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Likes and Dislikes of Christmas




Christmas Tree: When I think of Christmas, first thing in my mind is Christmas Tree. When i see the tree like in Shooping Centre or anywhere I feel l feel happy/little happy. I do prefer mini Christmas tree, I own a mini one.

Turkey: King of Christmas Dinner. What better than a Turkey. If I’m on my own, nothing like a Turkey Sandwich. Also Turkey Sandwich on Boxing.day.

Some days off: When Christmas come meaning some days off from work. Even I spending Christmas with my parents and brother, but also with 4 cats, alright with cats but parents and brother they sometime annoying. Luckiy we don’t have big famliy so no big get together.

Christmas Single (By Spitting Images): It a catching and funny song from old Tv Show, Spitting Images. It about no more Christmas Singles. It not much known and never be in Chart but to me, it’s my favorite Chirstmas song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3wuGjxRbl0

Chirstmas Songs in Remixes and metals: Not fun on Christmas songs but enjoy listen in remixes and metals.


Most Christmas Songs specially Slinet Night & All I want for Christmas is you & We walking in the Air & Last Chirstmas: Like I said not fun with Chirstmas songs, specialy these songs I mention, to me they are depressing.

Crazy Christmas Shopping: Yes they do get crazy, going to store or City/town centre, alot of people going nuts, even sometime can go crazy on you like when my brother was in the queue in super market a person say to me what you doing here. Yes arogant. I would of repsond.

Presents: Sometime you give someone present and they not be happy of what they get. I hate give presents, I don’t need presents i get what I want but don’t mind if someone give me any presents.

Kids: Many people say Chirstmas is for kids. They give a special treatment as always, why no someone with no kids they not imporant or something?

Seeing other famliy/friends having fun times; I do dispest people having a great time when you stuggling.

The Snowman (flim): Well not funn  with the movie specially at the end.

Santa Claus: Only give presents to kids and knows you be bad and good. He not real just a guy invent by Coca Cola.

Bad times: Sometime you don’t get good times. Sometime you can get Worst Chirstmas, fall out with famliy and something. .


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