If you've received a warning that you do not believe is valid, please contact the administration about it via a moderation dispute support ticket, so that the matter can be investigated - all disputes are given a thorough review and are judged on a case by case basis. Only members of the MLP Forums administration team are able to view mod disputes; all details of which are kept strictly confidential - moderators are not made aware of specific complaints against them. When submitting mod disputes, please be patient - only a small portion of the staff are able to view and/or respond to them, so a response may not be received immediately.
If you're confused about a warning you've received, you may send a PM to the moderator who issued it to request clarification. Should you find the explanation unsatisfactory, you'll need to open a support ticket. However, you're still free to create a ticket immediately rather than messaging the moderator if you so desire. Please keep in mind that the mods have feelings too, and that you need to pose your questions in a calm and reasonable manner, as you would surely desire if your roles were reversed. They'll be glad to help you in any way they can, but sending abusive messages will only compound your trouble.
In the event that a warning has been found to have been given in error, the warning will be overturned and erased. Moderators that have been found to repeatedly provide invalid warnings and/or abuse their privileges in other ways will be punished accordingly.
Moderation dispute tickets are the only appropriate location to discuss warnings that have been received - forum threads, status updates, blog posts, and all similar venues are not acceptable places to dispute, complain about, or otherwise discuss warnings - doing so in such places will result in warning points being applied to your account, at an amount to be determined by the administration.
When writing a mod dispute remember to keep your cool - if we receive harassing, abusive, rude, or similarly derogatory disputes we will deny them and add additional points for abusive behavior. Remember that everyone on the staff is a human being and a pony fan, just like you - we may not agree on all matters, but ultimately we are here to help you and to ensure that the community remains a positive place for pony talk. We're here to help, but we're not going to waste our time with people that are more interested in yelling at us than they are in discussing matters in a reasonable fashion.
How to file the dispute
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