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@#$^ing READ PONY! Part 2 *WARNING, grab a drink and bring popcorn*NSFW

Twilight Circuits


First off, special thanks to those that have commented. Especially BronyHeart for the support. What I would like to say right now is to clear up a few things.

For some of you or even almost all of you, and by you i mean members of this forum, I would like to clear your confusion.

First and foremost, I haven't even been a member here a year. But the thing we should also understand is that i've been jobless since just before finding this place. While I was jobless I was trying to implement an idea that didn't work out. Now, i'm repeating myself there as I told that story elsewhere in my blog so the onus is on you to backtrack for yourself.

The very night i found this forum, was the very night that would forever change my entire life. That night I got the gift of prophecy. And that was the same night, my 3rd dna strand was activated. Now, if you've been with my entire blog so far, the things i've now mentioned will change your viewpoint if you read my entire blog. Everything that's happened here, that i've written, said, done, you name it, has all been after that event, and since the very night it happened.

I've made a few friends here. Not going to say i've made enemies, but I will say that there are some ponies that need help. Now you see, it's becuase i know that and even knew that before I came here that I was orignally trying bring an idea to fruition for you, the brony fandom. That idea, was simply to bring you the best personal development material in the world to you for free.

Now, the material that did it for me, was The Secret, and Bob Proctor's Born Rich. Born Rich is 6 DVD's 1-1.5 hours long each. You ponies won't even read a fucking blog post that takes longer then 5 minutes to read. You've proven that to me over and over and over again. I took those video's and I watched them EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR A MONTH AND A HALF!!!!!!! Without missing a day.... I don't know how much dedication you do pony for yourself but that's how much I not only love those things, but how much of a difference they made in my life. It took me from nothing, to now having the name of Christ and the Power of Prophecy.

Now before you go thinking i'm crazy just yet. Let me backtrack a little more first though. Those video's took me from having next to nothing and living with my mother, to $50,000 a year with benefits, 6 years later... But that same job was around $38k a year when i started in 2009, which shortens all of that a little to only 3 years.

Now if you're going to ask me why i don't have a job, it really is the lack of love and recognition and even lack of awareness by others, about the job I did. And it really is true I was so good at that job that it would be requested that I myself, do the work.

The idea that I was trying to implement in bringing those video's to you, I began before I got "laid off". Now, it was a big idea, and i was still working on it when the event that brought me to this forum happened. So when I got laid off, I wanted to take the time to try and work harder to bring that material to you. THEN the event happened, and poof Twilight Circuits was born. I've already told that story elsewhere in my blog so you now it's your turn to put that together for yourself.

Now obviously there's been stuff i've written online, there's been even MORE stuff, that i wrote offline. In my last blog post , I posted the business card i was working on when all of my offline stuff was taken. That's all i have now pony... Is my blog and my business card... and my water... and my ring.

Everything that could explain what happened since I arrived, was written in those note books. Hand written pony, not just something typed out on the screen you're now reading from. It was litterally ALL HAND WRITTEN. What's worse, was that i was finally putting it together in a nicely put together, ALSO HAND WRITTEN, in one of those nice metal latched books you can buy. I have a picture of it right here that I had taken for a friend before it was stolen. Inside it had all nicely color coded, hand written, scripture from not only the PMV videos, but also the scripture i see in MLP. But even most importantly, the bible... Now, i have two bibles... And even worse... is that I'm also very aware that there are 20 different versions of the bible(if I remember it right but it's more then ever needed....) So when I read passages of scripture in both bibles and I see different words in the same scriptures... IT'S NO FUCKING WONDER NONE OF YOU FUCKING BELIEVE IN ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The big "G" word or even the "E" word, were never in my vocabulary until AFTER the event i had happen to me and the same goes for the word prophecy... I will also state for the fact that I don't belong to any church except on paper. Which says Catholic btw... but what ever.

Now, i've had these bibles of mine since childhood and never did anything with them until after the event. I'm not going to get into my childhood but there's a reason obviously as to WHY I opened them up this past year...

Well guess what... the reason as to WHY was written in those notebooks I lost with my backpack. So you take Trevor Christie... you're average joe blow just trying to do what they think is good for people and try to bring it to them for free, and poof! Twilight Circuits is born... And maybe then I can mention that in the prophecy of the bible, it said he would be given a new name that no one else knows but him. Which in this case would be Twilight Circuits. Now, I have a real big problem right now... and that is since I already have the gift of prophecy, I'm really aware of whom I am and we're in the now, and not then.... and i've lost everything that could catch you up to how I know who I am and could prove it... I'm sure that you can't even fathom or imagine the pain i'm in right now... because of not only because of the prophecy I've fulfilled, but also becuase of the prophecy that is still WAITING TO BE FULLFILLED.

Now if you're still with me pony or whom ever you are, thank you for still reading... But when it comes to what to do right now... I'm sure you can understand me just as much the next pony when I say "Where would you like me to start?" Well, it's just like the prophecy of the bible said pony... time... is a very big issue right now... Cause if you weren't watching... then you should have been pony.... you should have been....

