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Im Grand, And Im doing this because I wanted to, SORRY IM A COPYER



1. Any scars? - One on my cheek I got from scratching myself when I was a baby :D

  • 2. Relationship status? - Married to myself
  • 3. Crush? - Emma Stone, Zac Efron
  • 4. Kissed anyone? - Nope
  • 5. Coke or Pepsi? - I like both swag
  • 6. Someone you hate? - Hate's such a strong word, I strongly dislike people though. Mostly people in my class, and even then only a select few
  • 7. Best Friends? - On the forums, all the Trotting Dead peeps. In real life, my stepsister
  • 8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs? -sometimes I get wastey pants but Ive never done drugs
  • 9. What's your dream job? - Drama Teacher
  • 10. Ever been in love? - No, love is for pansies
  • 12. Favorite color? - Purple
  • 13. Height? - 5'5, whish is pretty average
  • 14. Birthday? - August 28th 1996
  • 15. Eye color? - Grey blue
  • 16. Hair color? - Blondish brown
  • 17. What do you love? - My friends and family, Emma Stone, Acting, Food, My computer
  • 18. Obsession? - Emma Stone, My Computer, Sock Monkeys
  • 19. If you had one wish, what would it be? - To be able to eat and never get fat
  • 20. Do you love someone? - My family and friends
  • 21. Kiss or hug? - Um, hug I suppose
  • 22. Nicknames people call you? - Grandy, Grabs
  • 23. Favorite song? - "Demons" Imagine Dragons
  • 24. Favorite band? - Dont have one
  • 25. Worst thing that has ever happened to you? - I would rather not make this a downer, so I'll skip :D
  • 26. Best thing that has ever happened to you? - Acting I suppose, having my mommy in my life
  • 27. Something you would change about yourself? - Better willpower
  • 28. Ever dated someone? - Nothing legit
  • 29. Worst mistake? - Hmm, nothing too bad, but one time I scheduled two babysitting times at the exact same time and didnt realize it
  • 30. Watch the movie or read the book? - both
  • 31. Ever had a heartbreak? - You would have to have a heart for it to break >:D
  • 32. Favorite show? - Walking Dead
  • 33. Best day of your life? - All my days I perform
  • 34. Any talents? - Acting I suppose, though I dont really know how I good I am
  • 35. Do you wish you could ever start over? - No sir
  • 36. Any bad habits? - Cracking my knuckles D:
  • 37. Ever had a near death experience? - Just a few weeks actually. Swerved on the highway, couldve easily hit a semi, instead hit the ditch. GOOD JOB MOM :D
  • 38. Someone I can tell anything to? - My mom, my stepsister
  • 39. Ever lost a loved one? - Yep
  • 40. Do you believe in love? - not currently
  • 41. Someone you hate/Dislike? -Didnt I answer this one already?
  • 42. Are you okay? - Peachy! :D

  • Brohoof 2


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