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Posts posted by ShyForever

  1. I assumed that Applejack was the tallest due to the fact that she is older than everypony else in the Main 6. But, like always, my thinking is wrong. I just wanted to at least get a reason out.


    But my gut tells me that Applejack is the tallest of the Main 6, even though I can't explain why.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. I would like to know the opinions of some bronies here on these forums. There are a vast amount of terrific episodes, and there are some decent ones. And surprisingly, there is the occasional episode that you don't really need to see at all. But what I am asking is for your favorite episodes so far from each season. You can choose as many episodes as you want, but at least try not to name most of the season. (Yes, that is difficult for Season 3)


    In Season 1, my favorite episodes were:


    Friendship is Magic Parts 1 and 2

    Winter Wrap Up

    Fall Weather Friends

    Sonic Rainboom


    In Season 2, my favorite episodes were:


    The Return of Harmony Parts 1 and 2

    The Last Roundup

    Hurricane Fluttershy

    A Canterlot Wedding Parts 1 and 2


    In Season 3 so far, my favorite episodes are:


    I can't decide, they're all so great!

  3. I'm betting my money that it's the necklace that Trixie's wearing that's giving her these evil powers. But just the thought that King Sombra is controlling Trixie through the necklace just doesn't click in my mind... unless King Sombra will be a villain that would be apparent in most of the episodes. Now THAT would be fun to watch!

  4. If he is becoming a Brony, then welcome him to the herd!


    I've always wanted a father who appreciates My Little Pony as much as I do, but unfortunately, he is a hater. :(


    You should be happy!

    • Brohoof 1
  5. There are so many faces, and like, 70% of them are Pinkie Pie!

    I'll try not to post so much Pink.

    Here are some:


    Posted Image


    And how 'bout this one?


    Posted Image



    And this one?


    Posted Image


    Don't forget about this one:


    Posted Image



    And last but not least...


    Posted Image


    • Brohoof 2
  6. I tend to swallow at random times, obnoxiously loud at most.


    Very often I keep poking every square inch of the inside of my mouth with my tongue.


    If I move a part of my body in one direction, then I have the urge to move in the opposite direction just to balance it out.


    And sometimes when I'm laying in bed, I get the feeling that I'm falling from a great height.

  7. I'm still posting here? I'm a Cupcake! B)


    The reason is that I still can't put in a custom signature. When I put my picture there, it just comes up as words. Words are for eggheads! Somepony help! :lol:

  8. you are wrong...I'm not "trying" to do anything. It's just that something clicked in my brain, And even with my example what I said it's true, what it's different it's that other users are faster the other to post and increase the post count.


    Well either way, I don't think anybody wants to see us talk about these fancy mathematics. What you should be doing is telling us how look it took you to achieve your rank Mr. "Pony". :P

  9. about a month. but i'm stuck at this rank. i dont even bother trying anymore. this place is the most boring mlpforum i've ever been to.


    This is the most boring MLP forums?


    Well I just joined 2 days ago, so I can't really give my opinion just yet. What other MLP forums are you apart of? Because the only other one I found was MLParena, and that place doesn't look fun at all.

  10. ummm... don't you think it's simple math? you just have to substract the date you joined from the current date and tah dah!! you have how much it took you to achieve your rank.


    I do see what you're trying to do, but my question isn't "How do I know when I got my rank?"


    I wanted to know when other people got their ranks.


    Also take into consideration that somebody could be a Phoenix with, let's say, 60 days spent on these forums. That doesn't mean it took that person 60 days to get that rank. It could've taken that person 50 days for all I know. This is why I'm asking.


    But thanks for posting, I guess?

  11. Like the title, how long did it take you to achieve your forum rank?I am interested to see how long it took some members of these forums to get their rank. I've admired a lot of cool-looking titles that I've seen, like the Phoenix. And, like stated before, I would like to know how long it took you to earn your forum rank.For me, it took me 1 day to get to the title of Cupcake. (I joined the forums 2 days ago.)


    It took me about 4 days to get to Parasprite, also.

    • Brohoof 1
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