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Batbrony Reviews "S01:E07 - Dragonshy"





Ah "Dragonshy"! vsTALhM.png This episode is still most definitely in my top 10 favorite episodes list, and might be my favorite Fluttershy episode (although it's a close contest between this one and "Hurricane Fluttershy"). Fluttershy completely owning that dragon is possibly her greatest moment in the show's history, and most definitely her shining moment in Season 1!!!! But I'll say this right off the bat, until Fluttershy schooled that dragon, I was getting really ticked off at her. I'm serious, she was cowardly to a fault up until that point, at least I thought so. I did appreciate how her fear did give her friends the chance to show themselves being so supportive of her (dry.pngwell, most of them... I'm looking at you RD, but it's OK, because you've since become more patient as a friend, as "Hurricane Fluttershy" excellently highlights sleep.png). Applejack going out of her way to go completely around the mountain with Fluttershy was particularly touching, and has really stuck with me especially as one of AJ's best moments as a friend period. img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png




Wait... what?



Overall though, whatever fear she displayed for most of the episode, Fluttershy completely made up for it and then some with her amazing lecture to that dragon at the end! That, along with the facts that this is a very funny and epic episode, make this one of my top 10 episodes of the show so far! derpy_emoticon1.png Solid lesson, great story, and wonderful character interactions and development: what more could you ask for? e9FkmL5.png




You will believe that a butter-colored pegasus pony is more bad @$$ than a fire-breathing dragon.

  • Brohoof 2

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