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Posts posted by Obsidian_Winter

  1. I actually have never thought of it that way.


    However, I still side with Trixie. Even if it was not Twi's intention, it still happened. It was all the other ponies intentions to get Trixie off the stage and to get out of Ponyville, Rarity even ripping apart Trixie's stage to do so (Though her curtains are like Wolverine. They heal almost instantly. That's pretty impressive.). Boasting is actually a way for a lot of performers, especially magicians, to get followers and fame and what not.


    And yes, Trixie's talent is tricks. She's a performer. That's what they do. It doesn't matter if Twilight, or any other pony that is not performing, is better then her. She still is supposed to make herself look like the best. If she doesn't she can't make a living and therefore can't live. And since her special talent is doing tricks, that's also really all she can do.


    So even though Twilight had to do what she had to do, she's the reason Trixie became hated by everypony.



    I can respect your opinion even if I myself do not share it. I see your point and it is valid. I just think she got what she deserved. Though in the end, she was redeemed.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Yep. Plus Twilight ruined Trixie's career, making Trixie go to such lengths for revenge. Then Trixie apologizes for being mean while having the amulet on, yet Twilight wrecked her career, literally what she was born for, just because her gimmick was boasting.


    That being said, unless Twilight acknowledges what she did to Trixie, all her arguments aren't valid.


    Also, Celestia is still waiting for a letter.

    I don't understand the argument at all that Twilight Ruined Trixies Career. She ruined her own Career. Twilight didn't want to fight her. Twilight refused to show her up the first time around. The only thing Twilight did was beat the Ursa Minor which Trixie could not do. Period. If not for Trixie being an arrogant, spiteful, hateful bitch to begin with, none of this would have happened to her. She then decided on revenge as the course of action since she KNEW she couldn't beat Twilight fair. If you want to go head for head, Trixie is just a Trixster. Thats her talent. Tricks. Twilight is is far more advanced.


    As for the 'cheating' aspect, I don't see it. Celestia herself may have had trouble beating that necklace. THe mane six tricked her by playing into what she wanted most...more power. Even before the necklace corrupted her, she treated ponies poorly. I personally feel she got what she deserved. I have ZERO sympathy for her. I think it was kind of Twilight to not make the same deal with Trixie that Trixie made with her....Winner becomes exiled. There was no compitition...not really. They just wanted to get that amulet off her neck.


    Just my thoughts. Rage on

    • Brohoof 12
  3. Here are some obvious ones

    Trixie Vs Twilight

    Applejack Vs Rarity

    CMC vs silver spoon and Diamond tiara

    Luna Vs Nightmare moon


    Applejack Vs. Rarity has been done by EPRBH. The question is, would folks want to see another take on it. Would they still watch do you think? Just about everyone has suggested Twilight vs Trixie so that may be a shoe in. Luna Vs Nightmare Moon is an awesome Idea. ;)

  4. Yes, throughout the past several months many people have tried to do Epic Pony battles but eventually they get busy as life has it and the idea gets put on hold. The goal here should be something that generates enough support to keep going. So as Appletree said, we need YOUR input to make our EPB project a success! What would you like to see? As Epic Rap Battles of History would say WHO'S NEXT?! YOU DECIDE!!!

  5. "Um... Same as always... really bad. You, Winter? You never told me why you are here on campus..."

    He sat back on the edge of his bed. Now there were two mares in his room... He didn't want Winter to be left out of the conversation simple because he wasn't addressing her...

    "Hmm? Oh....well, I'm hoping to focus my studies on magic. Just some fine tuning stuff."

    She hated to lie but the truth was far worse. She was danerous with her magic when she lost control. She wished should could just be a flyer, or earth pony, ANYTHING but what she was...a monster.

    "I have to give the dean my entrance letter and I hope to start soon, maybe find a place so I don't have to impose on you Nightfall.

    • Brohoof 2
  6. Nova let out a little chuckle "Oh my sweet Discord trying to get more than you want, by all means go right ahead and try to conquer Equestria by yourself cause we all know that went just swimingly the last time. Besides I've done what you couldn't I've both beaten Celestia down and I have all but one of the Elements of Harmony in my possesion." Nova walked around the thorne that Discord had summoned looking to him and then at Shadow and the new pony that followed her. It was true that she had to be careful now more than ever because if Discord knew of Shadow then who else. "You know as well as I that nopony has been able to defeat Celestia and the Harmony users but with you, me, and two other major players we can bring darkness and chaos to Equestria. You also wont have to worry about those wretched ponies of love one is on deaths door and the other is going to be playing for my side soon enough. Once we kill Celestia and Luna and shatter the friendship of the Harmony users I believe the word God of Chaos would have a better ring to it no?"


