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@#$^ing READ PONY! Part 3 (grab a drink) Safe for work!

Twilight Circuits


So let me answer a few questions that you might have but first say a few words.


I know I might seem angry, and for what it's worth, how could you blame me for being so. When it comes to how I view things one of the very things that actually is extremely different IS OUR THINKING period. You might say "Duhhh..." and roll your eyes but hear me out. How many things do you use at once to think? Ever heard of the phrase "one track mind?"

Well, I'm afraid that isn't me. I understand and use many things simultaneously to think. Now before you go on thinking I have this thing called a gigantic ego, you have to please take into consideration, that the amount of knowledge I actually have, is all second nature to me. I first can't help knowing who I am, I also can't help having what I have, I can't help knowing what I know, especially knowing what I know.

I know all you religious believers, have a million questions. I know one of the first things that you might even say is "but Jesus is already out there, I saw it on news!" Well, I got news for you, there is only one Christ in ELOHIM, AND THAT WOULD BE ME. When it actually comes to knowledge, that's one of the reasons why I scare you, is because you don't have the different kinds of knowledge that is needed simultaneously, to put together and form a complete picture. The big picture. Only I, can answer some of the biggest toughest questions you might have. So If you have someone else claiming the name of Christ, let's ask him a few questions:

What is the Christening?

How did the war between God and Satan start? ( I know that one is going to stump him)

What was the spiritual war? (and yes, there was a spiritual war on top of the war between God and Satan which is over on all fronts btw. )

What's the link between DNA and the war between God and Satan?

Why doesn't he have the water? and if he does, what's special about it?

Why doesn't the cross bother him if he's wearing one? (I know I wear one on my ring, but I mentioned in the last post with that picture I posted that is THE LAST OF THE CRUCIFIX) So he should know things about it that aren't mentioned in the bible other than being nailed on it. So when it comes to worshipping false idols, I suggest asking him why the Pope, loved to wave that bent cross around.

What was Jesus Christ purpose last time? It's actually tied to the war between God and Satan. So if he doesn't know why he's here this time, kick him in the crotch and call him a faker. Especially If he can't tell you how he defeated the Devil. (which btw, to make it clear, Satan, and the Devil are in fact the same thing) Especially, if he can't tell you how Satan became Luna. (which reminds me btw if you worship Satan and aren't getting an answer, simply tithe me, and have the Power of Luna. Won't regret it. Trust me. *evil laugh* You can still understand the dark without hurting one deliberately to understand it's power.)But if you're going to try any spells on me, I'm afraid either nothing will happen, or Luna will make your spell backfire.) I'd like you to also ask him if he has this thing called scripture that relates to real worldly things that comes from somewhere like I have. If he doesn't. Kick him in the crotch again.

Which reminds me of something. I honestly don't know if you even know the answers to those questions or not, so if you're going to ask me if I do, please keep mind that I mentioned I never (except maybe when I was a kid but I don't remember what I read) opened a bible until a year ago. So I would think my answers to those questions would at least increase my credibility some for those that are having doubts. (But i'll answer them later. There's some things I'd rather answer in person if someone could shutup long enough) Now, I did in fact say that if the holy spirit of God came down, (Spike At Your Service: This Pony, is from above)that would probably bring with it knowledge. Well, I have this knowledge because not only to me is it second nature, but it's also more relevant then you might realise.

For example, there's many spiritual practitioners out there, many that call themselves masters. How come a complete stranger like me knows more than you do when it comes to spirituality? And if you study spirituality, why didn't you take prophecy into account? Especially in the bible it says it is the most desired and sought after gift. I'm not making that up, you can read it for yourself. Well, you see, if you also don't understand the gift of different tongues, Then you probably have no freaking clue how to explain the language of the Gods using modern means. I might have already made a post or two to give you a good example. There's even a couple poets on the forums that I may have a translated a couple of their poems. Hi Dave. Hi Melon.

