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blog-0861153001362632931.pngI fooled ya, it's not about Fluttershy. But stick around, this is important. You know what makes life really great, besides ponies? Sitting down with a nice stiff drink and ranting on things that piss you off. (Purple Jesus: 40% grape juice, 40% ginger ale, 20% vodka. Highly recommended for bronies of age.) But on to the topic: this is a list of popular words, phrases or trends that need to go the fuck away.


1. "Man Cave"

Needs to die ASAP. Not cool, not funny, and no man with any dignity EVER calls his favorite room in the house a "man cave." You only hear this phrase from two sources: television, and women who are making fun of us. If you're lucky though, you have a place where you can go for peace and quiet. But nobody has a man cave.


2. "lolwut"

Is there any texting/Internet phrase that is lazier and less constructive than lolwut? lol is a cliche, wut is terrible spelling; it's a lazy response. If lolwut is all you can think of to say, you're better off not saying anything.


3. "Gangam/Gangnam/Gunghan/whateverthefuck Style"

I had no idea what this term meant at first. Now I know it is a very goofy-looking dance. And one of many that you probably can't do. STOP TALKING ABOUT IT


4. "waifufaggotry"

Faggot is a derogatory term for gays. If you're a male brony who wants to marry Fluttershy, the term "faggotry" does not belong in your vocabulary. Pony or not, she's still a girl.


5. M.O.V. threads

No, I don't mean the .mov videos. This MOV stands for "My Own Version" and it means "I'm going to make my own version of this thread that's already been made 10 times before. Like "is anyone leaving cuz of Twilicorn" or "why is there clop in my image search." The same threads, just by different users, constantly respawning like enemy soldiers in a bad FPS. There's a search function at the top of the page, seriously right there, where you can search for threads similar to your own and just bump one of them to post your comments. No harm done, the mods encourage it.


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to retreat to my mancave to post my very own thread about why Rainbow Dash is my waifu and we're dancing GooGooGaJoob style, so someone can say lolwut. And maybe get more loaded. Cheers. :unsure:

  • Brohoof 3

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You mean Lyra is your waifu.


Other than that, I agree entirely. The MOV threads bother me even more now that they're my responsibility.

  • Brohoof 1
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