    Storm and Dash looked at each other worried and then back at Celestia "That's just it Princess nopony knows where Twilight and the others are and without the Elements of Harmony we can't stop this war from happening." Storm could see the worried look on Dash's face about her friends as he put his win over her letting her know that everything would be alright. "We have to find Twilight and the others and get the Elements of Harmony to stop this." Storm pulled a map out of his bag and unrolled it letting the map of Equestria be shown to the Princess "I'm sure that once she gets her army she'll start attacking major cities like Phillydelphia and Manehattan first. It also seems like she wants something to make her army stronger, do you know of anything that might aid her in that?" Storm knew that if they could get any info that might help they could at least try to help in more ways than they had at the Gala.


    "Hmmmm, you make a good point. Not having to worry about those pesky ponies coming after ME would allow me to do my thing." He raised a clawed paw to his face in a mocking thinking pose. "You make a fine offer my dear. Lets see, you have some kind of bug queen, GROSS by the way. Let us hope she doesn't have holes in her brain like she does in her legs...." He hopped off his throne and it vanished, but he left the chocolate rain going. "Alright, you have a deal. Chaos like no other in exchange for my help. Brilliant! But pray tell my dear Nova, who's this final piece to your little game of chess?"

    • Brohoof 1
  7. He got up from the bed and opened the door.

    "Hey, Vinyl... Before you get any ideas, I was helping her already... Vinyl, this is Obsidian Winter. Obsidian, Vinyl. She was trying to get to the Dean's office, and didn't have anywhere to stay, and since Parso isn't in here, I'm letting her stay here..."

    Obsidian had quickly thrown her cloak back around her. She didn't have time to wrap the bandages around her midsection so she just pressed her wings close to her. She smiled, slightly embarressed being seen in a colts room with know pony else there....

    She smiles ackwardly and lowered her head in respect. "Pleasure to meet you Vinyl"

    • Brohoof 3
  8. Poll:

    Big Macintosh (AppleTreeBrony) VS BraeBurn (Not yet choosen)

    Posted ImageEPRB.png


    or Fancy Pants Vs Prince Blueblood


    So now its up to YOU!!!

    I cant decide which to choose and plus I want to see what you wanna see.



    Big Macintosh (AppleTreeBrony) VS BraeBurn (Not yet choosen)

    Posted ImageEPRB.png


    or Fancy Pants Vs Prince Blueblood


    So now its up to YOU!!!

    I cant decide which to choose and plus I want to see what you wanna see.

    Hands down, Big Mac Vs Braeburn. I haven't seen an Epic battle with that combo yet and to me, it would make the best line up. NOw we need a Braeburn....

  9. He blushed a bit, but lifted up his head."What is it about me? I've been confused on what to do, what to think, what to believe my whole life... Sometimes, I'd never really thought I was worth much... That's me being crazy. I'll let you know when I need help."He smiled a bit, looking at her. One could see tiredness finally creeping back into his eyes. He looked over at his phone, the only thing he had that others had; anything else they had, he didn't really have it. He picked it up and saw he had a text."H-hang on... I never get texted..."He read to Vinyl's message, and grew a bit pale."Er- do you mind maybe having another mare here..? I don't know her well, and I don't know how she got my number, but... She seems trust-worthy..."

    "Hmm? Oh, no of course not. I'm your guest here. This is your place. Have over who you wish. I mean a young, attractive college student like yourself has to have a special somepony anyway." She smiled but for some out of the way reason she felt a slight ache in her heart. Was he taken? She should have asked! But why should she ask, they just met. "I-I can go if I need to. I can just wait till morning outside the Deans door. I don't mine" She meant it to. She suddenly had this need to escape. Maybe it was her fear of this other Mare. I mean sure he said he didn't know her well but all the guys say that and then BAM! They get married the next day leaving more innocent others heart broken! Okay, she had to calm down. This more drama then she had experience in the past two year combined.

    • Brohoof 2
  10. I liked it and it was perfect for the role, but the major thing was your mic. I'm sorry to say this, but, you may not get the role sadly. Posted Image But is there anything else you can do besides voice act? That could get you a chance in the project.

    Sadly no. :(


    However if I could clear up that sound, make it clear, would you be interested then? If not, totally cool. Just curious.