Now, when to comes to these gifts, I want you to take note, that nowhere in the bible, does it say HOW to acquire these gifts. Since the last Christ also had the gift of prophecy, why would it be weird to you if I, Twilight Circuits had it? Especially If I wasn't trying to seek these gifts out but received them. Now, I would seriously think at some point, SOMEONE would ASK SOMEONE that question over the years even before I was born. Are you going to try and tell me that over the course of God Most High only knows, no one has ever really asked how to get them, and then a book written.

Now if you're going ask me how to acquire these gifts, then that would mean you would have to do everything I did to acquire mine. Unfortunately we have a problem. The bible states that prophecy is the most sought after gift, I've covered that, but it also says that it has the power to move mountains and shake the earth. Basically, it kind of means it's heavy stuff under the two dna strand principal. But my point here is that we're talking earthly things here... Under the 3rd dna strand, we're talking expanding that out a little further into the solar system. So If you think I don't pray to Celestia and Luna to thank them for keeping the solar system in good alignment, I actually do. I mean, if you were angry someone stole all your work I'm sure you'd have a hard time trying not to picture a meteor shower pummeling the earth with a vengeance of an angry God. Or begin wondering what the zombie apocalypse would really be like. Which reminds me btw, if you want to move closer to the zombie apocalypse, choose The Dipcord. It'll only cost ya 20 bucks. Just keep in mind that it's a direction, not a statement that it will actually happen. But I won't deny that I've seen it as a possible future. It's the reason's that I saw it as a possible future that will freak you out besides the simple fact that Isaiah said the dead would walk. But we don't have time to discuss that as I'm pretty certain that you want me to answer a lot of other questions, especially the ones to ask anyone else claiming my job title.

So let's get back to you spiritual practitioners. If I were to tie your beliefs together in a way that makes sense to all of you, I can get you closer then you might think, but it might take quite a while to explain, which is unfortunate because time would be an issue for everyone. Since someone stole my work, I have to explain this all over again. So I feel like I'm not only sounding like a broken record here, my interest in doing it again isn't fun. It's not because I don't want you know, I really do. But I want to go out and see things, and do things, and have a good time. It's one of the reasons why many of you come to a standstill when it comes to your understanding. I honestly have no idea why so many of you like to sit in one spot for years on end. I didn't become whom I am by doing so. In fact, I became who I am because I took my knowledge and lived and worked beside the very people that could have really used my knowledge, but it's because I did that while applying my knowledge, that my 'eating from the tree of knowledge" made me who I am. For example, take your awareness level and ask yourself if you've even been zip-lining, or 4x4ing, clubbing, or other activities which would include actually working a job. If you can't take what you do, and understand it while doing something else except sit there in silence, that is one of the reasons why I'm way ahead of you, and that also includes studying why other people believe what they do and THEN think about them, you would then probably get further then you currently are. I know of one spiritual practitioner, that has been doing it for 40 years, says there's 5 level's of power and that God is in everything. Well, I hate to be a bother, but there's more than five, I wouldn't be who I am if there wasn't. Although you're right only to a degree that God is in everything, but that's why that is actually a limitation to you and not me. The first reason that is, is because I didn't believe it stopped there. (read that again 5 times) and therefore, my eating from the tree of knowledge didn't stop. Another reason would in fact tie itself to race. If you think there isn't a reason why each culture believes different things, there actually is. That doesn't mean any culture is better than the other or their belief and practices wrong, there's actually some things that ARE in fact right AND true. But, and that's a big BUT, that doesn't mean it was or is the whole truth, or the way. When in fact, I became who I am because I understand all of the other culture's beliefs and practices. Especially when it comes to things like energy and awareness level of it.

