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Ana Flare

Everfree Roleplay

About Ana Flare

  • Unstoppable Spirit
  • Species

    Unicorn Pony
  • Age

    Young Adult
  • Gender

  • Residence

  • Hometown

  • Occupation

  • Character Images

  • Physical Description

    Young adult unicorn mare with a light blue coat and a long light purple mane and tail.

  • Backstory

    Anastasia Flare (prefers just Ana) was a unicorn filly in Ponyville determined to become an adept magic user, but had no one to support her. Her parents celebrated her accomplishments, but didn’t push her to do better. The bullies at school didn’t help matters either, but she found comfort in a classmate she met. Thunder Gust helped her get through the tough days at school and pushed her to do her best. 

  • Key Moments

    Meeting her best friend Gust, another bullied student at school. 

  • Personality

    Ana is a confident mare, perhaps overly so, who won’t back down from a challenge. She’s easy going and playful around her friends, but skeptical of new ponies until she’s sure she can trust them.

  • Likes

    Sunflower seeds, the outdoors
  • Dislikes

    Bullies, meeting new people
  • Magic Spells

    Strong ice and cold focused area control and directionally charged spells. Channeled enhancement.
  • Abilities

    Unicorn Magic
  • Friends

    Thunder Gust

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