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Hot Cocoa

  • Species

    Unicorn Pony
  • Age

  • Gender

  • Residence

  • Hometown

  • Occupation

  • Character Images

  • Physical Description

    Credit to @Scarlet Rose for the image.

  • Backstory

    Cocoa was born in Manehatten, though eventually moved when she was just a filly to Ponyville to get away from all the loud noise and angry ponies. They ended up buying a small, quaint house nearby, as well as a spot to start a cafe. Tea Leaf and Earl Grey, Cocoa's parents, founded it together. It quickly grew into a hot spot by the townsponies, even the Mane 6 visited from time to time. When she reached the age of 10, Cocoa started working at the cafe herself. Not long after that did she earn her cutie mark. 

    Filthy Rich has often tried to buy up their family-owned cafe, and he really sticks a thorn in her side. 

  • Personality

    She's a genuinely calm pony. Cocoa is able to think on her hooves, and doesn't cave under any sort of pressure. She's never one to give up, and never lets her fears get to her. 

  • Likes

    Hot Chocolate, Coffee, making friends
  • Dislikes

    Competing franchises, cockroaches, confrontations
  • Magic Spells

    Teleportation, Levitation
  • Friends

    Ursa, Emerald Heart, Mariposa, Fable, Conch Shell
  • Rivals

    Filthy Rich

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