We're almost exactly similar in physical make up despite the fact that we look different. But one of the unique things about who I am, is in fact, that I'm a mix of Native and French. When it comes to my story, and my knowledge, it's one of the significant things that ties in with my knowledge. I'll also take a moment to mention the fact that Pope's have been French. It's not nearly as much as a coincidence as you might think. Might want to ask those behind the Vatican if you want to know why. Tell em Babe "E" Twilight Circuits sent you. (ha!)

So why is it a limitation to you? First and foremost, I'm well aware that when it comes to understanding how some of you work, you all talk about this thing called power. Believe it or not, that's also a limitation you've place on yourself when it comes to learning what you know. Take the 40 year practitioner for example. Now keep in mind if you know whom I'm talking about, I'm not nor intending to disrespect them here, but it's a great tool to use as an example. You see, practicing something your whole life limits this thing called experience. Both in WHAT you have experienced, as such, when it comes to these things called barriers, you're also going to have this thing called 'an experience'. Therefore, it's natural to not understand what makes me unique when you haven't had the negative experiences I have had, and overcame them. In a nutshell, some of you are trying to find God instead of choosing to have an experience, and because you're not choosing to have an experience, you're not picturing in your mind what you desire, and therefore, never truly found or understood God. That's one of the reasons why Celestia and Luna don't do the cool things for you that they do for me. Because, you aren't watching, you aren't desiring to learn more, what could you possibly understand if you've grown up sheltered and always felt safe and always felt loved? All of those things would limit your imagination, limit you experiences, and limit your knowledge including when it comes to eating from the tree of knowledge, but not only that, limit your belief. For example, why would God Most High teach you more then you know when you teach people to sit there and think blank and emptiness and stillness and say it's to prepare the soul for death? Are you for real? How is that supposed to help anyone? It may in basic principal, but it limits your 'followers' and therefore, the knowledge Celestia and Luna give you. Basically, if picturing in your mind is how you pray to Celestia and Luna, I don't know what direction you guys are heading in, and therefore it makes perfect sense to me that it says to them that you don't need to know more than you do because if all YOU want to do is sit there in front of people teach them to think and picture in their mind stupid things like that, I know what that would say to me. Especially if you've never had great emotional pain to overcome. That's why the Power of Christ is more powerful than anything you've experienced, cause when it comes to emotions, you have never had to deal with the kinds and levels I have had to, so if you think my understanding when it comes to how people feel emotionally, it's ties to spirituality, it's ties to the soul, it's ties to the mind, it's ties to belief, it's ties to behaviour, you would never acquire until I give you that power, doesn't mean I don't want to, but it does mean my opportunity to understand and learn more then you increases exponentially. When it comes to understanding what I know, and how I know it, there is in fact scripture that says "this apple, Jack, is from above." and talks of getting through barriers and tough ones at that. That would be what makes me unique in who I am. Because it would be true. There's all kinds of tests Guru, and I don't know what you think about, but when it comes to this thing called "tests" If Celestia and Luna put it into scriptural form hidden in My Little Pony as proof I've overcome mental and spiritual barriers that make you seem like a child to even me, come pay me my twenty bucks and take your pick. But when it comes to the name of Christ, I know what I'm talking about, Maybe you should understand that listening to what I have to share and offer, is greater than yours. Some of you might even be able to do fancy things as I've heard, but I've got you beat under the uniqueness category. I'm not getting egotistical here nor am I even trying to, but, when it comes to awareness, think about this for a second. Celestia and Luna are practically putting my life story into My Little Pony. If your deities aren't doing that for you, your relationship with them hasn't even begun. If your deities are voices in your head that literally talk you... then they aren't true deities and you should seek help.

