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"Apple Family Reunion" Review/Analysis

Dark Qiviut


Apple Family Reunion was a rather tame episode in comparison to the wackiness and adventure-esque episodes we've seen throughout the season, and it doesn't disappoint. Most previous Applejack episodes revolved around her being stubborn, but it was a completely different case. Instead, it was her eagerness to make this reunion the best one it can be. But sometimes, when you try too hard to make things grander, you run the risk of screwing up. This was one hard lesson Applejack learned after her ideas went horribly wrong one after another with the demolition of the barn being its climax. But she learned that lesson by having everypony teaming together to make things right again. Sometimes, it's not how you start; it's how you finish.


The little things that intrigued me in this episode:

  1. The pairs of shooting stars in this episode as a symbolic hint to confirm that AJ's/AB's/BM's parents have passed away. While not in the script, it was a great piece of detail to hint it, particularly in a show where its minimum demographic is five to six years old. Death is a very difficult subject to treat right because of its seriousness and deepness. Some family educational shows like Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood, Sesame Street, and Arthur talked about death and handled them both really well. This was a great way to teach it without truly teaching it. Kudos to Sibsy for adding that in.
  2. The photo album and its memories of the reunion. Granny Smith takes those reunions very seriously and has that passion for everyone in the Apple family to get together, tell stories, or just have quality time when they don't normally have.
  3. Baby Applejack. Cutest moment in the entire episode. 'Nuff said!
  4. Babs Seed and Braeburn returning. One of my peeves in this show is characters who have so much potential, only to last one episode only to never return. Like Trixie in episode 5 and Winona and Tank in Episode 3, this is absolutely refreshing to finally see "one-shot" characters returning. Although Braeburn didn't have any lines, it was great to see the close dynamic Babs Seed and Apple Bloom have. Since One Bad Apple, it looks like the two have become rather closer, and that reminds me of my closeness with my cousins.
  5. Applejack's desire to have the best Apple family reunion. She wanted it to be grand, wonderful, exciting, and memorable for all the right reasons. She has a little bit of Rarity in her, for she wants to give to those and mean nothing except wanting to deliver the best to those she adores.
  6. Nods of previous episodes, like the gold edible glitter (ala One Bad Apple) and the lightning electrocuting Applejack (ala The Last Roundup).
  7. How sometimes being simple can create even bigger and better memories, and that's completely true. When you try to do something a little bit more complicated, you run the risk of having things go awry or making lives inadvertently miserable. We saw this in the obstacle course, quilt-making, apple fritters, and the fruit bats aiming at one of the characters' hats.
  8. Getting the chance to make amends. Applejack wasn't willing to let the reunion end on a sour note, so she and the rest of the family were able to team up and rebuild it. But rather than having everyone do so miserably, they showed their pride, heritage, passion, and love for each other as a big family. And they built it all the while having a great time. It was a bit difficult, but they got the job done just in time.
  9. Raise This Barn. For the first time, Applejack starred in a song, and as a result, we got to see Ashleigh Ball show what — she's — made — of— whoops, wrong song. :P Raise This Barn was an excellent tribute to the excellent Square Dance music and dancing itself from in the past. All the while, it's got a little distinct charm and style that makes it unique to the show, Applejack, and the dedicated roots of the Apple family.
  10. My most favorite moment: How Granny said getting the whole family together is getting more difficult and how many of them may not be able to attend the next one. I think this somewhat hints the age of not only herself, but some of her relatives who grew up with her. Life isn't eternal, and Granny Smith, Aunt Applesauce, and Apple Rose know this. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if those words were partially responsible for Applejack to attempt to make this reunion grander: If it was the last reunion for some of her own generation, make it the best and most memorable it can be.

It's a completely different pace, but Apple Family Reunion did a really great job nonetheless. Great music. Fantastic animation. Nice nods to Applejack's parents. And an overall fine episode.



Source: S03:E08 - Apple Family Reunion

  • Brohoof 3

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This episode is in my Top Ten Favorite MLP Episodes. Yes, I have a list. :P I really liked it because it makes you think about various themes in life, not just one specific. Quite a few, actually.

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