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Zera Brightbolt

Everfree Roleplay

About Zera Brightbolt

  • The Mechanical Marvel
  • Species

  • Species (Other)

    Zegasus (Zebra/Pegasus)
  • Age

  • Gender

  • Residence

  • Hometown

  • Occupation

    Works in the Rainbow Factory
  • Character Images

  • Physical Description

    Zera Brightbolt is a half zebra half pegasus hybrid, he was born with wings that didn't work so in order to fly, he replaced them with ones made of iron and steel, he has deep magenta hooves, and eyes. He wears a black and deep magenta tie, and robin's egg blue goggles with deep magenta tinted lenses

    His tail has a deep magenta  stripe through it, his cutie mark is two thunderbolts.

    Oh and he has black stripes

  • Backstory

    Zera applied himself to work in the Rainbow Factory, normally Rainbow Dash wouldn't approve of a stallion (or mare) with mechanical wings, but she was short staffed and saw potential in him, but, like H8_Seed before him, he was in for a horrible ride, he soon found out the truth, and met a very disheveled Scootaloo, he vowed to save her and all of the failures from the factory.

    So he gathered his friends who'd wanted to stop this a long time ago but couldn't find the courage to, and they breached security and got Scoots and all of the failures freed. 

    Eventually Zera faced off against RD and ended up bucking her into a machine, Zera had won and RD was now the most vibrant rainbow Equestria had ever seen.

    He'd looked up to H8_Seed, hailed as a hero, but Zera'd thought, that maybe, just maybe Rainbow Dash had changed, but she hadn't

    Inspired by H8_Seed before him, he'd tried to shut it down, enlisted the help of Cloud Crash, Nightstorm, Orange Swirl, Slip, Blackout and Velour

    But unlike H8_Seed, Zera survived the Rainbow Factory, and finally managed to shut it down...FOR GOOD. 

    His fight, for Scootaloo, Orion Solstice and Aurora Dawn, who'd lost their foal-hoods in that factory and for H8_Seed, who'd lost his life to the maniacal Overmare, for all of the ponies who'd lost their lives or foal-hoods to this monster Rainbow'd become

    Zera believed there was no other way for Rainbow Dash to change, so he sacrificed her to the machines that stole so many young souls, there was no other way.

  • Personality

    Zera is a mostly shy but very determined and lively pegasus on the inside, he just has trouble showing it.

  • Likes

    Making mechanical things, banana bread
  • Dislikes

    Rainbow Dash
  • Abilities

  • Friends

    Scootaloo, Orange Swirl, Cloud Crash, Nightstorm, Slip
  • Rivals

    Rainbow Dash

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