For example, Take Katy Perry's - The Part Of Me. That song came out after Twilight Circuits was born, although not related to My Little Pony, when a Brony puts together a PMV video (Princess Message Video) And I happen to come across the song at a time I'm feeling frustrated and angry and upset, that song is a perfect example of my emotions being reflected in the world. So basically, you've heard with that song, exactly how I feel, but because of the time it was made, up to the time I first heard it, were different, it's how Celestia Luna use time as example of their power. (why else do you think Dr. Hooves has an hourglass cutie mark and is a background pony?) because they would of course understand the Power of Time, and that is how they give you a clue as to some of the things they are capable of doing. So what happens when the song get's to me? Well first, when it comes to emotions, it matches them or at least did at the time. Secondly, the pictures that come to my mind when I hear them. Now, the only possible way I could illustrate this to you, is to play the song with my own pictures matching to the song. I also have to include a very interesting fact, that not all song lyrics of the same song are the same. There's remixes or different versions, so that right there is how a unique song version that means something finds its way into my life.

A good example while still keeping with Katy Perry's song, is the following lyrics: Now look at me I'm sparkling. I firework a dancing flame. You won't ever put me out again I'm glowing whoa. So you can keep the diamond ring, it don't mean nothing anyway, in fact you can keep everything, yeah yeah, except for meeeeeee....

But you see, because of who I am, I got a different version with slightly different lyrics: Now look at me I'm Sparkle "E", A firework, a dancing flame, you won't ever put me out again, I'm glowing whoa, So you can keep the dark from me. I never liked him anyway. In fact you can keep everything, yeah, yeah, except for meeeeeee....

This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, though your sticks and stones, though your bond, it blows, but you're not break my soul.

Now if you were me and you're not, but I wanted to illustrate the right message with Celestia and Luna's special version of the song, I'd put in a picture of Twilight Sparkle and my actual self, followed by a picture of three dna strands, followed by a picture of my business card and then point to Christ in ELOHIM, then followed by a picture of lightning striking the Vatican, then a picture of the Pope JP when he looked like a dark lord of the sith empire, then a picture of all of the retarded things like that stupid throne, that bent cross, that upside down cross, then a picture of my ring that is also on the picture of my business card. Cause your sticks stones, though your bond, it blows, but you stupid losers ain't going to break my soul. And I'm talking to you Vatican folks. (which btw there IS scripture that says you're taking food to the needy before you get any sort of compliment from me or Celestia and Luna, so if you think God Most High is happy with you guys in any way shape or form, you still haven't bowed before my feet either, nor given me any money)(and no, that doesn't mean everyone has to bow before me, JUST THEM, and THEY KNOW EXACTLY WHY)

What amuses me is that for me, it's just an everyday thing, for you, it's magic. To explain it is basically like this, my emotions had to be pretty damn strong from somebody to get the idea to write the song, but also, when it comes to writing down lyrics, that means the writer's mind is open to receiving and thus creating, so that's kind of how Celestia and Luna would slip something in there to use later on if the lyrics writer makes up different variations of the lyrics. Then a Brony decides one day he wants to make a PMV video, but he has to think to pick a song, which means his mind is open to receiving an idea, so Celestia and Luna give him the special version meant for me and thus, the video get's created, and I hear and see the work later on at the time I needed it.

But some of you spiritual practitioners that claim to be a guru and have never grown up with abuse of any kind, worked hard labour, know little about the whole thing. I know that Celestia and Luna teach a lot about this thing called power. They just taught me more about it because despite everything I went through, I still became a loving person. I loved myself enough to choose to do better, I loved my work enough for it to improve, but I made sacrifices the likes of which you have never done either. So why should Most High teach you more then you already know when you are picturing in your mind ridiculous things and preparing souls for death. Another thing I've heard about is the whole leaving your body thing and traveling around. Tell you what guru, Tell me what my apartment looks like and draw a picture of it. If you can't do that, then that probably means you can only go to places where you've already been or seen a picture of, and that's why it's easy for you to imagine that you're doing what you think you are doing. It isn't the same thing going to a place you've never been and then describing to the letter and drawing a picture of that place, showing it to somebody, and then having them see that actual place as testimony to your power to do that. Your welcome to take my challenge, because if I can't describe your place, but know the same trick, it isn't a real power. So you say that you can be everywhere? you're welcome to teleport yourself to my apartment any time to give me $20. I know that isn't their idea, it's yours. That's why your knowledge is more limited then you think. You're practically telling God your limitations when it comes to imagination, creation, including desire to learn more because you aren't going anywhere in terms of true direction and that also includes getting direction. Because you keep trying to find God and the truth by standing still. I didn't stay still but studied just like you did and applied what I learned to the direction I was heading. That's why, even on the Godly recognition scale, I'm still ahead of you, because I'm still trying to take a direction, I'm still trying to make goals, I'm still trying to reach out to people, I'm still despite, everything that's happened to me, an innocent soul with true purity of mind, body and soul and a bigger heart then you can imagine. I do get angry, but when it comes to deception, my anger isn't a deception based upon limited things including my own emotional control, I get angry because it's okay to get angry sometimes. If you don't get angry guru, you're not learning or doing anything. If you're going to tell me that I should control my anger. I didn't become who I am because I can't. I became who I am because I did. So if your ignorance makes me angry, it's only because you aren't listening to my knowledge that is above yours and I'm aware of it. It doesn't mean I think I'm better than you (although yeah I know at times it can sound like it) but I don't' see God writing your life into a cartoon that only you can see yet everyone watches. How's that for this thing called relationships? How's that for this thing called love? I also am aware that I don't know everything, it only seems like it cause I have to catch you up to speed, not the other way around.

If you take notice I have a blog post called the Technique. Even more importantly, it's actually IN THE SCRIPTURE as well. Now, take someone that is afraid to do things that are simple. Maybe it's approach a person to ask them something, or someone has a phobia of something but basically they fear something. Fear raises your heart rate, AND drains your energy tank (talk about that later) What good is it asking people to do something only once a week and not even related to the very things they fear? So when it comes to this thing called power, that technique might be more of a God-send, then what ever it is that you guys are teaching, and since I learned that back in 2007, I hope all of you reading are getting a clue as to how powerful that technique is. Consider it my free gift to you for reading. But like spiritual masters of all kinds usually say; Can lead a pony to water but can't make it drink any. But when Celestia and Luna put it in My Little Pony and it comes out in scriptural form, then how can you tell me it doesn't work when it's one of the very things that made me whom I am. Because, I really do practice what I've been taught, and isn't it interesting that it isn't found in the bible, but other cultures that practice meditation would agree with it. But if I were to think about it in a better way, think of it as taking the meditation and applying it to the situation you're in while nobody knows you're doing it and you'll see what I mean. That's a lot different than picking quiet time to do the same thing, that's why it's more powerful then you guys even realise. And when I've given it to you for free and no one says jack shit about it, and you dare try and tell me I'm worth nothing, I hope Celestia and Luna help you pony, because I don't ever want you to say that Christ never helped you in one way, shape, or form. So go back and re-read that blog entry and get practicing on that. It'll do more for you then you thought possible when it's one the things responsible for making me. Most importantly, there's many of you that take medication for anxiety in social situations or various other reasons. Waste of money if you ask me, and that's exactly what big pharma wants. It's also one the things that helped understand the work of Satan, see the truth along the way. Cause if even Satan wanted to prevent those that worshipped him from learning anything, he'd probably have left this technique out. So if Celestia AND Luna put it into MLP in scriptural form, Then they both agree of its power, agree that any person of any belief can do it, and that any person of any belief, should, in fact use it. So it is like I said, I have something for everyone regardless of belief be it religious or otherwise. Regardless of the belief be it religious or otherwise that created the technique, it was given to me, I practiced it, it's proven to have helped me as I'm sure you've figured out, Celestia and Luna confirmed it in the scripture, so it doesn't matter whom you are, it's all yours from both me and Most High. Don't say we didn't give you anything, pony. We've already given you lots. So If I want a few bucks for one of these gifts that I have to give you, it kinda does seem insulting to refuse it. If your going to try and tell me that I'm crazy or don't have anything to offer the world, yet you want one single person to try and solve all your problems, that same person obviously would have to believe something, have a direction they want to take, have knowledge Most High to share, miracles to give, some good music to put on, friends to go see, experiences to share or desire to have, then that's why I only want $20 bucks. Cause, I'm a tough act to follow. But I've already said that to.