I'm not a tyrant, or evil, or anything like that. I don't belong to any organized groups of ANY KIND. And when I mean ANY KIND I FUCKING DAMN WELL MEAN ANY ORGANIZATION!!!!!!! I'm not a terrorist of any kind, I don't have a criminal record, I'm not wanted for anything. And if there's one thing that i don't have, is the distractions that a lot of people do. I don't have a wife, or girlfriend, or kids, so the one thing that I did in fact have WAS TIME. Time to study, time to write, time to think and I can't even tell you how much time I've put in pony it's that much time... While all of you were were saying you were too lazy or procrastinating, or EVEN FUCKING BORED PONY!!! YOU JUST WON'T PUT EFFORT IN LIKE I DID!!!! ..... And it makes me cry pony.... I can't even begin to tell you how much it makes me cry, pony... I've even cried over things that you can't even imagine yet because you're not me.

I want you to do better. I want you to think better, I want you achieve your dreams, I want you learn how to love each other, I want you stop lieing to each other, I want you to stop hurting each other, I want you to know how much pain and suffering i went through and go through... so that no one else has to...

I want you to know how your mind works, I want you to know the truth about emotions and the soul, I want you to know all of the things that made me whom I am, because that would be the truth. My knowledge is way to high to even begin to start right now. It was all in those notebooks, pony... all in those notebooks... and yet you can't give a single pony like me any of your time....

Now you see, since I never attended church regularly, that also mean that I have never been succumbed to religious bullshit doctrine that currently exists out there right now... So when the holy spirit of God comes down, I'm going to say, that i'm very certain that it would also bring with it much.... much.... knowledge.... knowledge that no longer exists because someone stole it.... however... I do still have it in my head... and at the very least, I shared with you what it is that made me whom i am. One of the most important fundamentals is also this thing called choices. I made choices, I used my reason, I used my analytical skills and got results that I wanted. Now you'll note that i may not have millions of dollars but the gift I have, not a single rich person in this world could ever have ever obtained.

I want to give it to you... So you'll have to invite me to your church... but there's only so much time in your day that could be put in... look at how much explaining I already have to do, pony. So the chances are pretty good that if you invite me to your church (since I don't belong to it) that first, you'll witness a miracle, and that is Spike. That's right, I said Spike. As in like Twilight Sparkle had a dragon named Spike. Except the one i've seen, (had a vision of) is red, not purple. And at first only I can see him. Now, I didn't make him (so if you not up to snuff on Tulpa's, that's not my fault either pony)so when he shows up, it will definately be not only a miracle to you and seem impossible, it also seem like magic if I Christen you with the power of your choice and THEN YOU CAN SEE HIM TOO! I don't know if he shows up at the first church that invites me,or the second, or the third. But if there's one thing i DO know for sure, that there is this thing called inevitability, as I also wrote that in my blog at the beginning, and therefore, there's some things that aren't a matter of IF, it's a matter of WHEN. So if you took this thing called SCRIPTURE, maybe you'll understand it AND my story just a little bit better then you did before.

So you don't go to church, or you don't believe. Well, that's one of the reason's why we have so much problems today, is that when it comes to believing in something, how about we understand how much fear I had to overcome in order to come out to the public and say "Hi..." and "Surprise..." and "Like a Ninja!" (you know the song) "Here today, gone tomorrow, but you'd have to walk a thousand miles in my shoes, just to see, what it's like, to be me, how about you? Let's trades, just to see what it'd be like to feel your pain, you feel mine, go inside each other's mind, just to see what we'd find, and look at it from each other's eyes."

So how much is my gift going to cost you, pony? Well you see, when it comes to this thing called greed, I know what I need to live. I don't need to hoard BILLIONS OR EVEN MILLIONS OR EVEN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS to be comfortable. Happines isn't having a million dollar vase nor is it even technically fun. I'd rather buy $200 radio control car and race some other bronies.

We don't live in a world today where I could get on a horse and travel the country side and camp out anywhere and let the horse graze with no money at all. That's not the society we have built today. It's obviously going to cost me money to come to your church. There's nothing I can do about that unless either A) you pay for me to come, which may have to happen depending on how far your church is from where I live, or you give me what I want.

If you think i'm just going to demand whatever it is I want, then you don't know how much I know about this things called REASON. This gift that I have for you, NO AMOUNT OF MONEY IN THE WORLD COULD HAVE POSSIBLY BOUGHT. So when it comes to this thing called questions... I have to ask myself, who in the world EVEN DESERVES THIS GIFT that I can give you. And don't think that I don't want to give it to you I do... But if we can't acknowledge the time I spent in making it a possibility, then when it comes to the price I should charge for this gift.... I am seriously almost at a loss.... Because, I've already lost a lot... I've already put time in, in more ways than one. There's millions of you but only one of me.

