. But he is rather basic, like an angry father-figure authoritarian who teaches you need to wash your hands more and clean up your horse poop better in egypt by sending a plague when they ignore your follower's preaching, and you knew it'd happen because you were omniscient. You could've solved it peacefully, totally like an 'omnibenevolent' deity just by showing up all godly n stuff, and discussing gently but firmly.


But because the bible was mostly passed down through oral tradition by illiterates why would we expect a reasonable well-thought deity? Power and fear was something they had experience with, could comprehend without being well-read. Thats why their god didn't have higher thought processes, because they didn't.


And I have other methods to disprove the god but thats not why I made this topic, I wanted to debunk these two types of thinking specifically, its easy to google bible contradictions, and if you try arguing different types of arguments thats exactly what I will supply you with, information so you can see yourself, rather than arguments.


So this was debunking of apologetics in general through the use of the Judas contradictions example and demonstrating the dishonest(or at least wishful thinking) apologetics method, and why god isn't mysterious, and shouldn't be. (him showing himself is always preferable to get basic arguments out of the way so he can address issues only talking can resolve, which never happens)


Source: Judas' deaths- apologetics and god works in mysterious ways debunked.

  • Brohoof 1


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