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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Jokuc

  1. I've been playing an mmorpg called Guild Wars 2 for a couple of years now and have become quite the tryhard.. actually got some world records on one of the hardest bosses in the game recently Looking forward to Blue Protocol if it doesn't become mega pay to win (which it sadly might be)
  2. Checking the "You and @Evilshy are now friends" email that I just received. Led me to login for the first time since the stone age and check what that was about. Sneaky!
  3. scary looking ponies in the banner

  4. You know a superpower that would be pretty nice to have? The ability to delete all trace of your younger self from the internet.

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      I’d like to do that too, to be honest.

  5. Jokuc

    Friends System

    Was about time! How long has it been? Like 5+ years? Sadly, I don't think many of the people I knew are still here. Oh well.
  6. I do, a colleague of mine. Luckily she recovered after a month or so and her condition - while not mild by any means - did not get to life-threatening stage. So she does not have covid anymore.
  7. Those look awful to be honest. I don't know how accurate they are to the show though, I haven't watched it. I don't see why you think this was unexpected, every time McDonald's has done the MLP figure line they have been immensely popular, so of course they want to do more of them.
  8. I'm doing some research, would you mind filling out this short form about museums? https://forms.gle/MAyVDm6GpQnNHJyE8

    Thank you

  9. I am so sad, I posted my build here ages ago and back then my pc was a beast. Now it has been like 7 years or more since I bought it and my computer is now below average and I'm having troubles with my video editing and stuff. I want to build a new computer but all the freaking parts are out of stock and it's so annoying..
  10. I don't have the slightest idea, some youtuber I don't watch like markaplier or similar probably? Let's see if anyone knows this: "I was so excited for Justin Bieber's new movie "Never Say Never" to come out on DVD! When I went to the store to buy the movie, I noticed Justin Bieber had other things. No music career would be complete without your own action figure, and, screaming girls! What's with the unicorn? He's got CDs, a movie, and his own autobiography! Now wouldn't an autobiography be more appropriate for someone who is more legendary? Maybe if we blend all of his accomplishments together, it might turn into something with a little more substance. I think I'm going to press the play button. Oooooh! Concert smoke, don't breathe this! Oh hey, this kid's got talent! Just... no more unicorns."
  11. Saw a movie called Finding Bobby Fischer which - in case you couldn't guess - is about chess. It was actually pretty good, was inspired to watch it after finishing Netflix great show called the queen's gambit.
  12. I would assume this topic is just outdated cause nowadays everyone has wireless headphones that connect via bluetooth. I have a pair of sony headphones and I love them.
  13. It is not my favorite by any means but right now I am really enjoying the music from an artist called Binärpilot (binary pilot)
  14. Yes and no. It is not difficult for me to carry a conversation and be talkative.. which makes it pretty easy to introduce myself and get to know people. However, I usually do not interact with people I do not know unless I either have to or if there is some sort of social event that requires you to talk such as.. playing board games or similar. So to answer the question, I am not making many friends because I am not really trying to. If I did, I doubt I would have any problems. I am very good at creating new relationships but I am horrible at maintaining them.
  15. Did we change server or something in the last couple months? The forum seems to run smoother than I remember it... :umad:

  16. I have never had any issues with these, honestly I can't even see how you would get them mixed up. Depending on the context I may point it out.
  17. It's amazing, great communities for the subs I tend to participate in. Been using it daily since before I joined mlp forums, probably like 10+ years. The subs I enjoy the most at the moment are r/science r/worldnews r/aftereffects and r/hololive cause you know, vtubers. I think the arguments that "people are toxic" is pretty silly, that goes for literally any social media platform on the internet. It's just about the amount of people using it and how easily accessible your posts become to others and vice versa that causes this perception that "reddit is toxic" "twitter is toxic" "x and y is toxic". Nah, it's all about the content and people you choose to put your focus on that gives you that impression. Believe it or not but even on 4chan which has a way worse reputation than reddit, you can easily find people who don't act like a jackass 24/7. If a certain type of behavior from someone bothers you you may ignore it. I never understood the "I saw people on site X saying something I don't like therefore everyone there must be the scum of the earth" mentality. That's a pretty naive and narrow-mined view imo. oh and by the way I saw some people comment on wsb, it is not a sub I have been following prior but the whole situation is hilarious, kind of wanted to get stonks for the memes lol
  18. Jokuc

    animation The last Anime you watched?

    I just realized I haven't seen Zero yet. Seeing how highly it is rated I'm sure it'll be just as great as the original, the difference in rating only existing due to originality bias. I just got to the part where they entered Grand Line and I feel like my life has been a lie cause I always thought the show would be about their journey to get there.
  19. wazzup equestria?