  11. "As far as I can remember, I've been here in Canterlot... in an orphanage. I don't even remember my parents... The owners of the orphanage always said it was some accident... I never got details... Anyway, when I graduated from highschool, they asked if I could leave... they mentioned being too old... I never got any help, like... money... I've just been on my own. I don't think I'll be able to graduate. My funds... they are diminishing quickly."

    He sat on the edge of his bed.

    "I don't know what to do or where to go... if I leave, I have nothing... If I stay, I may nothing and debt... I'm almost gone here."

    He hung his head.

    She stood and walked over to him slowly, tilting her head to the side. She thought about the scroll she had...her one favor. Several thoughts raced around until finally she placed a hoof on his. "Listen to me Nightfall....I-I don't have anything really. Nothing but I shady past, magic I can't control and an old scroll my Great Grandmother gave me. But if there is anything I can do to repay the kindness you've shown me, I will." She laughed a little. "Here I don't even know you and yet its like I want to help you as if I've known you all my life. What is it about you dear Nightfall? Maybe I just have a soft spot for those who show me kindness......" Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew it was more then that.

    • Brohoof 2
  12. I certainly know what is.

    Listen it's just come to the stage where I skip over your posts so that I can get to the actual story. There have been plenty of warnings, but it's just getting annoying. Just please listen to listen to Nightfall. I personally can't kick you out, but I don't have to interact with your character if I choose to.



    Considering that this human has made countless mistakes in the past and has been warned numerous times to cease, yet he still continues?


    To me personally, I lost all hope in helping him.



    It isn't fun when the RP is ruined by someone who doesn't know when to post something.

    Just saying... It's the truth, dragon. Posted Image


    Okay, this has gone on for far too long. I am a pretty straight shooter so here it is.....


    1.) Everyone starts off a newb at Rp. No one is born into it. HOWEVER, that being said, when I started Rping, I started out with small Rp's and I took advice and hints from those who had done it longer. I took my time to form proper sentences and I watched my spelling. Though even thats not really the issue. You need to rp something thats fun to read, or at the very least builds up into the story. A prime example. Last night people got on the OOC forum and raged about Draco and Taco dominanting the Rp. Nightfall and I did almost the same thing BUT no one complained. The reason I think is because our Rp was enjoyable. It was like reading a story, which is how RP really is. It was in depth. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think its something you should consider


    2.) Don't just walk in on others Rp at the worst moments possible. If two or more people are having a moment, let them have it. Its like interupting the first kiss of two star crossed lovers by throwing up in their manes from the balcony. Timing is important. Of course there is something to be said for comedy interuption, but we're not talking about that.


    3.) You have to be willing to learn.You don't seem to be listening. Try. I mean people get really wrapped up in their RP. When that get shattered you have happen what happened here on this forum. You know I am not trying to come down on you, but you need to understand that you either need to learn and grow and stop getting in the way or go try an RP that may be more your level. THERE IS NO SHAME IN LEARNING. But you can't ask people to be patient forever darlin'

    • Brohoof 11
  13. Okay so this is the applejack Audition. The sound isn't that great at all. I don't know whats going on with it but I think you can get enough of an idea. I used the lyrics to another epic pony battle. Let me know what you think.




    I'll work on the audio quility problem if you like the voice. Queen Crys is up next



    Here's the Audition, I sent it to you in a PM also just wanted to see what other think about it.



    I love it. Not bad considering you haven't done a southern accent before. Your audio quility is way better then mine. I don't know what happened to my mic....May just need a better one. Great work!!!

  14. Nova started to laugh sinisterly when she saw the true essence of the lord of Chaos "How could I not know of someone so powerful as to earn the wrath of the Harmony users twice over. But that's besides the point I'm wanting to rid Equestria of all the ponies that are unworthy to set hoof on it and I'm offering you a chance to join me as on of my generals." Nova gave a wicked grin before hearing the pony with Shadow turning around ready to strike only to notice he was in awe as she lowered her power and created a orb of light to illuminate the cave. "I see you've brought somepony that might be of use to us in the future just don't let me down boy." Nova returned her attention back to Discord "Why don't I sweeten the pot Discord, if you help me then I'll leave a section of Equestria unscared so that you can have your own little relm of chaos a capital in my new world. Sound like a fair trade hmm?"


    (lol I gotta say you play Discord well I couldn't stop laughing when I read that post.)

