Blackwater History Timeline (Loose Basics)
This timeline is a loose interpretation of the Black/Blackwater family timeline; it will likely go through some revisions as time goes by.
-=ORIGINAL DRAFT: 12/18/2016=-
EP = earth pony
UC = unicorn
PG = pegasus
BP = bat pony
Z = zebra
Serious Black (EP) purchases a deed to some 'profitable land'
Land turns out to be 'worthless' mountain scrubland, but Serious determined to stay
Discovers an ENORMOUS deposit of emerald
Marries and settles on the property
[7 AD]
The area is fully marked off; turns out to be FAR more than Serious believed he had purchased
[25 AD]
Chisel Black (UC) graded as a Master Sculptor at a young age (19 Summers)
Spends the next thirty years sculpting statues in her Garden
Dies after finishing her masterpieces, the Celestia and Luna statues
[55 AD]
Serious' original emerald deposit is exhausted
The Black family begins to branch out into the rest of Equestria
[56 AD]
Pitch Black (EP) detonates a massive amount of explosives; uncovers nine more emerald deposits
Family begins returning to mine the new findings
[76 AD]
Official first Black Mine established
[95 AD]
Skye Black (BP), who idolizes Luna, joins the Night Watch
Dies of a broken heart when Luna/Nightmare Moon is banished
[101 AD]
Painted Black (PG) involved in cave-in
Saves the lives of seven workers, but buried alive as a result
[188 AD]
Lotus Black (EP) is accused of murder (wrongly)
Grows a wall of her own plant creations (Crimson Flytraps) to 'dissuade' visitors
Seals off the Black land from Equestria for fifty years
[231 AD]
Sundae Black (UC) breaches the plant barrier with fire
Begins trade with nearby Canterlot
[418 AD]
Weapon Black (UC), the last of the family line, founds the Black Forge
Begins crafting masterwork weapons, armor and jewelry
[420 AD]
Weapon Black rescues an escaped zebra slave named Stelo (Z)
Faces down mercs sent to reclaim her
Changes both his name and hers to reflect their freedom
(Wyland Blackwater - Star Blackwater)
Wyland marries Star
[519 AD]
Jake Blackwater (EP) hires a group of miners to help in the Blackwater Mines
Discovers Fire Opal deposit, proving the mines hold more than emeralds
[602 AD]
Harland Blackwater (UC) takes over the property, evicts ALL other Blackwaters
Attempts an embargo on Blackwater Emeralds to drive up their value
Undermined by disposed family members; run out of Equestria, fate unknown
[644 AD]
Horace Blackwater (UC) turns the Black Forge into the Blackwater Distillery
The alcohol brewed there is so potent it kills three stallions
Horace refuses to answer for the deaths; Blackwaters banned from entering Canterlot
Horace 'accidentally' killed by huge falling boulder - boulder hollowed out, becomes Blackwater Vault
[721 AD]
Rhenny Blackwater (Z), in a paranoid fit, becomes convinced of secret plots to murder him
Begins construction of ten-story tall outer quarry walls (and other defenses)
Mysteriously vanishes without a trace; manor reclaimed by family
[808 AD]
Grounds officially titled the Blackwater Industrial Gemstone Quarry
Lukaz Blackwater (BP) begins construction of Gem Refinery
Dies during Cutie Pox outbreak before completion; job finished by children
[911 AD]
Natural gas explosion in Blackwater Mines; kills 18 ponies
Touted as worst disaster in Blackwater history
Shandara Blackwater (UC) blamed; loses half the amassed family fortune in reparations
[1001 AD]
Blackwater family celebration of 1000 year anniversary
Party lasts for six months straight
Princess Celestia forgives past transgressions, lifts Canterlot ban on Blackwater family
Owner Forrest Blackwater (EP) dies from falling off cliff while drunk, ending celebrations abruptly
[1015 AD]
Benjamin Blackwater (EP) killed in cave-in
Twin brother Larrimore Blackwater (EP) begins work on "Benny"
Other dangerous quarry 'defenses' made safe and utilitarian
[1044 AD]
Germaine Blackwater (UC) sells 'tonic made from emeralds' to Ponyville ponies
Tonic causes many ponies problems; Germaine seen as 'wicked and irresponsible'
Germaine imprisoned; quarry transfers ownership to Erasmus Blackwater (EP)
[1046 AD]
Luther Blackwater (EP) born
[1061 AD]
Erasmus Blackwater begins embezzling from the Blackwater Mines
Discovered by his son Luther; frames son for embezzlement
Luther beaten nearly to death by angry miners
[1062 AD]
Luther Blackwater pursues legal rights to Blackwater Quarry
Wins court case, earns cutie mark; has Erasmus arrested
Fires entire staff - hires all new workers
Meets Vylia Silverlet (PG); falls in love
[1063 AD]
Luther Blackwater marries Vylia Silverlet
Chuck List (EP) hired on
[1064 AD]
Harcourt Blackwater (EP) born
[1071 AD]
Knee Slapper (UC) and 'Taps' (PG) hired on
[1077 AD]
Daxter Blackwater (EP) born
Redd Handid (UC) hired on
[1085 AD]
Oglevy Blackwater (PG) born
[1087 AD]
Harcourt and Luther argue; ends with Harcourt striking Luther in anger
Harcourt leaves, Luther forbids his return
[1090 AD]
Silver Studs (UC) hired on
Luther Blackwater (EP) runs Blackwater Quarry, sees highest profits in generations
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