  20. Of course we will recover from it eventually. Whether or not it will ever go away, well that's more of a question to leave to the experts I would assume yes it will, but a lot of scientists seem to think that it won't, so I guess it will most likely stick around in small clusters seasonally even after a vaccine. Kind of similar to the flu but not as prominent due to us spending so many resources to contain and research it.
  21. During the period of the last 2 years I have subscribed to more vtubers than regular youtubers during 15 years on youtube combined.



  22. I do not know nor am I interested what that drama was about, but can you tell me how her personal attacks against a creator makes her *less invested* in the fandom as a whole? Because that is what it seems like you are implying here. To me it looks like you are writing her off as uneducated because she did something bad and you don't like her. I don't agree with your statement of her "shitting on the fandom". The whole video is delivered more like a nostalgic love-letter from my perspective. As I said, fandoms don't simply die. On paper. There will always be those who stick around no matter the state of the media. I did not say it is dead as soon as there is no "vast rapid growth". A fandom can have its growth slowed down but still be highly relevant and present. What I am saying is that if you are going to judge whether a fandom is "dying", then do so by looking at its overall activity. "Activity" includes fan-made content such as those things you mentioned. As there are no "minimum requirements" you have to set those for yourself. Everyone has their own views on what "dead" is and what is not. For me, a factor would be heavily declining growth and activity. "No vast rapid growth" and "heavily declining growth" are obviously not the same. Of course these are subjective numbers but the former would indicate the fandom is out of its golden era so to speak and the latter would be a state where the community is barely growing at all. I am not saying a fandom is dead once it is out of its "golden era". Now that we have that all cleared up let me reply to some stuff. 1. I did not say the fandom is dead. I said the brony phenomenon is dead, referring to the period of attention to the fandom. I did say the fandom is dying, and as far as I can tell this seems to be the case from my own subjective view. Attracting new fans or not, I am not seeing any noticeable growth. And even if the participation among fans is still there, there is a noticeable decrease in numbers. 2. It is a numbers game. Of course it is. The percentage threshold I was talking about is not supposed to mean that I see a fandom as dead when only 10% of the fans are left. It's supposed to be an arbitrary number. I am thinking like a sum of all the fans, creations, discussions etc by the fandom. Its activity if you will. Like I said. 3. The convention is growing because the convention is growing, not necessarily because the fandom is. Maybe the brony fandom is growing and all the new fans have just gone under my radar. I don't know. I'm just sharing my observations really. Even if so would be the case, there is in my mind no denying that the community is becoming less relevant and less active, even if fan creations are still being made. Yours truly is and have been a part of many fandoms, I know very well how they work. There's no need to get all upset about it and use passive aggressive phrasing. I have a different opinion than you and that's all there is to it, buddy.
  23. Hehe, this video made me a bit nostalgic.. Anyway, just watched the entire thing, I think it was a great video. One of, if not the best one yet explaining the history and life of the fandom. Lots of people seem to be in denial to admit certain things so I'm glad she addressed a lot of it. I like how she mentioned John being an ahole, I remember seeing interviews with him where he just seemed very rude and unhappy about the existence of bronies. The only things I do not agree with her on are #1 how she claims that everyone who watched the show either were or became a furry, which seems very exaggerated unless she sees 'liking ponies' as 'being a furry' (Like, yes obviously a lot of people in the fandom do enjoy furry artwork too but at least from my view it was more like people who joined the fandom were mostly just invested in the ponies and not necessarily furries in general, I would barely even call the characters in the show furries to begin with.) And #2 the rant about nsfw bodypillows seemed kind of unnecessary to the video, felt more like she couldn't let go of a chance to squeeze in some of her personal annoyances in there. #3 a lot of bronies being sexists, racists, homophobics (the part about people trying really hard to show how non-gay it is I do agree with though!) or whatever when it was at its peak. I don't see the point of including this either as this wasn't a pony fandom specific thing, it's just what happens when a community becomes that big, it is bound to include some bad apples. But once again, other than those things it was pretty solid. I mean she seems pretty invested to me and I have the same view on most things she was talking about. Depends on what we're talking about here really. The whole mlp/brony phenomenon seems pretty dead to me. Selling out 2 hotels doesn't mean it's not dying. Might just have different views on what dying is. The hype is gone, the growth is gone, most presence is gone. Of course the fandom itself won't simply die off, we are not taking notice of let's say the Digimon fandom anymore but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist and that there are no new people joining it. But at least in my opinion, relative to how active a community is during its prime you can kind of make a threshold and call it "dead" once its activity is at a certain low percentage of that number.
  24. Exercise? What's that? I wish I did I'm just too lazy. Whenever I make an effort to try it I end up either forgetting about continuing or I get quickly bored of doing it after about a week. I really should though, I'm not really the healthiest person in the world. I could use some better stamina :/ I feel like I would get more motivated to if I was overweight or something lol, it's harder to be motivated if the negative consequences for not doing it aren't really visible.
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