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The Late Night Ramblings of a Crazy Man



Hi. I'm a guy who is going to ramble and rant for the next however long. I can do what I want.


First thing, bronies. If you watch the show you're a brony, simple as that. Saying 'I'm a fan, not a brony.' is stupid. A brony means 'fan if My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'. Nothing more, nothing less. Ok? You, and the haters, and some of the fandom itself make it more or less. It's like religious views. A Christian is 'a belief in Yaweh.' but can be seen as bigots. Does that mean you say 'I believe the bible, I'm not Christian though.'? Exactly.


Next, religion. It's. Fucking. Stupid. I'm sorry. Let me rephrase: 'Fanatical religion is stupid.' I'm looking at you WBC. It goes without saying they are idiots. So yes that's that.


Relationships and sex. It's very stupid to me. I just don't want to have sex or a relationship. I've been called gay for this reason. Yeah. I don't care about that hot girl you really want to bang. Jesus Christ dudes.


Yeah. I've rambled enough. Time to go refresh and wait for roleplays.


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