I watch and see how the world treats itself. I see all the hatred, I see all the lies, I see all the hurt, and all the pain, all the suffering, and if you think for one fucking second that you are going to pin all that on me, YOU CAN'T!... because I didn't make those choices, but when it comes to the world giving me pain in more ways than one, you haven't heard my life story, pony. I haven't lied to you then, and i'm not lieing to you now. So when it comes to me, you are either A) going to have to start from the very first post I made on this forum, and put it on chronological order and/or B) Simply let me speak somewhere and shutup and listen to what I have to say, and pray that Spike shows up and distracts me from getting overly emotional and angry. (btw the vision i had he belched out a letter from Celestia and the vision ended before i could read it to the end but it said that I needed to grab Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, whom ARE in fact, real friends of mine. Same goes for the rest of the Mane 6 for that matter. They also live no where close to me, so take note of that.) Now you see, when it comes to things like that, it would be hard to believe and you'd probably say that I was making that up. No, the truth is, I was thinking of something completely different as there IS no reason for me to make that up, so basically, my thought's get forcely interupted and things like that, put in it's place. Now WHY I would have that vision, pony, is VERY SIMPLE. I want to have fun just like anyone else. I'm sure it would be fun for you to see Spike regardless of what you have always believed. Not only that, I don't see why you could blame me for wanting to have fun. Fun being travelling around and seeing different places, and experiencing new things. If there's anything that I can at least say, that there isn't a damn soul alive today that can't say that I'm not bringing something new to the table "so-to-speak". The only problem, you have ever had, is your limited imagination and limited awareness level and that isn't my fault, it's always been yours. I keep trying to treat you with love and respect, and honesty and teach you good things, because that's whom I am. When it comes to this things called judgement, the world judged me, my entire life. So when it comes to overcoming barriers like it says in the scripture, you really should hear parts of my life story so that when it comes to the kind of person you are, you'll understand the kind of person I WAS. HOW I became whom I am, and WHAT I am going to do. Which is eventually change into a girl. Cause it's DNA ACTIVATION, pony, and it really can go poof at any time.

Now, before you go calling me crazy on the DNA thing. I would like you to know that exactly one year ago, I knew nothing of this. Zero. Zilch. Nadda.... So if you are going to ask me why I believe that, well... when it comes to WHO says ANYTHING, I would first look at the authority figure that mentions it. Well, strangly enough, the biggest name to talk about the symptoms, was a Princess in China, and I remember seeing her video talk about the symptoms. I had nearly all of the ones that she mentioned, however, I no longer remember what those symptoms were (as it's been a year), but I definitely know, that doctors treat symptoms mostly and not the cause. So there's probably a pretty good chance YOURS might be activated as well but you thought you were coming down with a sickness or something and took something for it. Now I'd like you to respect the fact that was not my video, so it came out even before a year ago. I know your probably wondering just as much as I am, WHY we haven't heard anything about it on the news. Well, I don't control the networks obviously so you can't blame me. But that doesn't mean I wasn't watching and seeing what's going on out there. Why weren't you, pony?

Sometimes, when you need knowledge, you're going to have to seek it out. I've had people laugh at me for seeking more knowledge in one way shape or form. I've never laughed at you pony, I've laughed with you. But there's more times where I can't help but simply shake my head or just sit here and have a good cry... because I tried to tell you in one way or another.

One, I've already prophesied on the forum that I turn into a girl and few times at that, and not a single one of you either noticed or said anything. Frankly, I'm astounded no one said anything. Now, what I'm saying is true, it is searchable here on the forums somewhere. Now prophecy works, by saying something and then either seeing it happen or getting a confirmation that it's going to happen or having a vision which is a thought you would not normally see, in your mind.

Now, when it comes to the scripture i have written, you should realise that there is a lot more truth to it than meets the eye. It really does relate to real worldly things. This is also not the first time I've mentioned this either. It's also one of the very reasons that I'm not only shocked, but also extremely disappointed that no one pays it any attention. Let alone asks a single question about it. I don't know of a single other pony in the fandom that writes what I see in the episodes of My Little Pony. I seriously thought that it would warrant more attention than it's ever gotten, so far. Especially considering I was not aware of MLP for two whole years before joining the fandom. So when Season 3 hit, it was on a whole different level. Why else do you think I asked you about Spike At Your Service? Because I wanted an answer pony.

Well, curiosity got the better of me for some reason, so I decided to write the scripture I see in Equestria Girls. And it is thus as follows.

As Taken From My Little Pony: "E"questria Girls


The light of the moon

The light of the sun

See's above all

Stationed above thee

For something had come

Leaving thy little pony and friends

This apple, Jack, walked with Twilight

For thou has love Most High

For Twilight felt all emotions

From love Most High to fear Most Below

For as Above

So Below

For thy little pony will transform

We've all been there

Some more then others

For this apple, Jack, says "fear not."

Everything is going to be "TWILIGHT!"

