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April update, the end?

Princess Celestia


A little bit about what's going on and a little about why I'm absent from the forum.

As you understood before, I run a Pony Sanctuary, where my goal is to help horses, donkeys and previously also zebras, to a new life after they have been condemned for euthanasia.

This takes up almost all of my free time when I'm not at work, to earn the money needed to make this possible. I do everything myself, pick up animals by truck, build areas for them to roam free in and the necessary houses/stables. Making sure they have feed for the cold season (which I buy from a farmer).

The land they live in is not mine, but I have been allowed to use large lots for free for this sole purpose, mostly from the farmer I buy hay from. But also by other landowners.

This spring we had a disaster, three horses became lame and had difficulty moving. I immediately took the vet out, she stated that they had laminitis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laminitis).

Two had to be euthanized on the spot, because this is the country Sweden, apparently sick animals are not given any opportunity for rehabilitation. Animal protection is so strong that it is more valuable for the system not to have sick animals. Therefore, they choose to exterminate them and thus the problem of animal welfare. How sick is that? I have to do what the vet decides, because she is from the authority who decides, I have no choice.

In addition, I was reported to a higher authority because they considered that the hooves of one of the horses did not look good. No, I know that! That's why the pony ended up here in the first place, to get help to a dignified life again. But that takes time, you don't get nice hooves overnight.

So I was left with my euthanized horses and a third quite sick, but she was judged to be able to be treated, which is being done now.

What caused it all we don't know, could have been a severe weather change from very cold with lot of snow to incredibly hot and sunny in just a few hours, that's not normal in my latitudes. Since it hit multiple ponies I wonder?

What will happen now after they report me to a higher authority, I don't know? I haven't heard anything in days, but that's not good. It could be the end of everything I've lived for for two decades. Ponies and horses are my life, being able to help them means so much. I hope they have understanding even higher up in our system. But I'm skeptical, this country has such high standards for animal husbandry that almost everything is banned nowadays.

There are farmers who have been banned from continuing to have animals because small deviations. Where their entire lives have been thrown into chaos, where their livelihood has been taken away from them by the authorities.

So I'm waiting anxiously, I just want my animals to have a good life.

Please revered Princess Celestia, help me continue to help!

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this is really worrying, we never know what is happening in the lives of our fellow members, I hope everything goes well Princess, hope you still visit the forums :kindness:

Edited by Rafa Stary
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Dear Princess Celestia,

You been such a amazing help to the ponies and horses that you been taking care of all this time. Your goal is something that not only you but now many of us want to see you reach that goal and no matter what happens we are always here to be to support you. It is truly worrying about the situation you are in and we hope that the outcome will be good new rather than bad news. I hope that the next upcoming days everything will be fine and hopefully you can continued taking care of all your lovely ponies, horses, and maybe donkeys & zebras so they can enjoy being free. We will stand by you Princess Celestia to the very end not matter the outcome, :fluttershy:

From, your loyal subjects ♥

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Thank you so much my dear friends! I appreciate all the kind words you have said, it means a lot THANK YOU! Am a bit down because I lost some pony friends, it's hard. Very hard. But life must go on, there are several lucky ponies left, and they will have the best I can give them.

The forum is a wonderful support for us all, I am here for you, the day I am strong again. And that day will come, be sure. Life goes on. Always

Still haven't heard from the authorities, but maybe they are slow to react?

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7 hours ago, Princess Celestia said:

Thank you so much my dear friends! I appreciate all the kind words you have said, it means a lot THANK YOU! Am a bit down because I lost some pony friends, it's hard. Very hard. But life must go on, there are several lucky ponies left, and they will have the best I can give them.

The forum is a wonderful support for us all, I am here for you, the day I am strong again. And that day will come, be sure. Life goes on. Always

Still haven't heard from the authorities, but maybe they are slow to react?


You're very welcome Princess Celestia, we all will keep on supporting you and with the BIG project you are doing! That truly does suck how some of your pony friends didn't make it but you are very strong Princess and I know that you make it out of this and you still have the ones that are left and still a lot more to come that will need your help. So everything will be alright and you will be okay Princess Celestia, your pony friends will remember what you have done for them and you will always care for them no matter what. 

Maybe they are, still lets keep hoping things will turn out good for you at the end of this so you can continue doing what you love doing. :mlp_icwudt: 

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