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What I Think About Neil Young

Philosophy Pony




This music has always brought a smile to my face, and a sense of warmth in my heart. Just listen to that majestic voice! And those guitar skills, makes my guitar playing look like I'm a one armed monkey with Parkinsons.

I would'nt even be into the kind of music I'm into if it wasn't for this talented guy. He is my sole musical inspiration,first to Chopin, Garcia, Cobain, Lennon...(long list,hehe). And his music is highly equivocal, and can suit any kind of emotion being felt. If I'm sad, I'll listen to Young. If I'm happy, i'll listen to young.

He's such a great artist, and probably the best one to come out of Canada Bieber should be ashamed, he shouldn't even be called an artist in any respect, he doesn't even write his own crappy songs! But whatever, this isn't an attacking Bieber article, I just hate the fact that people actually think he's an artist.

Now you want real art, that makes you cry, laugh, smile, and the list goes on, listen to the song above.


This song is my second favorite too. Both songs that endlessly play on my iPod-------------------------------------------->

Oh and this one too! hah!--->http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=Q7jeb_D08XA&NR=1




Recommended Comments

I personally prefer the Johnny Cash version of Heart of Gold, but I like this one too. All of those are awesome songs! biggrin.png

It's so hard for me to come to a conclusion as to what version I like better :P Johnny Cash is awesome too.

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