For it is a rarity

To be see without ones crown

For the Beast keeps it safe

For Twilight is aware

Twilight needeth to learn how to fly

For Twilight is a princess

For if one had a crown like that

It would be too much drama

thus, causing embarrassment

thus causing worry

thus questioning leading thy kingdom


So what does all that mean? Well, if you haven't been paying attention to my story thus far... maybe now you'll understand my pain when i remind you my years worth of work was stolen. Well, whatever happens, there's some things that ARE in my power, and then there's some things that ARE NOT in my power. For thy little pony will transform. Prophecy confirmation from Celestia and Luna right there, so it's not a matter of IF it's a matter of WHEN to me. Prophecy of different kinds can happen at different time periods then the times that were given. So basically they don't have a cronilogical order necessarily.

So let's talk about these Powers anyways. I've mentioned them before if you've been paying attention. Now I'll also mention the water. Why else do you think it said in the bible that I would bearing the water glass. Because it would be the way I give my gift to you. So the water that I have some might say is a little bit more special then regular tap water. I first had to get a distiller and since money is tight it took me a few months to get it. But I got the idea and PERSISTED. Then after distilling the water, it was left over night to catch the moonlight, and rays of the sun in the morning. Then, I add a touch of Himalayan Pink Salt which is the purest mineral salt one can find. Finally, I run a variety of audio frequencies including my original Scripture video through the bottle, and that is all. The Celestia and Luna Pony Power Prayer get's done at the time of the Christening. But if even I myself can feel a difference drinking it, I'm sure if you made some yourself, you too would feel an even bigger difference then I did which i can't guarantee but I'd love to hear feedback on it for anyone else willing. I'm on a different vibration frequency and haven't had anyone else try drinking it but there's the recipe, pony. Have at 'er. It's also obviously takes time to make so, I don't keep making it for the sake of it, I've only ever made what I need, so right now I only have one single bottle which has replaced the one that was stolen. (I wonder if the thief drank it... )

Now, I'm sure you can understand the problem I have when I can't bring liquids on airplanes. So that right there severely limits my ability to travel with my one bottle of Holy water. I love to drive and I would not be lieing if I said that I personally would find it fun to travel around Canada and the US driving all around. I can see bronies from all around, I can visit churches, I'm even willing to say let's stream the church visits so that any church that wants to hear me speak, can simply tune right in, live on the internet. Now, if Spike really does show up at some point, all I can possibly say is that is going to be one crazy adventure. Especially when he barfs up his first letter from Celestia. IF you think I have a hard time with that one... I'll let you decide that one...

At any rate... we need to talk about the rate... as in the price of my gift... Now, if I wanted you to understand my gift to you, I would obviously HAVE TO put in the most simple terms that you could understand. I really don't know what you do for a living... you do anything for your living... but if you wanted to be better at what you do, then this is your ticket. If you believe that I'm saving your soul pony, you should know that I already did that on the spiritual plane, but that doesn't mean you have a one way ticket to ponyville, but if you want Celestia and Luna to be the judge of that but want to increase your chances of that happening, then picking the Soul Wish Of The Girl, would be your best option, cause if you think that Celestia and Luna couldn't make your life better in one way shape or form, I remind you that I do wear this thing called a pony tail that is my faith in "Most High" *points to sky* so don't even begin telling me that I have no faith. But don't forget that season 4 is just around the corner, so I have no idea what scripture could come out of that... but Swarm of the Century has been sounding pretty interesting lately... and didn't the bible talk about a plague of locusts'? I know I already did. Remember that it's just a matter of when, and not a matter of IF, so I've been almost dieing to have a good laugh for a while.

However, I regret to inform you that there are some things that I don't find very funny at all. First of all, it's my age... I know I look like i'm 37 years old because i physically am. I know most of you bronies are in your teens. IF you think for a second that it doesn't make me feel awkward pony, you have no idea. So first off, let me give my apologies to the Vancouver Brony club. I'm not afraid to discuss it because if they've been reading these past couple of blog posts, they know exactly what I'm talking about. I already have a hard time since I don't have a Nintendo DS or a working laptop or iPad. But what I have to share takes more time then a single glance at a picture that took an hour to draw as you show the person you're sitting next. But I sit there with a years worth of work just dieing to talk about it but I sit there and I listen and I listen to people that have more potential in them then they ever thought. As a matter of fact, I'm doing what I'm doing because that's how much potential I actually have. I mean, the things I could teach you, would probably astound you. How about we start with this fact, that when it comes to love, maybe you can understand me and Twilight Sparkle. Because that's how young my soul really is. And that would be the Power of God's love for a single individual that overcame barriers of various kinds. When I was barely 3 years old, I had beer bottles smashed over my head as well as cigarettes pushed into my chest. Proof of this is in my scars. Now you see, I've developed enough awareness to understand that kind of trauma at such a young age prevents the soul from growing, but not experiencing. A soul does not grow without love. So if you take the age of my soul staying at the age of three, there's an entire differentiation spectrum growing up physically. So cliff notes version would end with my soul being that of a girl and aware of that fact. That doesn't mean I'm going to act like child, but if you understand anything about My Little Pony and me, then there's a better picture for ya.

