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Posts posted by SørenWolf

  1. Cornix was silent. He refused to scream, He refused to cry. He was almost used to these experiments. testing his bone structure, muscles, every tiny detail of his body was monitored. The scientist were disagreeing over him. He caught small pieces of their conversation. ...Most successful avian hybrid...Don't mess it up...fine the way it is. He liked this side, though he didn't like being called an "It." ...best test subject...trained to fight...almost complete... he knew that this side was going to win out in the end. 

    By the end of the debate the two sides had agreed to wait whatever it was, test it out on other subjects.

    Cornix knew he had just barely dodged a bullet. He was thrown back in his cage. He showed no emotion but on the inside he cursed the scientists for not their constant poking and prodding.

  2. Styles walked over to the DJ to explain his act. It was simple enough, the DJ gets everyone's attention and then starts the song. Styles could take it from there. But Styles had to make sure the DJ had a good song to play. At first the DJ appeared apprehensive at something so different but after Styles explained that Cascade had approved he was much more accommodating. Style walked over to the center of the dance floor and placed his hat, upside down on the floor by his feet.


    "Alright Ladies and Gentlecolts! We have here a real treat! Classy Styles here will be dancing to Never Back Down!"


    (OOC: If you want I can attempt to explain what the dance looks like but I think it would be boring to do it that way so here if a video of myself dancing.



    Yes that is actually me dancing here

    And if you wish to discuss this dance please go here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/44940-daring-do-dance/



    • Brohoof 2
  3. ((You have good taste in songs, sir. This is coming from a guy who's listening to an 8-bit version of Art Of The Dress.))


    "Pretty much," Cascade responded, with a little twirl. She tried to keep a decent distance between herself and Styles, out of respect for Keeper, but it was hard to, what with the style dance they were twirling to. She really did move with a fluid sort of grace. 

    (OOC: Why thank you, and actually the way that I...I mean Styles dances actually does keep a decent distance...not that it really makes a difference. Once you ponify a dance things can change.)


    "Im glad. I have one more question for you. While I enjoy these types of songs and dances. It seems that some of the other partygoers would prefer something, shall we say, more modern. What would you think of me giving them a little show?"

    • Brohoof 1
  4. As the Styles led Cascade onto the dance floor he nodded at the DJ, signaling him to play a song he had requested earlier. The song was a slow one but Styles liked it for several reasons. It was easier to add some flair to slow songs, and it gave a chance to talk.



    "Is this party what you expected?" He queried in between spins

  5. @member='Descant'], @MagicalStarRain@The-Master

    "She. My kid is a filly, well, she's more like a mare now. She is 15 years old and very independent," Chaser Wing corrected Styles. He then got hungry and grabbed a pepperoni pizza to eat. He took the first bite and waited until he swallowed to speak again. "If you're wondering why she's going alone, she proved to me that she could care of herself. She even has plenty of things to write letters with, just in case," he said.

    Styles nodded as Chaser talked about his daughter. They were joined a second later by the hostess and another stallion. He turned to the hostess and smiled. "I make it a habit to always offer the Hostess a dance." He tipped his hat and looked to the other stallion, as if for permission before he offered his hoof.

  6. 1) On occasion

    2) Yes, several of the fanfics I read focus on OC's

    3) Depends, Simi common

    4) Not really sure

    5) Depends on how it is written

    6) Not sure, over 20 if you count fanfics with less then 5 chapters

    7) I have always been a hopeless romantic, so Romance, but everyone loves a little Action now and again


    If you are writing a fanfic my advice to you would be to write the story you want to read.

  7. "Oh ok. I see," Chaser Wing replied. "For the most part, I came here because I was bored at home and I wanted to get out and do something instead of sitting around doing nothing. My kid is away at some resort. How come you decided to come here?" he asked. He then added,"Inquiring minds want to know." 

    "Well as you might have guessed I enjoy dancing quite a bit, so whenever I get the chance to come to one of these parties I take it. Usually the dancing is pretty good until ponies begin to pair up. Then it becomes much harder to find a dance partner...But enough about me. You mentioned that you had a child. If you don't mind me asking how old is he?"