    "A general you say?" In a puff of spoke he reappeared in a full general attire including really big sun classes and saluted. "The title of general sounds aweful pleasent BUT it also sounds like a step a down." He lowered his glasses a bit so he was peering over. "I mean why settle for less when I can just take on all equestria like I did before?" He vanished again and reappeared in front of Lightening. " I mean this one here is one of yours isn't he? He's about crazy as it is and...-gasp- THIS one, called Shadow if I'm not mistaken. Are you sure you can trust her?" He smiled and winked at her knowingly but said nothing else of it. "Frankly my dear, you offer me sections of Equestria, when I could have the whole thing. Can you give me a single reason I should follow yooooou, hmmmm?" He walked over to what was left of his stone prison and began to juggle the piece, then stopped moving his hands as the piece STILL juggled themselves. He then sat on a throne that appeared out of smoke and summoned a chocolate rain cloud to fill his glass as he listened.


    ((Thank ya!))

  15. "Hmm? Oh... Yeah, sometimes my past comes out at night and... Never mind. Go ahead."

    He grabbed his glass of water and slowly traveled back to Parso's bed. He didn't want to spill any water. He added to Winter's light by creating some himself.

    She laughed a little seeing him light up his own horn. It really was a cool trick to learn. She propped herself up and looked him over careful. "So, you are an Alicorn I see.......where do you come from? I mean are you a royal or something else? Before you ask I can already tell you I'm -not- a royal myself. Maybe a long time ago my family was, but I certain haven't grown up in any castles or had anyone serve me. I can't even find good friends for that matter." She snorted at that, her mind thinking back on some of the more cruel incidents she had endured. But they got what was coming to them...oh yes, they g.....NO! NO NO NO NO, don't ever go back to thinking like that! You're here to learn control. You've come so far since then. She smiled sweetly hoping she didn't display any expressions that would have given away her inner conflict.

    • Brohoof 2
  16. He closed his eyes. He had helped someone today, so he felt good. He had also forgotten about Lovely, which if he had remembered, he would have been a bit depressed immediately. This new mare seemed to take his mind off of stressful things. And although he had been tired, his body seemed alert as soon as he lied down. He sighed and got up, getting a glass of water, carefully avoiding Obsidian Winter, or something like that.

    She heard a noise and looked up. She applied a slight about of magick into her horn to create some light. She was a little skidish being in a new place. She smiled to herself seeing him. "Hey Nightfall. Can't sleep either I see. Since your up, I've been thinking on if I should ask you a question. Its kinda personal though. Do you mind?"

    • Brohoof 2
  17. He was a bit startled, but then again, something had been different about her. He especially liked her one black, one white wing combo."For a mare as pretty as you, one would think you wouldn't hide the fact that you are an alicorn."He went over and closed the door, the faced her again."This must mean you have a past... Never mind that now."He magically pulled the mattress from his bed."You'll sleep better on it," he said, putting it on the floor. He climbed onto his roommate's (Parso's) bed.

    Well it seemed he wasn't going to take no for an answer so she walked over to the bed and curled her legs under her, snuggling in to get comfy. She curled her tail around her and checked to ensure her beads were secured to her. As usually, they were. She was about to lay her head down when she looked over at the kind Colt who made all this possible. She had questions, but questions from her would lead to questions from him. She opened her mouth, then closed it again....then went to speak and decided again against it. She laid her head down and closed her eyes, but sleep just wasn't happening.

    • Brohoof 2
  18. My dad has been disapproving of MLP ever since I started to like it. In July he had a heart attack and was in the hospital because he was fighting with me about it. And there was a really cute girl I knew that is a brony. And he wouldn't let me see her. I didn't stop liking it though. And I've been keeping it a secret. Last night I was preformed at my schools talent show. There was a teen that said good job. I saw his shirt that said something about anime which I really enjoy. My dad was 2 rows in front of this scene. I said "do you like anime?" He said "yeah I'm a brony too" since my dad was close I wouldn't talk about it I just lied and said "bronies? Meh. I don't really think anything bout them. I just stay away." His little brother said "he wet to bronycon" I guess because my negative reaction he wanted to embarrass his brother (that's what little brothers do). My dad heard that little kid saying that. At night I heard yelling. My dad was shouting at my mom saying how I "want him to be dead." I don't want that to happen. But I have no idea what to do. I just want to go to sleep and never wake up. If he dies ill be guilty all my life. What do I do?