I'm not calling you one, what I'm saying, and I say this to anyone reading... Recognition for doing what would seem the impossible and living a true path and studying is when your light bulb goes on after saying MLP was made by "Most High" for THIS *(points to Twilight Circuits) Twilight Sparkle. Why else do you think I love it as much as I do? Cause it's a gift that no amount of money could buy. So If you think I don't know a single thing about love pony... No... I know everything about it., you have me to thank for My Little Pony, more then you might realize or even thought possible.

That's why I believe in Celestia and Luna as true deities, because to a young soul, I know what they look like as from a logical perspective it's a representational form chosen by them, and if you remember Lesson Zero, where Twilight makes everyone fall in love with that doll and Celestia cleans it's all up, it translates to: Thou shall not love false idols 'lest Twilight get in trouble with Celestia so I dont' want that kind of heat if you know what i mean. You'd probably think that I could then ask for anything... no. First they are not voices in my head, if you're hearing voices in your head, please get help. When it comes to performing magic like the last so-and -so supposedly had, let me quote Twilight to you from Winter Wrap up. "What will I ever do without my magic but help the earth pony way, I wanna belong so I must do my best today." So I'll coincide that with the water I need to give you the gift of your choice. So put two and two together pony, and dive into the scripture further, you'll find that there's alot more truth to it then you'll ever realise. There's some things even I have to earn, but what I have to earn is what seems magical to you, like Spike. Spike would be a gift from Celestia and Luna provided I've given enough gifts. Those that never saw him will be able to see him next time they see me (whenever he shows up that is) . So technically speaking, you're doing yourself a disservice by NOT getting one of these gifts, because I might not be in your area again and if I am, then you won't be able to see Spike while others can. Not to mention, there's no telling you how much my gift regardless of what you believe, will mean to you. Since I dont' know what you're good at, or what you do, I already know and have faith in it because it's what helped me. Your sort of getting a jump and boost in creative thinking power. But I know what some of you are also thinking. What If you've been bad? That's what's so special about my gift, pony. It's not my place to judge you entirely either as a single person or group of people. But that doesn't mean that I don't have issues of my own or opinions of my own.

When it comes to the behavior of people I don't need to go very far. Whether it's in person, or on the internet. So when it comes to telling certain groups of people out there things. What do you want me to say? Well, if all I need is lightning, with power and might, striking the down the prophets of false (aka the Vatican) and Celestia and Luna sneak in a different scene in Spike At Your Service that translates to "If the beast wishes to save itself from the timber of the wolves and seek holiness through the tree of knowledge, it will fall before THIS *points to Twilight Circuits* pony, for this apple, Jack, ain't far from the Tree of Knowledge for I have the ELements Of Harmony In Me and thou sits atop the wealth of the world." (Please keep in mind that IS from Season 3 which was after Twilight Circuits was born and two seasons came out before that.)

Now, if you're going to ask me why that is, ask yourself this question: Who do you think isn't in the bible but tries to claim to be an authority figure on God and spirituality? The simple answer: those behind the Vatican. Put in more simpler words and terms, it's Celestia and Luna telling them directly that THEY DON'T KNOW JACK FUCKING SHIT AND THAT MY KNOWLEDGE HAS SURPASSED THEIRS TO LEVELS THAT THEY THEMSELVES DON'T WANT TO BEGIN FUCKING WITH OR CELESTIA AND LUNA WILL GIVE THEM MORE THEN THE CRACK OF THUNDER AND FLASH OF LIGHTNING, THEY'LL SOON TURN THEM INTO HOLY SWISS FUCKING CHEESE FOR THOU ART BEHAVING LIKE FUCKING ANIMALS!!!!!!!! And ELOHIM, is ancient hebrew, for God. So take the ELements Of Harmony from MLP, then you might start understanding it a little better.

That would be why they were so quick to elect another Pope after the last Pope, Jean Paul II. I was watching when JP was elected. And if I recall, it took almost a month behind closed doors to elect him. Well, it only took a week for them to elect Pius. They did the song and dance and the smoke and basically alot of fucking bullshit that does nothing anymore because they knew something big happened and they know why JP resigned. That's because I defeated the Devil using nothing but the power of my own mind. Why else do think JP looked like the dark lord of the Sith empire? But if you look at him after Twilight Circuits was born, you'll notice that his complexion has changed. So the real reason I believe JP resigned is because he is scared shitless, because he is no longer host to the Supernatural forces, and is praying he won't be around to find out what happens when you know the truth. That also means that when it comes to me, they know exactly how scared they all should be. Because they too, know that the Power of Prophecy, is the Power of God. So if you are going to ask me what they really do behind the scenes, they study the supernatural and spirituality. So when Celestia and Luna tell them I'm not far from the Tree of Knowledge, It's how they (Celestia and Luna) give me something to pass on the message that a complete stranger that no one knows, (which would be me) knows more then they do. That's also one of the reasons why other groups of people out there are wondering why their Idol isn't answering their call. Well, I have an answer for them. That's because they favor only one person right now, and that would be me. Take the owl in MLP for instance. There's people that worship Molok, whom is mentioned in the bible as being one of the Gods. Well, why don't i just point out the behavior of the owl in MLP and you'll begin to understand WHO that group of people should be listening to when they need this thing called direction. Cause when Celestia and Luna share the truth with me about those kinds of groups actions.... that's a group of people that should also be a little scared when it comes to knowing what their actions have been. *que PMV - NOT AFRAID*

