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Sunday Morning

Philosophy Pony


blog-0735488001365955988.jpgGood morning ponies. Either your still curled up in bed or you've managed to get off your laptop and make the big move to the desktop. Hope you all have an awesome day!


A lot of the articles I wanted to post are still being worked on because I'm studying for a major test at the moment. Patience is key. But I will make posts like these ones because there just simple blabbering about my thoughts. I don't really have to work too hard.


But any who, this morning, I thought I'd share some stuff and give you something to read and be entertained by.


So,I think I'm missing out on something.I still like psychedelic rock?

In my small community I always get strange reactions from people when I tell them my favorite kinds of music. They think I'm joking at first, but then think I'm stupid when they find out that I'm being serious lmfao!

I love psychedelic rock! It's such a unique sound! And you have to admit, if we didn't have the psychedelic rockers and there predecessors , music would be different today. The music industry is very deterministic. To get music that everyone in the next decade will be listening to, it has to be different. different from the current one. So without Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jefferson Airplane, The Beatles etc etc... Music wouldn't be how it is today.

And in now way would I say that psychedelic rock is "better" then today's music, or vice versa. Music is unique in ever style of essence. But i just prefer roots rhythm over repetitive electro.

But for some odd reason, people are quick to attack it! I'm fine with being called a hippie, but to say that the music is lame! I mean that's just discredited everything that music is founded upon.

People also put words in my mouth, saying that " If i want to Idolize drugged out 60's musicians instead of JB or skrillex, that's fine. But people today should have there Idols as well"

Okay, for starters, I don't Idolize these people in a moral compass sort of understanding. There musical inspirations. I thought Kurt Cobain was brilliant, but he was also an idiot. I wouldn't look up to him as my hero or any of that garbage. And I don't think he would have wanted that recognition anyway. He was an individual, who broke from the chains of culture and society and said "Hey, fuck you world, I'm going to create music" and as harsh as it is, it is also amazing. Kurt brought the idea of abstract art to the music world. He didn't write much with intrinsic meaning in his lyrics. If you look at the lyrics of "All Apologies" It really doesn't make any sense But if you think about it, your own personal message come out of it. Your brain is critically analyzing. And that's what abstract art is, to abstract a meaning from nearly nothing. It is very intellectually stimulating! Maybe not to the extent of Bach (actually no, not even close) but is still very huge for the succession of music in the 90's were rebellion went from high to dry.


Does JB intellectually stimulate his fans? I have to be honest, I am laughing right now just thinking about that sentence.

But that's just my opinion! I'm not thrashing him, and I'm not demoting his Idol status! But having an Idol in the first place is sort of counter intuitive, especially in adolescence. Nirvana, Radiohead,Bush, Soundgarden,The smashing pumpkins, they all really taught me how to be "Me" instead of "Everyone Else". And I love that. I think Justin Beibers music is very egotistical, and he seems to only care about social status, something that you lose when listening to 90's grunge (once again, my opinion, yours may differ). But if it makes you a better person, or you just like his music for what it is, then good for you! I support your love for music. But I ask one thing. Don't call Justin Beiber an artist around me. That is something that I refuse. Musician, performer, Idol, Sensation, whatever adjective and profession comes to mind. But not artist. Because he is not an artist. He doesn't write the majority of his music and he still is a big corporate sell out, Real artists don't sell out, or they stop being artists after that The point of art is to create, not profit.

From that long blabber session, I present to you, some awesome tunes I like. If you have some neat music you think I should listen too, I'm all ears, tell me in the comments.


Some of my friends trash my music taste and say that "It's underground because it sucks".







Im also making OC's now. I'm gonna start another one today, and it will be good. I'll spend a few days drawing, and redrawing, editing, and re editing, for some RP's. Now, I am a newbie at those of course, but I'm not totally clueless to roleplaying. I use to do it back in the day with Sonic the Hedgehog Characters. I made a character named saturn, and I had a fanfic and RP for him and everything, but it never turned out. I was also fairly young, being in grade 8 and all. I was thinking about getting into that again in my spare time, since my artistic skill and analysis has matured. I will always be a die hard Sonic fan, I never let that down. Sonic fan since like grade 5 or whatever xD. But I don't get a subscription to the comics anymore, and I sold all my games ;( oh well that's what Kijiji (or eBay) is for. I can buy better merch in the future if I wish.


When I move out after high schools done, I wanna get a bunch of things started, and completely change my life from what it is now.

So where I stand now, is that I live in my mom's basement, unemployed, and annoyed about it. Every time I get a Job, I get laid off. Only once did I get fired. I got blamed for some weed that the dishwasher had at a restaurant I was working for. I didn't get fired for the weed, I got fired for some bullspit reason of knowing that he had weed and that I didn't say anything. But oh well it's in the past now.

My next course of action is to work at the mall. I applied to nearly every store that I usually shop at, and beyond as well. So far I only did 2 interviews and haven't heard back yet, so I'm super nervous! I need this, because I need money to push off with when I move out. It's final that after senior year is done and I have my full licence that I will be expecting to go out to Toronto I can get financial aid, but I would prefer a job or two. Employment is always my first option, I'm lazy but not a quitter aha.


But once finances are settled, I plan on doing a lot differently. First off, and this if I can make money steadily, I wanna do much more art. Painting, photography, music, you name it. I don't get too do as much as I want living with my mom. There's no space for me too work in and she clouds my head anyway. My creativity is highest anywhere but home, except for writing. But I do most of my writing in the city or at school.

I also plan on being a better activist. I know people in the city that are environmentalists who do community projects like planting trees and what not. And they go all over the province, like right now my friend Lea is doing something in Owen Sound. So i'd love to be a part of that.


And mainly, If I do good with my schooling, I wanna do a road trip to B.C with my buddy's. It would be more then neat if we can somehow score a huge hippie Volkswagen van to do cross country with. Or the Mystery Machine lmfao! One modification though, Fluttershy has to be on the vinyl somewhere lol. Hippie Vans always have butterfly's and peace signs, but mine has to have Fluttershy on it to xD. Perfect van!

Well I think I blabbered on long enough. If you stuck around this long, brohoof you awesome pony /)


~Sonic...Wait...what are you *Smashes Sonic with a chair*....





Sonic :*Moaning in agony* That's not very peaceful...

SHUT UP! RAAAH!angry.png

Sonic: Okay, don't hurt me!


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