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Batbrony Reviews "S03:E04 - One Bad Apple"





Ah, "One Bad Apple": there was a lot, I mean, A LOT, that I loved about this episode!!!!! So let's begin.


1) First, it was a joy to see the CMC once again. All three of their VA's have shown that they've further honed and sharpened their skills between seasons, as all three of them stood out tremendously and uniquely in their own ways. Honestly, this might be the best CMC episode yet, largely because it focused both on the CMC organization itself (that'd be awesome if it actually starts expanding into some sort of fraternal-filly society! laugh.png), and because it also addressed in a very mature manner the issue of bullying, a relevant topic for all ages, but especially focused in this instance on reaching out to the show's younger audiences. My favorite part about the theme of the episode was that they readily and directly admitted at the end that if somepony is getting bullied, he/she should not be afraid to tell their siblings or parents and go to them for their support, a message that many, many other children's shows, when they handle the issue of bullying, either completely ignore or even screw up when trying to address the topic. This episode delivered a solid message that counter-bullying is no solution to bullying, and instead, the real way to solve bullying is going to those more mature and wise than yourself (i.e. Applejack, Babs's older sister, the threat of going to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's mothers, etc.). The negativity surrounding so-called "snitching" is one of the saddest realities of the kids' world, and totally unwarranted, especially in that it has discouraged tens of thousands of children from taking the most direct and effective route to resolving bullying, and I am immensely impressed at the way that Studio B addressed this very pressing issue, especially for the sake of its younger audience.


2) "Bad Seed". Holy crap, this song! ohmy.png This song was bucking amazing!!! Hands down the best song of Season 3 up to that point, and I'd go so far to say it's the best CMC song yet, even better than "Looking For That Special Somepony"!!! It was certainly a much more complete ensemble than the latter song (because let's be honest, Sweetie Belle pretty much dominated that song in "Hearts and Hooves Day"), and extraordinarily catchy. I especially loved the choreography and visual direction of the song as well, especially the way all three of them were bopping their heads at the beginning of the song. Little stuff like that encourages the audience to get involved in and enjoy the song as well, and its subtle stuff like that that goes to show that the crew at DHX were truly masters of their craft at this point in the show's production. Especially gotta give props to Daniel Ingram, who delivered a fantastic number yet again! biggrin.png


3) Babs Seed; I liked her character design, her voice wasn't that annoying and actually kinda grew on me, and one can actually sympathize with her situation quite a bit. I'm not sure why she decided to turn so quickly on the CMC when they were making it quite clear that they'd be more than happy to back her up, but she still learned a good lesson and ultimately redeemed herself, so I won't have to destroy the space-time continuum and travel across dimensions to find her and beat the living pulp out of her after she made Sweetie Belle cry (and trust me, if she hadn't, I totally would! Dead-bucking-serious. KUbAnTY.png). Overall, she learned a good lesson, helped teach the CMC a good lesson, and officially became the fourth member of the CMC. She's practically family now! img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png That, and she helped deliver the first quadruple brohoof ever, so that alone warrants forgiving her for her bullying! laugh.png

4) VEGGIE SALAD!!!!!!!! Pinkie Pie yet again proved that even if she's only in an episode for about 2 minutes, she can still manage to leave a massive impression and steal the scene in those two minutes alone. AB delivered a hilarious line in that scene as well when she said in total deadpan, "Seriously?" happy.png


5) The humor in this episode was dead on yet again! Pinkie Pie aside, the CMC were hilarious the whole episode. In particular, their funny little mannerisms and behavior stood out, along with the A-Team-esque scene, Sweetie Belle's evil face when she set off the booby trap, and the gut-busting hilarious CMC initiation scene (between Scootaloo's rocking drumming and Sweetie Belle's hilarious and cute attempts at pronouncing all of those titles for Babs, that might honestly have been the funniest scene in the episode, with the only scene that can really compare being Pinkie's VEGGIE SALAD!!!!!!!). Overall, this episode was really, really funny, and it's great to see that Studio B could keep an episode addressing as serious an issue as bullying lighthearted and fun!




Overall, this was an amazing and fun episode with a great message and subject, great new character, great old characters, great visual design, direction, animation, great music, and great humor!!! Always fun to rewatch, and definitely a solid first appearance for the CMC in Season 3.







  • Brohoof 2


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