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Archi the Atmomancer

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Everything posted by Archi the Atmomancer

  1. INCOMING LORE SPAM! Yes, I have written and published lore, for the first time! Earthborn military doctrine is now yours to read up on and exploit, FOR COMPLETELY FREE! Introduction: http://pastebin.com/73X9ru9u Chapter 1 - Force Composition and Structure: http://pastebin.com/9WxZsDv Chapter 2: <IN PROGRESS> Please, tell me how I've done.
  2. House Earthborn - Fillydelphia - Blueprint's Doorstep @, Braeburn sighed and smiled sadly "Well, that's a darn shame, miss. There's been a ruckus up in the General Board about General Steel Shield's recent death and we were looking for a keen, skilled mind to help us out but., but you're a free mare like everybody else, and if you don't feel up to it, that's your decision." He used a hoof to manoeuvre his hat back up onto his head and inclined his head slightly as a way of saying farewell "See you around then, miss," he said, and turned to leave. House Earthborn - Military Workshop @, Applebloom saluted back at the weaponsmith with a pale yellow hoof "No worries, miss," she said, though her face remained stoic "Ah ain't one fer mincin' words, so Ah'll get straight to the point, right here, right now." She held up a hoof to signal for Braith to wait for a moment and rummaged around inside her saddlebag for a moment until she withdrew a yellowing scroll of parchment. She unfurled the scroll, revealing what looked to be an archaic map of Equestria. "Now, this here's a map of Old Equestria," Applebloom said "And this here..." she pointed to a region deep in The Everfree Forest "Is an area of particular interest ta me and the Siege and Supply Corps at large, due ta the fact that it used ta be a highly-developed area of the Old Equestrian Empire." She stepped back from Braith and stuffed the scroll back into the saddlebag. "Ah was hopin' y'all would be willin' ta join me!" she screamed over the noise.
  3. House Earthborn - Ghastly Gorge - Fillydelphia Gem Mines @, (OOC: Ponies riding other animals... Interesting. ) The Fillydelphia Gem Mines were situated at the end of Ghastly Gorge, a location chosen for both its rich gem deposits and its defensibility. It had been commissioned by General Smart Flank close to the war's beginning, and rivalled the Appleloosan Gem Mines in production and size. At present, a small garrison of Ponies-At-Arms, Hoof Cannoneers and Bucker Cannoneers were situated at the borders of the mines, which were defined by a ring of rock formations that provided several helpful choke points for the pike-armed Ponies-At-Arms to defend, and also gave cover to the Hoof and Bucker Cannoneers. One of said Bucker Cannoneers spotted the Caller as he walked down through the canyon and called his superior, Captain Iron Anvil. The Captain was out of the mines by the time the Caller reached the border, and recognised both the stallion's crude Everfree armour and the banner of peace that he waved. The Captain stepped out of the defensible perimeter, though the cannoneers kept their weapons trained on the intruder and the Ponies-At-Arms lowered the pikes, which flashed menacingly in the afternoon sunlight. "We don't welcome barbarians here, savage," he began, contempt clear in his eyes "Unfortunately, honour dictates that I must respect your... peace banner. Say your piece and leave."
  4. @, 'fraid that Earthborn does not appreciate suck-ups, we prefer action to words, which incidentally you'e not taking.
  5. House Earthborn - Fillydelphia - