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Why smoking is good for you (and your dog)







There's plenty of criticism out there regarding smoking and smokers alike. Actually, I'd say we're the most targeted group of people in America outside of Muslims and democrats.

To put it simply: we are hated. A lot.


But the evidence against us is lacking against us more and more each day; we should consider that most of the anti-smoking propaganda is based solely on biased studies. Most of the people who funded the research were soccer moms and people that wanted to make money off of lawsuits that attempt to override tobacco distributors.

And if you're so worried about the chemicals in tobacco, go ahead and roll your own. I did it for a while until I gave my roller away (a choice I sincerely regret). However I do plan to purchase another one in the future.

That being said: even if smoking may not be the healthiest thing for you, it CANNOT be worse than eating McDonald's every day.

What sounds worse to you, smoking four cigarettes a day or eating a Big Mac in their place?

I rest my case.


I've changed my diet heavily and gone over to eating whole wheat, real meat and avoiding junk foods whenever I can.

So why should I be so concerned about developing issues when diet and exorcise are two things that aren't lacking in my life? The reason is... well fuck you, that's why.


Have you ever heard that there are actually health benefits to smoking? No? Of course not, because that would mean that smoking isn't a total abomination.

For people like myself, who have Parkinson's, nicotine can actually help us cope with our "shaking".


So yeah, I'm a smoker.

I'm not proud about it or anything. To me it's nothing different than the color of my skin, the shape of my face or my sexual orientation. I just smoke. That's it.

  • Brohoof 2


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My case is kinda not-so-straightforward.

I have a shaking problem, more specifically in my hands, but they've never been able to diagnose it to any specific disease.

Regardless, smoking helps me with that too.


Not to mention, I'm a creative mind. You have no idea how many ideas I've come up with on smoke breaks. Good ideas at that.


tl;dr: OP is right.

  • Brohoof 1
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One positive to many negatives is not a good ratio. Not to mention the second hand smoke part of it.


Secondhand smoke is so over exaggerated I'm surprised someone hasn't pointed it out already.The rates of getting cancer from secondhand smoke are so low that you're better of dying from natural causes, even if you're around it your entire life.

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My Dad's combination of smoking and drinking was what ended up killing him, and no "setting it straight" will fix that, smoking is bad for you.


You can keep denying it, but you should know by simple common sense that putting flaming poison in your mouth is a bad idea. You call scientific studies biased yet you have zero sources to back up your own claims besides "Oh I heard this one time".


The proof we have against your cause is how many people die from the lung cancer it causes, in addition to other complications caused by it.


There are better alternatives that would yield similar benefits without the consequences of smoking.

  • Brohoof 4
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I do not deny that smoking can help people with conditions like your own. Still, I highly recommend that people do not smoke because it can cause major health risks in their future. I believe if people are okay with the risks and still want to smoke, they should be able to smoke. I hate people who try to pass legislation against smoking.


The only smokers I have problems with are inconsiderate smokers who light up in large crowds, annoying everyone in a 2 meter radius, or ones who wait until you're in a car with them before they light a cig. I'm fine with smokers, as long as they're cool about it.

  • Brohoof 2
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