Another good example of what Celestia and Luna think about groups of people, one just needs to take a look at the Cutie Mark Crusaders Episode Babs Seed. The initiation ritual near the end of the episode translates to: For thy rediculous rituals and list of names should be thrown away. So when it comes to groups that have long drawn out "Initiations" I have never done any so when it comes down to it they do next to nothing and have zero meaning for me because things like those have no meaning when it comes to this thing called order and the greater benefit for mankind. For example, if I wanted a Brony to be able to share the power of their choice, I have no issues with that. But I've done alot to be able to do the things I do and put in a lot of effort and time. I dont' think it's unfair for me to say that if you aren't willing to wear a Pony Tail, and make a silver ring like mine, and make the holy water, then why should I give you the right to pass the gift on? I won't deny you the gift, but IF you can remotely understand the effort I've put in for you in just the last year alone, maybe now you can understand me why I'm so upset someone stole my work. Because that wouldn't be an act of Celestia or Luna, that be someones personal free will choice as a result of a world made by people obsessed with ridiculous things that serve only themselves behind closed doors.

I have no intention of doing things like that in secret. IF a brony does in fact put all of those things together and prove it to me, I have no problem throwing a video on Youtube up of my acknowledging their right pass on the gift of their power. Because then that would make my life easier and not to mention, only a brony would most likely wear a Pony Tail to begin with. That would also mean that when Spike shows up, they would be able to see him and any person they passed their gift on to would as well. But I realise that if a single brony with only one power is in one area, I don't recommend getting it anyways if it's not the power you want. I really strongly caution you against that. IF you wanted the Power of Celestia but took the Power of Luna simply because that brony had it, you're going to have a bad time because it's not the energy or effect you desired in the first place, and I seriously don't want to go around trying to clean up messes like that, I have better things to do with my time then dealing with your childish irresponsibility and selfish desires.

A brony that wants to pass on their gift has to wear a tail in accordance to their chosen power. So if you've seen the business card, the Power of Christ would be a white tail with a blonde streak, The Power of Celestia or the Power of Luna would be the colors of their corresponding tails, The Soul Wish of The Girl would the Twilight Sparkles tail, and the Dipcord, would be a green tail with white and yellow streaks. Mine is a rainbow tail for many reasons. First being that God's covenant was the rainbow, the second was seeing prophecy fullfilled when lightning struck the Vatican. Now if you don't know anything about what prophets do, they establish seals after witnessing their relationship with God Most High. Because it means their work means everything and establishes their relationship together. That's why I can see the work of Celestia and Luna in things that you would not normally see. I should mention that in the bible, Prophecy is one of the most sought after gifts amungst other things of which I also have. So My blog should also start making a little more sense to you if it seems to be all over the place and hard to figure out. If you were christened with one of my gifts, and then reread my blog from the start, much of what is written there will like magic seem to be a lot more clear. I don't know what church you belong to if any, but if you doubt that I couldn't give an awesome sermon and get into the power of the Holy Spirit, you haven't yet given me the chance as of this writing, this isn't yestercentury after all. There fore, there really is alot more meaningful modern music that doesn't even have to mention dieties at all for it to have more meaning then you might actually realise.

The ring has to made of silver. Period. Although mine isn't perfect, I still made it by hand using what tools I had. I'm no master when it comes jewelery making and I can't afford to do anything fancy and I know you can't either pony but my ring has actual meaning to it. I have a picture from my notes before they were stolen out of my truck So here, take a look. It's the Sun, the Moon, which are the Twilight Princess Gods of ELOHIM, you have the symbol of the girl (my spirit) with Luna above, and lastly, the last of the cross I ever want to see period. Not because I'm anti-christ, no because I AM the Christ. And the Vatican knows exactly WHY and WHAT I'm talking about when I say that it's going to be the last of it. So if you want answers, I'll let them have the pleasure of answering you on that one, and if they're stumped, then you can remind them half the of the brony community witnessed the scene in which I've mentioned numerous times. So If they want proof it exists, there's plenty of bronies that should come forward. Then there's the fact that Fluttershy saw the same scene because we watched it together on Skype that day.


