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Log Entry 1

Alex Night


I've arrived in some strange world that I wasn't familiar with. When I woke up, I came to the startling realization that I was a pony. However, I wasn't an ordinary pony; I was a pony with WINGS! From what I can tell, I am blue and I have a brown hair and a brown tail. When I looked on my side, I found that I had a mark on my side in the image of a shield. When I observed the shield, I didn't remember having that mark on me. That's the thing: I couldn't remember a thing about myself. Not where I came from, how I got here, not even my own name.


When I looked closer at my "shield", I saw some sort of vision. I was falling in some dark place and all around me, there were these many eyes just staring at me. However, one pair of eyes caught my attention. They were big, green, and menacing eyes and they were laughing at me. Its laugh was so disturbing to me that I wanted it to go away. Then all of a sudden, they were gone and in their place was a tall, white unicorn with wings. She looked so amazing that I thought she was some sort of angel and her voice was so calm. She called me "Alex Night".


The vision ended and I was looking at my shield again. Because I couldn't think of any other name, I decided to be Alex Night. I heard some voices from across where I was and saw a lime-green pony talking to another gray pony with wings. He spoke with nobility in his voice and refers to himself as more than one person. I went over to talk to the gray pony. I found out that we were next to a place called the Everfree Forest, which apparently is very dangerous. The lime-green pony next to me was acting worried because he had some friends trapped inside the forest. Hearing his distress, I told him my name and that I would happy to go in and help find his friends.


Sure enough, I was joined by the lime-green pony named Electrobolt, a unicorn with a mustache named Jack Stache , and the gray winged pony who I found out was named Silver to go on a rescue mission. I was advised by a tan unicorn not to go in and just wait a bit longer. Knowing that I can't live myself if something happened and I didn't go to help, I told her that my mind is made up. Still, she was very wise. Although, it turned out that the rescue team was no longer necessary as a group of ponies started coming out of the forest. I rushed over to the group to see how they were doing. There, I saw a ice-blue unicorn carrying another white unicorn on her back, a red unicorn with a bright gray pony lying unconscious next to her. They were a mess; whatever they experienced in there must have very dangerous just like Silver said.


All of a sudden, the white unicorn woke up and introduced herself to me. She was a sight to see. From what I saw, she was very sweet as she showed a slight hint of regret of not being able to offer a pastry to me. Then, her face was replaced by the face of a woman that seemed so familiar. She was smiling as if happy to see an old friend. Then, as quickly the mystery woman appeared, she vanished. I spoke to the white unicorn for a bit until my stomach embarrassed me in front of the white unicorn after I said that I would fine without food. Man, that was embarrassing. I still haven't got her name, thanks to the bright-grey pony interrupting with a piece of info that I didn't know about . He said something about a crack.


Silver and Electrobolt joined in behind me with Silver asking why the group entered the forest. All of a sudden, the ice-blue unicorn went into a rage with Silver. Words were exchanged and I stepped in to try and end this outburst. Silver started to break down in pain and I tried to break through to him. Eventually, he asked "how long has it been since Princess Luna turned into Nightmare Moon" and the white unicorn said it had been over a thousand years. I couldn't believe it. Silver was from the past and now, he was all alone in this time period.


The tan colored unicorn stepped in and started exchanging harsh words to the ice blue unicorn, who returned with her own set. A strange light was emitting from the tan unicorn and ice was forming around the ice blue unicorn. Next, the red unicorn with flames in her hands, stood against the tan and said some very harsh words to her. I tried to fly up over the group to end the fight, but it was too late. A monster had formed from the tan unicorn and it had these amber red eyes. However, I saw the eyes get replaced by the same green eyes I saw in my vision. It had the same laugh, taunting me. I wanted it to stop, to get out of my head. All of a sudden, the monster and the voice were gone along with the tan unicorn.


Some of the other ponies who weren't involved earlier chased after the tan unicorn, who I came to learn was named Artsy, including a white-winged pony with a fedora. I joined back to the group and spoke to the red unicorn to make sure she knows where I stand with her. She was trying to help, but used the wrong approach. After speaking with her, I went back to Silver after I forgot about him because of my failed attempt at trying to stop the outburst. I comforted him to help him through his ground-breaking revelation.


The day was almost over and we needed to find a place to stay and figure out where to go to get answers. At that moment, ice blue unicorn came to apologize to Silver. It was very big of her to do so. It wasn't her fault mostly; she was only looking out for the others, which is something I like and respect.


So much has happened in so little time and I am left with many questions and few answers. Who was that white winged unicorn I saw in my vision? Who was the mystery woman I saw when I talked to the white winged unicorn? Most of all, who are those pair of green eyes that I keep seeing? Something is going on here and I have a feeling that we are all involved in it somehow. I have to find out what it is. For now, I have to stay with the group that came out of the forest. I have to protect them, especially that white unicorn whose name I still don't know and Silver no matter what.


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