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Batbrony Reviews "S02:E12 - Family Appreciation Day"




Of all the episodes in Season 2, I would say that none turned out to be more surprising than "Family Appreciation Day". The interesting thing about the episode is that, while most of it is largely average, it still contains one of the most beautiful scenes in MLP history, a wonderful addition to MLP canon that makes this episode truly standout when it easily could've just been a forgettable episode. So let's jump right into this review!

Let's cover the standard fare of this episode first, that which deceives the viewer for most of the episode into thinking that it's just a fairly normal episode. First of all, the lesson is kind of glaringly obvious from the start; you know once it's apparent that Apple Bloom is going to have to bring Granny Smith to Family Appreciation Day that, after some whacky shenanigans, she's going to learn a lesson about not underestimating anypony, especially your family, and having faith that they'll come through for you. Second, the pacing for most of the episode is pretty rushed; to be fair, there's a lot going on, and the episode is also trying to leave plenty of time for the final scene, but still for first-time viewers it can just seem a bit rushed at times, at least for the first two-thirds of the episode. Finally, the Apple Bloom-Diamond Tiara interactions in this episode get a little old, if only because Diamond Tiara really got unlikable in my opinion starting in this episode. I mean, wow, we get it DT, you don't like Apple Bloom and you've apparently made it your sole purpose in life to torment her in whatever way you can possibly imagine! Sheesh, give it a rest already!!! img-1946665-2-dry.png

OK, now that that's out of the way, what makes this episode exceptional despite these mediocre qualities. Well first of all, placing the focus on Granny Smith. This creative decision, like so many in Season 2, really came out of left field and threw many for a loop. Granny Smith up until this point had been nothing more really than a minor supporting character, practically equivalent to a background character with a few lines here and there, usually only good for a quick laugh or two in an episode. Here though, she's a costar alongside Apple Bloom, and in the course of this episode, we learn her backstory and more about her personality, and discover that she really is the matriarch of the Apple Family. She may be plenty eccentric and have some kooky mannerisms, but by the end it's clear that she's a really remarkable pony who's led a remarkable life, and suddenly she just became one of the coolest supporting characters in all of MLP. She's quirky, funny, quick-witted, isn't afraid to be who she is even if her mannerisms raise some eyebrows, but most importantly of all, she loves her family and would do anything for them. All in all, this episode resulted in Granny Smith emerging as a far more interesting character than any of us could have ever imagined prior to its debut, and for that I laud it.



Don't let her age deceive you; this filly is one AWESOME granny!!!


Second, Zap Apple Season. Like Granny Smith, Zap Apple Season starts off as something that just seems like it's going to be a plot point in this episode, not something all that interesting. However, as the episode continues, we see more and more of it, without being given too much. It's a strange phenomenon unique to the Ponyville/Everfree Forest area, and the viewer can't help but be drawn in by all the bizarre steps leading up to the Zap Apples blooming, wondering just what in the name of Celestia it's all about. And then the ending comes and we suddenly learn that Zap Apples, it turns out, have actually been far more important in Ponyville's history than we ever could have imagined. In fact, were it not for Zap Apples, there might not be any Ponyville. At that point, Zap Apples for me became one of the coolest additions to MLP canon in all of Season 2, and the only shame of it all is that we might never get to see them show up in the show again. Ah well, still a cool bit of canon!



img-1946665-6-ohmy.png Rainbow apples?!?! What's next, a sonic rainboom??? THESE LOOK AMAZING!!! (For the record, I really, really, really, really, REALLY wanna know what these taste like!)

Before I cover my final point that truly makes the episode stand out, I'll cover some miscellaneous points as well. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like Filthy Rich (or as like to call him, Mitt Romney pony), or the Rich family in general (besides Diamond Tiara of course). Sure he may be from what we know about him a fairly negligent father who doesn't know what a brat his daughter really is, but besides that he seems like a cool dude. He certainly appreciates Granny Smith and the Apples for all the hard work they do and the central roles both of their families have played in founding and building up Ponyville, he runs a successful business which I'm certainly not gonna knock him for, and all around he seems like a pretty chill, upstanding dude. Animation is pretty spot on as well, especially during some of the impressive Zap Apple Season sequences as well as the recounting of Ponyville's founding. The timberwolves make their first appearance in MLP in this episode, and they have certainly proven to be a cool addition to the extensive list of canon creatures. Finally the humor's spot on, from Granny Smith's quirky mannerisms to the CMC's shenanigans.

Finally, however, I have to talk about the third act of the episode. THIS is what truly sealed the deal and makes this episode a standout. Granny Smith's retelling of Ponyville's history is a beautiful, fairly epic, and even somewhat awe inspiring sequence of events. Hearing how so few ponies were responsible because of their bravery, perseverance, hard work and tenacity for founding a town that so many ponies now call home is really quite amazing, not to mention the whole sequence is treated with appropriate reverence and respect by the writers. Besides a few physical gags, there's really no humor, and the writers just play it very straightforward. It also sheds light on how the most seemingly normal of figures are really sometimes the most remarkable and just as easily capable of accomplishing some extraordinary things. It places a great emphasis on the importance of history (discussed far more extensively in my review of "Hearth's Warming Eve" for those interested), and finally it shows not just what a remarkable pony Granny Smith really is, but also how humble she really is that she doesn't go about bragging about this all the time. All she does is go on with her life, doing the work she needs to do and loving her family, cause in the end that's all she needs to be happy. Overall, it's an extraordinary five minute sequence and one of the most beautiful in all of MLP, and it's largely responsible for making this episode as a whole exceptional at all. First time I saw it, I was completely taken off guard and blown away, and to this day it still gets to me.



I was going to give you New Jersey, but you're a handsome stallion whose view I enjoy admiring, so here, have an uninhabited swamp surrounded by a deadly forest! I'm sure you, your wife, those two other stallions, and filly daughter will have not trouble at all settling it!


So that's "Family Appreciation Day". While as a whole the episode is by no means among the absolute greatest in MLP canon, it is still very exceptional and contains a fantastic third act that qualifies it as well worth a rewatch any time. If you're looking for an episode with some interesting canon about Ponyville, along with a seldom seen supporting character getting to go in the spotlight in the best way possible, then this might just be the episode for you!



  • Brohoof 1


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