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Which Pinkie is the Real Pinkie?

Philosophy Pony



You have a sense of self, right? That question sounds absurd I'm sure, but in reality, it is something that can just, come and go.

We all have a personality or ego that shapes us. Our interests, opinions, and disgusts make up the base of what we would call "Each other". But what's the one thing that anchors us down to reality?

When trying to choose which one friend to spend time with, Pinkie Pie uses a magic mirror pond to make different copies of herself. As we find out, that doesn't go so well for her, and she faces an identity crisis. So how exactly did they find the real Pinkie again?

In the episode "Too Many Pinkie Pies", Pinkie goes into the Everfree Forest remembering the

story her Nana Pinkie told her. She accidentally falls down a hole in what fortunately was an underground chamber housing the Mirror Pool. Pinkie walks to the pool, looks over the water at her reflection, and then recites the chant to activate it, while stepping through the pool's surface. As she comes up, it's shown to not actually be her climbing out, but her own reflection having been turned into a clone. Pinkie informs her new hyperactive clone who Applejack is and informers her about the fun that is to be had at the farm. As they leave the Everfree Forest, Pinkie tells also her clone that they should meet up latter so she can tell her all about the fun.


So how can we tell between the two pinkies, which one is the real Pinkie?

Well, two distinct facts are brought to our attention when Pinkie first interacts with her clone. Firstly, the clone seems extremely hyper, more hyper then the usual Pinkie. And following that, Pinkie had to informed her clone about Ponyville and who her friends were. This entails that the clone has no prior memory of the events that have occurred in the real Pinkies past. Her clone could represent the philosophical definition of a "Zombie", were these pony's are solely based on one function of reality that would not be extremely apparent, hadn't there be so many pinkie pies. These Pinkie zombies only seem to respond to fun and nothing more.

Later on in the episode,Twilight explains to a mob that she will come up with a solution, and to calm down. Twilight says to hold on while she tries to figure everything about, rushing back inside with Spike. While they search the shelves for an answer, Spike finds a horseshoe embedded into the back of a bookshelf. He presses it and the back slides upward, revealing a dusty old book. Twilight checks out the book and learns about a spell that can send all the clones back. The only risk is that if they can't identify the real Pinkie Pie, they could send her into the lake by mistake, as the spell cannot tell the difference between a cloned pony and a real one.

So now the dilemma is apparent in the show, and it is extremely necessary to try and find the real Pinkie. So how do they accomplish this?

Twilight and Spike find a depressed Pinkie outside of the cafe. Twilight postulates that she can't be the real one because Pinkie Pie "has never sat that long in one place her entire life". As they walk away, Pinkie suggests a test to find the real Pinkie by making them do something that isn't fun at all. The Pinkie that wants to stay badly enough to make it to the end of the challenge is the real Pinkie. Twilight decides that it's a good plan, and put's it into fruition. Pinkie is initially relaxed, knowing that the problem can be fixed, but soon worries that she won't pass the test and will have to leave her friends forever.


Pinkie suffers from an identity crisis. Identity crisis, according to the psychologist Erik Erikson, is the failure to obtain an ego identity. Although Erikson used this in the context of the adolescent psychology, Pinkie Pie does have a very agile and hyperactive awareness. Her prone hyperactivity, along with the dilemma at hand, is the most likely cause of her feeling this way. So even the real Pinkie doubts her own realness, which is a conflict that Pinkies challenge hopefully helps dictate who the real pinkie is.



After a while, Twilight finds Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity hiding out with the woodland creatures until the "Pinkie storm" dies down.

Twilight comes up with the idea to make the clones quiet down in rows and watch paint dry, freshly prepared by Rarity and Fluttershy on a backdrop.

So the real Pinkie would be the only one with the will to sit there long enough so she can stay with her friends. This shows us that her longstanding memory of her past is the golden key, it's what motivates her to sit it out. The plethora of ponies anxiously lean forward, eyes centered on the drying paint. As time goes on, the attention span of the clones begins to breakdown. A clone in the front row looks out of a window and says, "Oh, hey, look it's a birdie!" Twilight then zaps her with a beam of magic, vanishing her back into the pool.

Unable to withstand the test, more clones start getting distracted; Twilight zaps more and more clones that loses concentration. One of the remaining clones says, "Betcha can't make a face crazier than this!", then vigorously rubs her face and changes her appearance to that of a Gen 3 Pinkie Pie, which I think is one of the best references that is made in the show, for obvious reasons.

Twilight continues to eliminate copies until only two ponies are left. Rainbow Dash loses her patience and distracts the final clone by suddenly saying that she can see somepony making balloon animals. The distracted Pinkie is sent back to the lake, leaving only a single, concentrated Pinkie Pie who is still staring at the backdrop. It seems that we are left with the real Pinkie. She went through a grueling time span of staring, but her will to stay made her tough it out.

Pinkie then writes to Princess Celestia in her bedroom. Having learned that she sometimes has to choose which of her friends she'll spend time with and that even if she can't spend time with one friend, they'll always have more opportunities to spend time together in the future. She has to make time that is optimal for her usage, and no more.

The response from Pinkies environment that gets used up by her sensory organs gets formulated into memories by her brain. Only events recorded by Pinkies original memory can be in the original pinkie pies memory. Things like knowledge and understanding are abstract concepts that social creatures like us can manipulate into communication. True knowledge isn't really called knowledge so to say. The word knowledge in Latin is Conscientia, or consciousnesses, and this means that without consciousness the definition of knowledge, and the word, and every associated concept cannot exist.


Pinkie and her collective knowledge and understanding is distinct among other organisms. We already know that Pinkies clones do not have the same memories or feelings that the real Pinkie does. So is that to say that our memories constitute what we, ourselves really are?

But what about Pinkies temporary identity crisis? Can we conclude from that, that Pinkies personality, and our own personalities, come from our distinct neurological wiring?

This really is a valid view point, but i think that, in conclusion, our selves don't rely on one basic principle. As we learn from pinkie, what we experience from the environment constitutes what is us, and other things like birth, genetic characteristics and the influences via peers later on in life. Our interest and personalities derive from the actual existence of things. Our egos could be explained as a reflection looking upon itself.


Now here is a poem from my collection that I thought would go great with this article!


'The sun shines hard today

harder then it has to.

But why spare any filly

who wont work out in the sun? You gotta have backbone to be out here

Guts, integrity, and a compassion to hold on to who you are.

I'm not talking about the filly who listens to music and reads the books

I'm talking about the filly who listens to her heart and

trust her instincts. There comes a point in a pony's life

where nopony else is listening except for you.'


Basic Writing "For whom do these bells ring for?"

The Earth Pony~ "A Day for Sleeping under the Clouds: A Pegasus and her tall tails of wonder" (2012-13)

  • Brohoof 1


Recommended Comments

Pinkie Pie isn't a witch, silly. smile.png


Lmfao! That was an inside joke from my editor tongue.png


"She's an evil enchantress,she does evil dances..."

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