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What happens when I combine Disney and MLP






Dearest Celestia

You know I am a righteous horse

Of my kindness I am justly proud


Et tibit Pater (And to you, Father)


Dearest Celestia

You know I'm so much nicer than

The honest, laughing, magic, generous crowd


Quia peccavi nimis (That I have sinned)


Then tell me, Celestia

Why I see her flying there

Why her magenta eyes still scorch my soul


Cogitatione (In thought)


I feel her, I see her

The sun caught in rainbow hair

Is blazing in me out of all control


Verbo et opere (In word and deed)


Like fire


This fire in my fur

This burning


Is turning me to curse

It's not my fault


Mea culpa (Through my fault)


I'm not to blame


Mea culpa (Through my fault)


It is the dashing girl

The mare who sent this flame


Mea maxima culpa (Through my most griveous fault)


It's not my fault


Mea culpa (Through my fault)


If in Luna`s plan


Mea culpa (Through my fault)


He made the discord so much

Stronger than a ram


Mea maxima culpa (Through my most griveous fault)


Protect me, Celestia

Don't let this pegasus cast her spell

Don't let her fire sear my wings and bone

Destroy rainbow Dash

And let her taste the fires of hell

Or else let her be mine and mine alone


Dark fire

Now Rainbow, it's your turn

Choose me or

Your pyre

Be mine or you will burn


Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy)


Luna have mercy on her


Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy)


Luna have mercy on me


Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy)


But she will be mine

Or she will burn!



Well, yeah. I didnt make the picture obviously, but after a conversation I couldnt NOT do this. So enjoy. Listen to the song too, Itll make it better

  • Brohoof 7


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