23 -
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Lawyer Slip
Changeling -
16 -
Male -
Changeling bounty hut -
Changeling hive -
Bounty Hunter -
Character Images
Physical Description
Scorpionus is a Changeling pre-reformation, with a sort of greenish hie to his eyes.
When he was just a grub, Scorpionus had a taste for blood. He tried to eat his siblings before Queen Chrysalis came along and stopped him.
Many years later, and he was a member of the changeling army along with his best friend Harvistirion.
The two of them wanted to go make a new life for themselves, start "Harvi and Scorp's farm." And they wouldn't need anyone but themselves.
Unfortunately, fate, and the gods had other plans.
One fateful day, Harvi and Scorp accidentally stumbled upon the territory of an angry golem. The golem chased Harvi all the way to the hove, destroying part of it until it was destroyed by Chrysalis. She then exiled Harvi, and not two days into his exile, he was devoured by Timberwolves.
Outraged and furious, Scorpionus took revenge on Chrysalis. He gouged out her eyes and drank the remaining blood. The hive revered him a hero, and the sealed her essence away inside of a crystal. Scorpionus keeps the crystal with him, for safe-keeping.
The Changeling hive became a den for bounty hunters, and Scorp still lived there, and took jobs. One of which was offered by a Draconiquus by the name of Cataclysmor. A sinister fiend, who recruited Scorp and three others to conquer the multiverse.
They failed.
But during that time, Scorp met his Seapony brother, Monsoon. The two were the best of friends, and tried their own evil schemes together.
All of which failed.
Scorp at one point, while in Slipstream's universe, took Chrysalis' crystal prison, and hid it in a grotto. (That is a story for another day.)
And his life felt peaceful, and full of some sort of meaning.
Until . . .
The apocalypse began . . .
Key Moments
1. Finding out what he feeds on
2. Meeting Harvi
3. Witnessing part of his hives destruction.
4. Watching his friend get exiled and killed.
5. Killing Chrysalis.
6. Transforming the hive.
7. Working for Cataclysmor and meeting his brothers.
8. Seeing the apocalypse begin, and meeting Ghostie.
Scorp can be a little hard to get to know at times, but once he comes around, he's really a great guy. But he is a villain so that's a bit of a problem. His past haunts him, and fears that one day his hunger will take hold of him, and devour him.
Blood, Ghostie, his job, mushrooms, peace and quiet, spending time with Monsoon. -
Not having blood, his friends being in danger, the apocalypse, Eyeless Chrysalis, his past -
Magic Spells
Lasers, levitation -
Teleportation, Shapeshifting. flight, can see and talk to ghosts, can digest blood -
Ghostie, Monsoon, Golden Snowflake, Phoenix, Diamond Dan, Harvi, Chrysi, Slipstream (occasionally) -
Slipstream (Occasionally), Evil Chrysalis, Storm King, Sans
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