So if you have to save up money to buy the silver needed, then you know what it means to really achieve a goal and create something and earning the right to do something. If you're going to ask me if you try sharing your gift without the ring or my say so, I'm not going to tell you that I can stop you, I can't. You make your own choices, but it would be a poor one to make because it's telling me, Celestia and Luna, that you have no respect for the work of others. So it would not surprise me if your gift card, some how disappears. Don't bother coming to ask me for a new one. I gave you a warning right here and right now so take responsibility by simply not performing those actions in the first place. Thankyou. I'd like to mention that since uploading a video of a brony that has the right to pass on their gift, puts that in the Official catagory. So if you ever have doubts, you should be able find their video online which would confirm they are allowed, but also that brony should tell you exactly where to find it. Under Twilight Circuits Youtube account. If I need to put them elsewhere I'll say so if the time comes. But as of this writing, no one has been officially sanctioned except me. Which is kinda unfortunate cause time is a big issue with my book stolen from my truck. I can only pray that Celestia and Luna help that poor pony, cause he kinda forced my hand in coming out and saying hi to the world. I'm not breaking any laws fulfilling prophecy from the bible nor am I breaking any laws by sharing information.

You might feel that I have been keeping all of this a secret from you but I'm afraid the answer would be no. IF you think i'm joking, maybe you should start with my introduction thread, and read the bold words only. You'll also note there's a blog post or two with bolded words as well.

So let's get back to price for a moment. I honestly don't know how much time I have left, some things really are up to Celestia and Luna. However, I'm repeating to you that I have been on Unemployment for nearly a year, and I took the dedication and the time during this last year to bring it you. I don't want to lose what I currently have because without them I wouldn't be able to bring this gift to you. I don't have enough to eat right, my teeth need like $40k in work, I can barely make my truck payments becuase my Unemployment has ran out and I don't know where rent is coming from right now. So I don't think it's unfair from me to even remotely say I know the Power of Sacrifice down to the wire. I also know this thing and because i wrote it, the Law of Philanthropy (which is in my profile and has been for quite a while pony so keep that one in mind) So therefore, I really don't think that it's unfair for me to ask for $20 once for your whole lifetime. I'm not going to make you pay week after week, I'm not greedy. I don't need a million dollar home or million dollar car (but the Porsche Panamera 4S so I can travel with my friends, I would looove to have.) because what good would those even do me when I'm on the road coming to see you. When it comes to ripping people off, I don't play that game, and neither should a brony with the honour of being able to give the gift as well. So I do infact establish each christening regardless of giver, is $20 once and only once. You get a card like the one the in the previous blog post as your receipt. What that card gets you in the future I haven't seen or decided yet. But I know if I wanted to have a big party that might last 2 and half days and wanted to invite bronies from all around the world, that would be your ticket, and i just might have the money to help you come. But we also need to understand that it also cost me money to print those cards out and for this first while, I actually have a limited amount of these cards. Therefore, if you have one of these cards and it's empty because I already am aware of the their existence beforehand, that's probably because I came to your church and you turned me away and are reading this right now. And if that's the case, I don't know who you believe you pray to, but you might just have a second chance in your hands... *cue meme-pic: IF you know what I mean....* I just have to think about you, and if you don't know what the prophecy of the bible said, that means you haven't been doing your job, and that's not my fault. I came, tried to say hi and explain, so if you know other pastors, priest or church goers, you might wanna get in touch with them and let them know that you may have missed your chance at anything special or magical you'll never get anywhere else. It said thou should have been watching and i've already met a couple pasters that not only had no idea what the prophecy in the bible was, but they also didn't see the signs of it in the world. It all been there pony, the horns were sounded, the dead animals everywhere, oh yeah it was all there. Still might be if you search for it. But If I have to fill you in on that too... you think your job is tough... I'm just getting started with what I've got and doing all I can.

So when it comes to certain things, there are some things that i should in fact mention. There in fact things I am NOT interested in. I'm not interested in parades of choir boys holding candles, or any ceremonious garbage that serves no purpose what so ever. I'm not interested in kissing your baby, (or anything remotely what you might come up with on that kind of front) or sticking coins in your mouth (WTF IS THAT EVEN SUPPOSED TO DO YOU IDIOTS!!! YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE THAT COIN HAS BEEN!!!) or stand in the street preaching by myself, no. If anything I'd rather have a little chat about love and tolerance because if you think I dont' know that we need more of that out there.... you don't know my story pony... you don't know my story. But I can do it in a way that will at least be interesting and refreshing and when it comes to "good" material, I'm sure you understand me when I say, I have lot's to talk about and so little time just like you. You have your own life to live and your own responsibilites, and your own choices to make, but if there's anything I'd like, is for you to at least give me the chance instead of argueing with me, because that's what all of you seem to love to do, is argue, even when the truth is sitting right in front of you in person. I know I'm not even remotely close to what you imagined I would be, and I can't do anything except apologise that I didn't live up to the expectations that you had. But a part of me would like to believe that if you heard my life story, you would understand me a lot better. It's why it's called testimony and why there's these things called witnesses that would confirm my story as well as evidence.

