I don't Wanna Sleep!....Updates,Bronycon and Random Relationship Ramblings
Today was another good day for me
The blogs entry's will be coming in suuuper slow on the count of a huge ton of studying that I have to implement in my daily routine. Does anyone know a lot about ancient history? Specifically the classical era of Greece ?
Ponyism is still driving me mad. I keep adding new components too it, i'ts running me ragid! It should be a doozie when it finally comes out. It, so far, blends the ideas of Humanitarianism, Existentialism, Environmentalism (the fluttershy philosophy) and elements of psychology and a new concept called "Pony understanding". Really getting deep in thought here guys. But remember, its all just fun speculation to keep you thinking. Obviously none of what I say is true to the show and it's characters, well not the creators intentions anyway. Let your imagination come out of its shell for once!
And I am really looking into going to BronyCon this year! I love meeting bronys online, but IN PERSON!?! That's just amazing! Plus all the cool merch I can buy, and the awesome music that will be there...aaahhh it's gonna be awesome!
Speaking of meeting new bronys, please please please, if your a brony who wants more friends on the interwebs PM me,especially if your a philoso-pony! I love sharing ideas and creating things with other people, or just talking about whatever. I might start a new thingy, maybe a thread I guess, i don't know. But anyway, new thingy, right! (sliding off topic,as usual). I wanna start a help section where people can come to me with there problems and i'll try to help them out or see the problem in a new way. I love the joy that comes from helping someone in need, makes me a happy pony
A topic will be posted tomorrow for the 'Fluttershy Nature Fan Club'. The name speaks for itself. If you love this big blue flying dot in space that we humans call earth, then you should read the thread and see what all the hub bubs about. I'ts gonna be everything nature, and everything Fluttershy! All the eco-pony's can come and join in on the fun! So far the only (founding) members are ma new brony bud Happy Plant (Hah, gave you a shout out !! ) and I. More will be looked at with this idea, so stick around internet people, cus this clubs gonna be pumpin!...whatever that means.
A new OC was posted by me. It's a crappy MS paint pony called Cosmic Ray. Not my worst pony sketch I did on my computer, but once I get a new job (Lay offs pfft) I wanna get a tablet that's better for drawing with. Or just a better computer with better photo-editing and drawing software. I really wanna start fan fics and role playing, but I got a whole lot going on right now. Future me will worry about it.
I know I already gave a quick shpeal about it but BronyCon guys! BRONYCON! I am super siked that I might go! The onlything that will suck is the 8hr drive out to Baltimare, but what the hay, it's worth it! I wanna meet tons of new brony friends from the good ol' US and even meet artists and musicians and writters...Oh My!
If you'r attending bronycon this year, PM me and we can schedule a meet up for the dates of the convention. Also, not to sound like a giant loser here on the forums but...maybe i'll meet a special somepony there .That would be truly amazing! I am not an in the closet brony, but when i'm in a relationship, ponies and unicorns and such do not come to mind quickly for discussion. I let that kind of thing ease in, because girls like, well, manly men. I hit the gym and do things girls find attractive, but i'm retty freak'in feminine. I don't see why I should fall prey to gender stereotypes "Me big stong man! Look at abs pretty lady" ugh . If it's the manly man women want, then I guess I will always be single. I'm not worried, I'm only 17 after all I have a whole huge chunk of life to spend on finding the right mate. But it would still be nice..no not nice, AWESOME, if I ever meet a girl that was in to mlp...thats my age of course lmao. Dating a girl into mlp would be more then perfect, it almost seems like asking for too much.
This is a long article just rambling, but ohwell! I can't sleep, for some strange reason I thought it would be wise to drink an extra large tripple tripple from tim hortons at 12:30 AM. I'm wired!
But I feel a slight tiredness setting in, so i will sign off soon. I am just in a great mood, with bronycon and all. I know,I know, that's waay in august, but I don't care! I'll be siked till the day comes :3 I'm more excited for that then I am for my birthday! Like I said 100 thousand times already I love meeting new people! If you went to my school or work, you would think I'm anti-social. But in reality, I shut myself off from people that are negative and, well, essentially real life trolls. I don't respond with disgust or anger, just a nonchalant sort of content expression, to show that I really don't care.
Since I've entered the brony communities I learned that everypony, and I mean everypony so far, is extremely nice! There's no one I know that's a brony who I would have issues with! Heck, I even post and tweet a lot of hard core atheist things and I'm still friends with a lot of religious bronys! Before being a brony, I WAS an in the closet atheist. Where I live, there's a lot of religious folk who don't take it kindly to question there beliefs. But the brony's are soo smart! I can have a long rational discussion on religion without anypony flipping a table! Coming from horrible past experiences with my religious journey, the brony community has welcomed me, and I love it!
So I guess I'm done here. I'll see everypony tomorrow, and Happy Plant and I will get on making a topic to post for you awesome pony's.
Good night!!
This is me in 5mins
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