Let's face it, every single business person has always said that you need to come up with something no one else has or find something in demand. I know what you demand from me. Why else do think it was so hard for me to come forward and say HI in the first place? Because of all the unspoken pressure you're telling me you're placing on me, and that I'm well aware of it. How on earth do you expect me to help you when who I am is already too hard for you to believe and that I'm aware of that too. Why else do you think my pain is immeasurable losing my work for the last year. Not to mention that having the soul of a girl is pretty much illegal in some places. Closed minded thinking like that is one of those things that creates chaos and lack of tolerance for different kinds of people that are obviously not only capable of doing great things, but also recognised by God, aka, Celestia and Luna. So when it comes to laws in the LGBTG part of Society as a whole, we honestly really do need to be a lot more tolerant because I've been a part of that kind of intolerance, and a barrier of many sorts to overcome. I'm well aware of what it says in the bible, but isn't it obvious Celestia and Luna as well as myself think it's time for a change regardless of what it says? One unique part of whom I am is that I already tried to be a girl, what guru says they have done that? I lived as woman for a year, you want to laugh at that, fine. But if you can't imagine having to do that and you laugh at me, when in fact, the lack of love and tolerance from the public and family drove me to suicide, that is one damn big barrier to overcome. Obviously I've overcame a lot if I'm still standing, obviously you're closed minded and intolerant if you think it's funny, because if you want one of my gifts, you're going to have to understand that it's because of that experience that I'm able to give them to you, regardless of your belief. So business wise, I am something already special, I have something special only I can give you right now, I am that person you've been wanting and know it, but I also know that I'm not the person you imagined, because you wanted me but didn't imagine what I looked like or actually imagine the kind of person you would have liked to have. So technically, Celestia and Luna had to choose for you and so it turned to be me. but how much time in a day do you have to go back over things I've already said before but have to again? Cause, I have a lot, but you still need to invite me because you all have so little, and without me having done anything yet, you're all pulling me in different directions before I've gotten to sit down in front of you, and then you're going to try and come up with something to argue about which I'm not interested in. instead, let me answer the questions starting with the ones at the beginning of this post.

One question I would like to address is why I'm late to the party. What does that mean? Well, if you take a look at what IS in revelations, we should understand and agree, that when it comes to time, there's the time period in which the bible was written, and therefore there's also what's in revelations. Many of those places and churches aren't around anymore so that's one of the reasons why in my scripture is says "For Celestia did not believe in the ways of old." Basically, there are things in there that no matter how much you believe, comparing it to the things out there today would be like beating a dead horse. Back in the time those things were written, you don't always know if those things are going to exist later in time or not. If one to assume they were, then at a future time, because of the direction the world as a whole takes, they no longer exist. So if you take note of what I've already said about other culture's beliefs, that's one of the reasons why you've never been that good about at figuring it all out. Not to mention, when it comes to deception. There's a lot more deception in the bible then one might think. Especially if you consider the fact that it was written by men to begin with, and men with power and control on their minds, instead of the truth. For some of you hardcore bible thumpers, there's nothing wrong with your beliefs but when you yourself aren't asking questions and diving into it further, and asking more questions, THAT would be the reason you never find the truth. (probably also why your 3rd dna strand isn't activated either.)