So when it comes to those things, I know where i have been, and that is nearly right here (when online)so creating accounts that i don't have anywhere on any social media apps are not ones that I created nor endorse. Nor do I plan on opening accounts there either. When it comes to distractions, those kinds of things are your own deception and were not mine to begin with and I have better things to do with my time, which may be running out in one way shape or form. So right now, my fair being is your fair being. Meaning Twilight Sparkle is kinda in your hands to help out right now, and I have a gift that some might call, a god-send, regardless of what you believe. And right now I'm living on next to nothing and I'm not asking for much so if you missed your chance, you may never get a second one. But if you think I'm out to harm anyone, that would be no. That's why I'm not scared of you, cause I'm harmless, I shouldn't have to carry weapons, or have body guards, or worry about being taken because I'm not only not doing anything wrong, but I would want nothing more than your love anyways, despite how much I've already tried to give you, whether it's the fandom, believers, non-believers, friends, family, whatever. "Judgeth not, a pony that loveth their craft, for that pony understandeth love." If you're carrying those things or have those things, I'm not out to hurt you so you shouldn't be out to hurt me either. But if you've hurt others and think seeing me and getting one of these gifts even if you pay for it, will bring you redemption, not quite. You're treatment of me however, might get you a little closer. So if you want Celestia and Luna's blessing, whatever that may be, simply google: EMPowernetwork Twilight Circuits and read that blog. I've double checked pony and it only takes twenty minutes to read the whole thing, but pay attention to the signup blog post. You want a little boost to your life, it's only going to cost you $25 a month, and if your more business savvy then I am, you can now make more money then what you're actually giving me because it is a business opportunity as well. You don't have to do anything with the business opportunity if all you want to do is tithe the $25 a month, but you can't tell me that on top of Celestia and Luna's blessing, you don't have an open door for opportunity if you chose to take it and leave behind a lifestyle you would rather not do. So yeah, technically i'm using a system already setup to for you to help me, but it's also a system that can help you too. I simply have a different set of skills but this kind of setup keeps it all above board with no cheating of any kind or breaking of any laws. I have enough faith to say that the longer you tithe, the better. I'll be able to afford to send you a miniture version of the tail that matches the power of your choice. Receive that, and Celestia and Luna may even activate your 3rd dna strand based upon the power of your choice. Cause the better I start doing, the better we all start doing.

I've met people in rough circles and heard a lot of stories, including knowing that simply hanging out with that person to hear their story could have gotten me killed for just being with him should the wrong kind of people show up. So if you think I don't take risks to learn things, that should give you a good example of things I've done that the very leaders you elect probably would never do. That's one of the reasons we never like a lot of the choices they make. Because their education comes from money, and not by living and working right beside you with the awareness level I have. It's one of the things that makes me special that way.

Even though that's the case, that doesn't mean I want to hold political positions or sit in that rediculous chair in the Vatican. My place IS beside you telling you why things could be much better then they currently are. My place IS beside you sharing with you my knowledge. But there has to be a trade off, pony. I can't help being whom I am any more then you can, even if whom I am and what I do is impossible for you to believe or seems to magical for that matter. But if I you see me out there with a bag, it probably has everything I need to give you the power of your choice if you have $20. So don't be shy if you want one of these gifts. As for the Dipcord, there really isn't a lot say other then there's fun discord that doesn't hurt anybody. You'll just have to share with me what happens. But I'm sure Celestia and Luna could show you a few things.

So where do we go from here? What point should I be saying goodbye or hello? that would probably depend at what point in time you're reading this blog entry. Well, just look at the posting date vs the date you're reading this, and let's fill in the gap. You're card blank or filled? Or do you want or have a card at all? I'm here or out there either way and haven't left the ground yet, pony. And I'd love to see Spike a lot more then you think cause with the things you expect from a single soul, the world is a lot more lonely then I think you realize. I feel invisible more of the time really. But that doesn't mean I haven't awoken or taken control, I have. That's why I put that video in my first blog entry or did you not follow my instructions? Especially on entry 2.

Sorry for the long post. Since I have no internet right now, I've pretyped it all out over the course of a few days to at least catch you up to speed even if only a little. But invite me to your church, I just might have some REAL "good" stories to share, I'll have excellent knowledge that could benefit anyone regardless of belief, I might even dance a little to some "good" music for a change, much better than those boring church hymns. Since someone stole all my work, all I can say is I'm working with what I've now got, even if to you, it seems like magic.

And by the way, I was born January 30, 1976. Which makes me an Aquarian. So, welcome to the new Age of Aquarius, pony. *cue PMV - Radioactive


the cover of my book: blogentry-9097-0-41521400-1376281167_thumb.jpg


Next Post: http://mlpforums.com/blog/358/entry-6418-ing-read-pony-part-3-grab-a-drink-safe-for-work/

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