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Posts posted by CamRad18

  1. We as humans have also developed to defend better against things like the flu, the things they put into the shot's these's days are disgusting  https://thehealthfoodguru.com/whats_really_in_a_flu_vaccine I mean honestly...why would you do it..

    I don't think you could have picked a more biased source if you tried. Despite what you may believe, the FDA does a pretty good job or regulating what gets put into vaccines. Besides, when you don't get vaccinated, you're not only a danger to yourself but to others. 


    Read this, it might change your view.

  2. If you sell the RD promo for $150 or less on eBay I will buy it.


    Or you can just sell it to me privately. It is the only series 1 card that I need.

    Two apologies

    1. Sorry for responding so late

    2. Sorry, I can't sell the card for that much. It'd be a loss.


    On a slightly different note, how would you appraise a S1 "I Just Don't Know What Went Wrong" promo card signed by Tabitha St. Germain? I haven't seen any on Ebay to compare...

  3. @@CamRad18,


    Can we please revive this thread? It seems we neglect it a lot. Also, I encourage anyone who reads this to please be more active in this thread, not just posting, but also giving feedback to others.


    I will hopefully be posting a poem here soon.

    I've got another poem brewing as well. I've been without internet for a while due to vacation but I'm back!


    As for reviving this thread, I've got some ideas we can discuss

    Hey guys!


    In an effort to strike up a little friendliness around here, we've created a chat group on Skype. Hopefully this will increase communication and clear some of the tumble weeds blowing through the Poet's Club lately. Anyway, add CamRad18 if you want to join our little corner of the universe.





    • Brohoof 2
  4. For what it had been going for previously, I would say that $200 isn't that bad. For a while it would cost $300 or more. The price is slowly dropping... and I would have dropped $200 on the RD series 1 promo recently if I could bring myself to do that.

    I snagged that one for $180. Here's hoping that sometime in the future I'll be able to make my money back off of some rich collector.

  5. Well this thing goes inactive a lot, so why not contribute now? I've been in a creative slump for a while, and recently I finally managed to write a new poem. It's not very good compared to a lot of my work, but I figured I'd post it anyway. Fair warning, it's a sad one.


    "The Weeping Tree"





    I crawl beneath The Weeping Tree

    When life is dark and Blue,

    I curl my broken, bending knees,

    Knowing not what I can do.


    My eyes fixed in the distance,

    As this dead tree hangs above.

    I think of my blank future,

    And the Failure that is Love.


    I ponder all my tired thoughts

    That man can never know,

    Still under this old, ancient tree,

    'Neath this proud, old weary willow.


    My mind is blank and empty;

    Not a single tear I shed,

    But inside I'm overcome deep down

    With an overwhelming dread.


    Can I live my life like this?

    I wonder, can it be?

    I look up at the broken boughs

    Of the sad, old Weeping Tree.


    A thought inside consumes me,

    And I know just what to do,

    But I stood beneath the Weeping Tree,

    For a minute, maybe two.


    My heart is full of Kindness;

    This world is pain and death,

    So I sit beneath The Weeping Tree

    And breathe a slow, Last breath.





    Hey guys, I have an idea that can help unite us as brony poets, while also giving us a challenging bit of practice. We should do bouts-rimés. What is a bouts-rimés, you ask? Basically two poets write out lists of words with some kind of rhyme scheme (they need not all rhyme, nor do they have to be couplets or anything), and then they exchange the lists. Each poet must then write a poem around the other poet's list with the words at the end of each line. It's a fun activity I've done before, and I think we should do that as a theme of the week. What do you think?





    This also gets CamRad18's slightly less flashy seal of approval. I'll post the new theme and we can start on it at any time.
  6. I'll tell you one thing, I regret the amount of sleep I lose browsing these forums every night...


    Just kidding, I love you guys. In fact, I'm going to create a short list of the things this fandom has done for me.


    Reasons CamRad18 Thoroughly Enjoys His Pony Obsessed Brethren.


    1. I'm less of a cynical bastard. 

    2. It's harder to judge others when you've got a room full of pony.

    3. I've discovered fanfiction and it is DELICIOUS. (I read way more romance fics than a normal 17 year old guy should. PinkieDash is OTP).

    4. *Most* of my friends respect me more for liking MLP, even if others see it as weird. (No, I don't tell them about fan fiction...or the r34 side of the fandom).

    5. I discovered my passion for poetry.

    6. My depression didn't end in suicide. It's hard to carve up your wrist while listening to "Smile, smile, smile".


    There's probably a bunch more reasons, but those are the ones I could think of at 1 AM. 


    So no, I don't regret being in the fandom. I do, however, feel somewhat odd about dropping $300+ on equine souvenirs.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Hey guys, just a quick reminder to any newbies who might show up...


    Theme of the week is NOT mandatory. Write whatever the hay you want and post it. As long as it's legit (a.k.a. you actually put effort into it) then it's perfectly welcome here. 




    My submission today comes in two forms; non-cinquain and cinquain.






    The clock on the wall

    is quite shifty indeed.