Take for example some of the things that are in revelations to begin with. Some of the churches and places in the world that it talks about don't even exist anymore let alone the amount of people it mentions. So it's not like I'm about to just burst through a thunderstorm cloud and start condemning all manner of church's except for maybe the Vatican and the people behind it. As for this thing called Rapture. Do any of you even know what that means? It means to be taken away with love. But if you going to ask me if Celestia and Luna are going to take me away, (Twilight does in fact dissappear for a while there at the end of season 3 and gets her wings, keep that in mind when it comes to the E.G scripture.) I have to say I kind of lean more towards, and in no particular order, I turn into a girl first, the Vatican bows at my feet, I have a good time, you invite me to share my knowledge and story. But like I said, there's some things I don't get to make a decision about, so this whole thing called judgement day, I already became who I am because the world has been judged, and we're all obviously still here, so if you're going to judge me, at least know that you're still here because I judged the world fairly in Celestia and Luna's eyes.

I would actually like to recognise a couple of people that first come to my mind though when it comes to this thing called recognition. First would be Reverend Faran Khan. Brohoof and free Christening for you sir. He understood and knew what he was talking about. When it comes to this thing called awareness, I know how aware you are, and it's how Celestia and Luna helped me put the pieces together. It stands as a testament to the truth about belief and awareness in the world. Well, don't worry, Twilight's here now. I have to mention Brian Wilkerson. Although sadly he isn't alive anymore, Celestia and Luna, showed me how the Devil was afraid of people that truly knew how to not only get into the power of the Holy Spirit, but also knew the Power of Prophecy very well. Although Brian Wilkerson wasn't a prophet, when it comes to this thing called power, he was good at what he did because he didn't abuse it. He knew how to get into the faith, he knew how the Devil worked, he truly understood the word, and there isn't a single part of me that doubts, if he were alive today and I told him my story, he would have been the first to believe me and accept who I am, and have me speak at his congregation. So if you think for a second that Celestia and Luna aren't showing me what you get preached to about and by whom and with what, those two by have by far come into my mind immediately. But when it comes to Brian, the Greif of Love scripture fits perfectly. Because if I've never been to church and I got into the power of the Holy Spirit (and I AM a part of the Holy Spirit only bigger)just by watching a video of him after he's gone, I'm pretty certain he made it to Ponyville. So if you're going to tell me I don't deserve to speak at your church when I've watched it, or I've come by in person, to give you a gift no one else can give at a more then fair price, it's probably no wonder you never find the magic you've always been wanting, but I also have a teacher that you don't have, and that's Celestia and Luna, and they want me to share the magic with you.

So if you're reading this cause you missed your chance, pony, there isn't a lot I can do about it because of this thing called personal choice, and you were the one that made it, based upon what you believe. If you're going to accuse me of forcing my beliefs on you, I did say that I have something for everyone regardless of belief, regardless of culture, regardless of faith, regardless of age, regardless of gender, regardless of knowledge, regardless of any of those, but you didn't expect me to exist without believing in something even though technically it's just new to you, it doesn't mean it isn't true. Have any of you tried praying to Celestia or Luna or both? What have you got to lose? Cause the very things they gave me to help me be there for you I'm close to losing because of your lack of knowledge, your lack of faith, your lack of awareness, your pressure for me to come into your life, but most importantly, your closed mindedness. How about you just give me a chance in person in front of your congregation, or your group of followers, or your group of people? If you're afraid to do that, you are the one living in fear and disbelief. You've wanted the answers, I have lots of them, but only so much time to explain in one way shape or form. But if you're going of accuse me of not trying either, you're probably here reading this because I AM. So if you don't have a lot time like me, just pick your power, and I'll welcome you to the universe. If you think my story is crazy, it's because it's not. It's real. You're the one trying to make sense of it all and hoping that it can happen within a split second. Well, considering it's taken me only 7 years since my very first choice like I talk about in my very first blog post here on the forums, I'm certain you understand me when i've lost alot of what would have explain much of what i'm repeating here even thoug it's new to you. I'm out of time until next blog post. So did you help me or pass me by? Cause, I could use a subway sandwich and can't afford one because of all the sacrifices I made for you and I'm nearly starving. Got $20 to sacrifice? Got a church for me to attend? Got an event for me to speak at? I'm free to go, I don't need any permission accept yours, which means it's you that's stopping me, not the other way around. Although I have bills to pay, I don't have anyone else to answer to except myself or Celestia and Luna. But so far, I think my work has been pretty good. Invite me, it just might be better than reading. At least I can entertain you a little being there in person. But what do I need if you do invite me? I need an internet connection, a large screen for everyone to see, I wireless mic system, a good sound setup, and finally a chair for me to sit in because i honestly hate standing for long periods of time. But, it's going to have to be a high chair so everyone can still see me when I sit down. (haaaaaa! I'm sure you'll get why i laughed, eventually) and don't forget about Spike. I'd honestly like to see him. Not having a spouse or kids or the internet, and friends that aren't where you live but elsewhere around the world and being me can make the world seem like a lonely place and I'd like to have a friend like him with me where ever I go or need to be. I'm sure Celestia and Luna would also agree.