    Listen to me close sugarcube, I've been where you are now only for a different reason. Some people just cannot accept certain things about their children. They have their own preconceived notion of how we should be. But when we fall short of that plan or if we take a different road, that us being who we are...human. Your dad is taking things too far and he has no business placing any kind of blame on you about his physical health. I assure you, you being a brony did not cause his illness. Something like that builds up for a long time. Keep it from him if you must but don't sacrifice your happiness. I mean out of all the things you could be into, he should be glad its MLP and not drugs, gangs, smoking, etc.

    I was disowned from my family for about 2 years because I chose to be with another female. But you know what? My family came around and I swore to myself I would never....EVER do the same to my daughter. Life is about choices and yes, there are some reasons to get mad and fight over life choices with your kids. MLP is hardly one of them in my opinion. So, you just remember, IF God forbid something ever did happen to him, Your love for a series and fandom that promotes love, kindness, understanding and the elements of Harmony is hardly the root cause. Be strong and remember we are here for you in these dark time. Brohoof my little pony...brohoof...


    Obsidian Winter

    • Brohoof 3
  19. Nova walked around the cave her horn glowing with dark magic before she stopped in front of a part of the cave that looked almost pony made. She grinned evily before moving her head in certain directions making the wall of the cave open up revieling a purple tome with ainchient writing on it. "Ah good it's still in perfect condition andmy spell held as well now to bring the god of Chaos back." Nova placed the book on a rock and flipped through the pages until she found the spell that she was looking for and aimed her horn at Discord. "When the light roams and darkness flees, beyon the darkness light can't see. To see the fear upon lights eyes, when the evil gathers and darkness rise." Nova's eyes and horn glowed a sinister black as she shot a ray of darkness at Discord watchig as it enveloped him and then vanished, soon a crack appeared only small but then another and another. Nova grinned as she watched the statue of him start to break apart once he was free there was only one more key player left.

     The stone cracked and chunks of stone began to fall apart and away from whatever was inside. A bright glow iminated from the statue until finally it burst apart in all direction exposing......nothing.....nothing at all.....Where the statue once stood was nothing more than broken rocks. "Why Nova! How long has it been?!" a voice echoed through out the cave. "I don't think I can even remember that far back. I hope your not surprised I know about you. What kind of Lord of Chaos would I be if I didn't know about YOU dear!. I'm actually quite flattered you know of me, seeing as you've been locked up for so long." Discord suddenly appeared floating above them with a drink in his hand, sipping it up with a twisty straw "So tell me because I'm just DYING to know....What brings you to my less then elegant prison, hmmm?"

  20. "Right.. so, this is my room..."

    He opened the door, going inside and turning on the lights, letting out a sigh of relief to fins Parso wasn't in here with another mare. He motioned for Winter to come in, magically moving some things around.

    "So, just in case my roommate comes in here, I'm letting you sleep on my bed while I sleep on my roommate's bed. Unless you don't want that..."


    She stepped through the door and looked around. It was nice, actually. She had heard stories of how colts in school leave their living quarters but obviously those statements had been either not true, or this room was the except. She saw the two beds and then looked at the floor. It was way cleaner then about 80% of the places she had slept recently. "Oh, I couldn't take your bed, but I agree it may not be the best idea to sleep in your roommates either. I really don't mind taking the floor. You've been good enough to a total stranger as it is." She contemplated just leaving her cloak on but reminded herself she wanted to relax and plus, he was an alicorn too. Seemed as good of time as any to let go of one of her secrets.

    She laid her cloak neatly to the and using her magic, unraveled the cloth she had around her sides. Most ponies would think she had been injured. It was a clever little ruse she thought. Afterword she stretched out her wide wing span, one wing being nearly all white and the other being nearly all black. Afterward, she took a deep breath and turned around to face Nightfall.....maybe he notice.......heh..heh....

    • Brohoof 2
  21. So, I'm at work, doing my thing and I find myself whistling various songs from MLP:FiM. On my break I play the Gameloft game and while I do my rounds outside I rehearse my voice acting for Applejack and Queen Crys. Then I come home, do my chores, play with my daughter, make dinner and then hope on here to round off my night. This begs the question if maybe I spend a little TOO much time in the fandom....maybe...What say you? How much time of the day or week does being a Brony take from your schedule?



  22. Hey, if you're still looking for a Discord, I might be able to play him?

    It depends really.  What will Discord's role be in roleplay?

    I think they have me playing Discord. Not sure. I made a post as Discord in the RP but maybe Storm would rather you do it. I think Sombra got filled too but I notice there are several ponies playing lots of parts. Maybe this would be a good time to take the burdon off some of those over stretched ponies? Thoughts Storm-fire?

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