Aurora Northglow
18 -
Last visited
Unicorn Pony -
19 -
Male -
The arctic north -
The Crystal Empire -
Cutie Mark Image
Physical Description
Aurora is an average-sized, but robust young adult male unicorn. His body color is entirely a smooth, medium/light gray. His mane and tail are pure white, also very thick and full as he lives in a rather cold climate. Dark blue eyes. His horn's about average length, maybe ever so slightly longer than normal; and his magic is a light, minty green color.
His cutie mark is, you guessed it, an aurora! It symbolizes not only his special magical ability to light up the northern sky with beautiful, whispy, ethereal colors, but also to the light and hope he spreads to other ponies' lives in so many ways.
Aurora is quiet, cool, and collected, with a sharp mind and quick reflexes. Can seem a bit distant before you get to know him, but he's not at all unfriendly, just shy. Dislikes being the center of attention to an extreme and prefers to be in the background of things, carefully observing everything going on around him.
He's very practical and down-to-earth, and likes to use his five senses to explore whatever setting he finds himself to be in. Loves the natural world and knows a good deal about plants, animals, the weather and geology.
Even though he doesn't always show it, he cares immensely for all those around him, especially his family and close friends. Always ready to lend a helping hoof to anypony who needs it. Aurora has always had a quick smile and a good sense of humor as well.
Some of his hobbies include reading (Especially books about nature and magic), practicing magic, cooking, and his favorite pastime-- secret random acts of kindness. As mentioned previously, he loves doing good things for others, but doesn't like the recognition and attention that often comes with it, so he does ponies favors in secret. Often a pony will come home to find that their windows have been washed or a full hot supper has been spread out on their table after a long, tiring day. He feels it but a little service that he can do for all the ponies who work so hard in their own unique and special ways to make Equestria a better place for all.
As for his connection with his cutie mark-- He has a unique aspect of his magic that allows him to light up the sky with beautiful auroras, bringing a touch of beauty and radiance into the lives of all those that see them. He also just really enjoys doing it, as they're fun to make and each one is different and special.
Magic, doing secret acts of kindness, reading, cooking and food in general, nature/the outdoors, his cloak, nighttime, snow, icicles -
Large crowds, loud music, nosy/pushy ponies, bad attitudes, breaking things, large messes, cooked fruit (specifically in pie) -
Magic Spells
Besides the routine magic spells that most talented unicorns can perform, his aurora spell is something quite unique and captivating. They never turn out the same way twice. -
Aurora has mastered the art of walking silently like a cat, even on fairly noisy surfaces like dead leaves.
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