    (OOC: Styles dosent know who the child is so I made the intentional mistake you see at the end)


    "No I really don't dance much," Chaser Wing replied. This was a good opportunity to strike up a conversation he thought. "So, what are you doing here at the party? Are you with somepony? I'm Chaser Wing by the way," he asked to get a conversation going. It's in his nature to talk to anyone who speaks to him.

    (OOC:And here I was waiting for you to reply and you already had. lol)

    "No I happen to be solo tonight, though I did get a couple of dances in but the scene has changed from what it was. Im thinking about leaving actually. Once ponies start pairing up I can never get a dance partner." Styles found it was easy to talk to this pony. 


    (OOC: and before you read to much into that last sentence, Style dosent go for stallions)

    • Brohoof 1
  9. The winged human knew better then to protest. After 17 long years of the same thing day in and day out he knew better then to resist them openly, but he still hated them. He would get out sometime. He would escape and fly the open sky someday, but for now, he waited. He let them test, he let them challenge him. He let them push him harder.  He saw it as training. His captors were training him for his own escape. He smiled at the thought, but only on the inside.

    After 17 years of torture he knew how to hid his emotions, He was very good at that. He had a plan but he needed help. but he knew he could offer his assistant something they desperately desired; Freedom. He could carry one other person without to much difficulty.

  10. I love translating words for character names. In another rp (Zaragian Guardians) I have a character named Shinrai, and her name is Japanese for trust. I got one of my friends into the idea. Her character's name is Vita, latin for Life (since her character controls the water element)

    Oh another favorite of mine. Perhaps ill join in as a secondary character (a Seeker) with control over Water/Ice. Maybe later if you still need an extra Seeker ill make another OC for that.

  11. His yellow eyes slitted as he looked at the fox hybrid. He would like to see that fox survive a fight against one of the Seekers. He had been tested, and by relation trained in all things arial. he could take out any of the current arial Seekers in solo combat. 


    He hoped that the current scientists weren't coming for him but he knew better. He was pulled out of the cage and forced down the hallway into another room. The size of the room told him exactly what the test would be like. It was small. a single, large T shaped table sat in the middle of the room. He was laid on his stomach. He tried to hold his wings in tight to his back but was hit in the side with an electric stick, a favorite of the scientists for keeping the hybrids in line. The electrical surge forced his wings to unclench and they were forced open and strapped to the table. So it starts with blood draws...

  12. Cornix rolled his eyes as he listened to the conversation. If they weren't  careful they would end up calling the Seekers over. And the last thing he wanted was for the scientists to decide that today was a good day to test his bone strength. those days always ended bad, very bad.


    Retracting his wings he stood up, or at least he stood hunched over, the cage being to small for his slightly over 6 foot frame. He hissed at the other mutants. his warning hopefully coming soon enough

  13. Cornix awoke in the same cage as ever. He hated it. He could touch both sides of it if he stretched, He needed more then twice that to fully extend just one of his wings. But at least he was warm. His wings wrapped around him. He wondered what experiment would be today. If he was lucky it would be a flight test. If he wasn't...well he didn't want to think about that. 


    I absolutely love this! Maximum Ride is AMAZING (though im wary about reading Nevermore) I'll add your character to the list and you can start the Rp!! ^^ Have fun!! :D


    It was ok, i liked the earlier books better. Though to be honest this character is based more of of DN Angel's Dark Mousy then off of Fang, but he is there, if you know where to look. And thanks, lets get this party started

  15. With his question answered, Chaser Wing walked into the beautiful castle. He immediately saw the entrance to the ballroom and went on in. He was unsure of what to do first, so he helped himself to some of the refreshments(he doesn't drink alcohol though). He looked around and saw some pretty mares, but it looked like a bunch of them are taken already.


    (OOC: Just in case someone thought Night Song was his lover or something, that isn't the case. She's actually his kid.)

    Styles looked at the new arrival. He walked over and greeted the stallion. "Hello, Late arrival, huh? You can call me Styles. You dance much?" He honestly didn't expect much of this conversation but it was better then lying on a cloud while there was a party going on

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