    He goes back on his promises

    forth on his greed.


    He’ll yell out the hour

    then, just as you turn.


    The minutes will crumble,

    The seconds will burn.






    The clock

    Selfish and cruel

    A prank where you’re the fool

    Addictive to submissive

    tick tock



    • Brohoof 2
  8. I, too, like to pull out the old typewriter and lay down some phat rhymes. May I provide some critique?


    (There's only one answer to that question)


    CamRad18's List of Things to Change/Work on


    1. The way you wrote this is quite cliche (monster inside me, internal struggle, persecution, etc.) Poetry is all about taking an idea and putting your unique twist on it. Every teenager in existence has written a "tortured soul" poem like this at some point.


    2. As fun as being chained to a delectable cut of beef sounds, I believe the word you're looking for is "stake".


    3. Capitalization is an awesome way to emphasize an idea or start a new line (although it's not necessary). However, capitalizing all willy nilly robs it of any importance and makes the poem look like it was hastily scrawled in an awkwardly spaced Word document. 


    4. Same goes for indentations. Lines and stanzas should be divided purposefully. Don't just hit the Enter key whenever it feels convenient. 


    5. comma, comma, comma, comma, comma, comma...no ending punctuation? It's like a cliffhanger with no foreseeable conclusion! Punctuation isn't required, but if you're going to use it make sure to do so consistently throughout the poem. Make sure it grammatically correct, too. 


    p.s. If you like poetry, then keep on writing it! I'd be happy to help you out with any future work if you'd like. 

    • Brohoof 2
  9. I already posted this one on the first page, but it fits so nicely with the theme (and I haven't had time to write another).


    Have some mildly reposted Luna



    Midnight's Burden 


    Each night I raise failure;

    beauty, scarred.

    My artwork corrupted;

    essence, marred.


    My Magnum Opus;

    night’s gem, dusk’s pearl.

    a former prison;

    greed’s wings, unfurled.


    Black canvas flaunts ego;

    power, abused.

    The dreamer’s haven;

    sanctum, misused.


    Come dawn I snuff exile;

    choices, bold.

    My signature piece;

    distant, cold.




    Hey guys,


    I know that I've been almost nonexistent on this thread for a little while now. As lord of this miniature plane, I know such behavior is unacceptable. However, I have a good excuse:




    Seriously, I've been studying, doing study guides, and writing papers for the last week or two. As of late the work load has been a little too heavy for brony stuff. I haven't even had time to write a poem! (sad face)


    Before I go, I'd like to thank each and every one of you for helping to get this thread off the ground. My (quite lofty) goal is to get poetry a separate section on mlpforums (similar to the fan fiction section) and that's only possible with the support of a great poetry-loving community.


    Regards, best wishes, and all that jazz,



    • Brohoof 2
  11. Meh, I'm not embarrassed. I didn't even know My Little Pony was a show until I heard about G4. Probably for the better, actually. I think I might have had some misconceptions if I knew about G1.





  12. Roses are red

    Violets are blue

    I'm a dead terrorist

    Silence, I kill you


    Eh, eh, am I a masterful poet or what?

    Hey bro, I can appreciate the humor and all but if you're going to post I'd prefer it be constructive. If you don't feel like writing perhaps you could provide critique or compliments? Even a simple brohoof would do.

    • Brohoof 2
  13. I usually don't mess around with capitalization and whatnot very much, simply because I hear the poem rather than seeing it, if you know what I mean. I'll keep that in mind though. I'm very meticulous about my poetry as well, which comes through more in my more recent stuff. This is one of the first poems I wrote, actually and the whole thing came to me one day out of the blue with hardly any effort. Thanks for the comments, Katella.



    Both of those were very brief, yet you say a lot with few words. I like that. Depression also got me into poetry, though I'm most proud of the poems I make during that transition state between full-blown depression and normality. I suffer from major depressive disorder, as well as dysthymia (as my title suggests tongue.png) so things are always kind of crazy. Next time I'll share a more uplifting poem, hopefully. By the way, what do you think of my theme of the week idea (I added it to my last post tongue.png).

    Ah yes, you've picked up on my favorite writing style. I love taking an idea and condensing it into it's "purest", most succinct form. It's a fun little challenge, I guess.


    Also, I find this "theme of the week" idea both intriguing and brilliant. Here's my idea for the selection process; everyone interested submits an idea via message. A select few poets (or mini-mods, as I like to call them) would discuss them and come to an agreement. Then I, as OP, will edit my first post to include this theme. 

    • Brohoof 1
  14. Yeah, Rarity is great. Sexiest in-show pony to me is probably Rainbow Dash, however. I really like Trixie, too. Then again, I'm not exactly picky.


    The one pony I NEVER clop to is Pinkie Pie. Something about her hair just turns me off her whole design.

    I'm kind of the exact opposite. Pinkie's definitely sexiest in my eyes. Probably more due to her personality, though. I love care-free, optimistic people. It's just such a nice contrast to my sarcasm. 


    Also, this







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