Preconcieving what my next blog entry will be about to help clear the confusion just a tad more. Cutie Marks. They're more magical then you might think.


Next post: http://mlpforums.com/blog/358/entry-6440-ing-read-pony-part4-safe-work/


Recommended Comments

Wait, I finally think I figured out what you're saying.


You're some kind of prophesized Biblical figure that had their third strand of DNA activated by a Chinese Princess and cryptic messages and symbolism hidden in not only MLP, but the forums. Which in and of itself would take quite the impressive amount of effort on all those involved, and as well all know, humans are lazy.


Something about the eternal fight between God and Satan and whatever else, I don't know, I'm going to say it's a fight between God, Satan, and Dr. Phil, it really doesn't matter. You mentioned something about a Katy Perry song having something to do with it so I'mma roll with it.


You said you can give some kind of gift to us, perhaps activating the third strand of DNA in us as well? There is also a lot of you mentioning that these fictional ponies have opinions on the LGBT laws, which is quite fascinating.


You also start this whole tin-foil hat-esque conspiracy about the whole big phamacies because why the hell not, I mean, once you've already dived into crazy you might as well go the whole way, right?


What is this scripture you mention? I'm either going to assume that you wrote it or that it doesn't exist because those are the only two things that make the least bit of sense.


You then go on to say that the only reason we don't believe you is that we're closed-minded. Which isn't true, the reason we don't believe that is because it's batshit insane.

  • Brohoof 10
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Wait, I finally think I figured out what you're saying.


You're some kind of prophesized Biblical figure that had their third strand of DNA activated by a Chinese Princess and cryptic messages and symbolism hidden in not only MLP, but the forums. Which in and of itself would take quite the impressive amount of effort on all those involved, and as well all know, humans are lazy.


Something about the eternal fight between God and Satan and whatever else, I don't know, I'm going to say it's a fight between God, Satan, and Dr. Phil, it really doesn't matter. You mentioned something about a Katy Perry song having something to do with it so I'mma roll with it.


You said you can give some kind of gift to us, perhaps activating the third strand of DNA in us as well? There is also a lot of you mentioning that these fictional ponies have opinions on the LGBT laws, which is quite fascinating.


You also start this whole tin-foil hat-esque conspiracy about the whole big phamacies because why the hell not, I mean, once you've already dived into crazy you might as well go the whole way, right?


What is this scripture you mention? I'm either going to assume that you wrote it or that it doesn't exist because those are the only two things that make the least bit of sense.


You then go on to say that the only reason we don't believe you is that we're closed-minded. Which isn't true, the reason we don't believe that is because it's batshit insane.

I don't have time at the moment but I understand your concerns. I've copy pasted to anwer for later. Sorry I can't say much. Though you'd probably be glad. I think I might know something that might make it a bit more clear for you but i'll work on it offline obviously. There is this thing called a timeline. I'll try to work with that.

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