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So Glad I Don't Need Surgery



Last Friday I got an MRI on my right knee because my injury was taking way longer to heal even though a previous injury had pain far worse yet didn't take as long to heal. It sure wasn't a pleasant experience and I wouldn't reccomend it unless you absolutely had to do it, because I am so tall and the table was so small my back and left shoulder were hurting pretty bad once all was said and done. And since my leg had to have sandbags put on it to keep it in place and I had to remain perfectly still for the entire 25 minutes which even by itself wasn't exactly pleasant. I went to the doctor today to get my results and the doctor had good news and bad news for me. The good news is that I don't need surgery which is a huge relief, but the bad news is I have fluid buildup in my knee and had to have a cortizone shot to bring down inflammation. I wasn't anywher near as bad as getting the MRI but it hurt like mother fucker and made me feel light headed and completely out of it and brought my pain level through the roof afterwards (the doctor says that is normal and temporary though), it has been maybe an hour or so since the shot and I still feel like shit. And I may have some nerve damage, so I have been refferred to a specialist which the doctor says will take 2 weeks or so to approve, but then again they said the same thing for my MRI and that only took a few days.


I have no idea when I am going to get back to work (not that I am in a hurry to get back to that hell hole), but I do have some things I am going to need to be at full strength in order to actually do. One of those things is getting back into my weight lifting along with of course some cardio, the bottom line is I need to take much better care of myself than I have been doing physically, mentally, emotionall and spiritually and I won't accomplish that by continuing with the same bad habits and expecting things to get better. Things aren't just going to happen for me anymore, I need to make them happen. Now I am resting after that ordeal and depending on how I feel I might either cook myself dinner later tonight or just say to "to hell with it" and order pizza or Chinese food which I know seems to contradict my earlier stated goal of getting in shape but even I can tame my ambitions enough to realize that it won't matter until my injury fully heals.

  • Brohoof 1


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It's a good thing you keep a level head. If I were in your situation, well jeez, probably shouldn't say xD


Hope you feel better man!


...chinese sounds good right now

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It's a good thing you keep a level head. If I were in your situation, well jeez, probably shouldn't say xD

I have survived far far worse, if I actually did need surgery than that is what probably would have made me panic. I have so many things to do and accomplish and I can't do some of those if am doped up on pain pills.

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Glad you don't need surgery, cause surgery sucks. Hard. And it hurts. My knees hyper extend pretty regularly and it hurts like hell, so I can relate for sure. Except they can't give me steroids, because they make other things worse.

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The cortisone shot will help long term. It will hurt for a while because of the depth of the injection, but within a week you should be virtually pain free.

Glad to hear you didn't need the surgery.

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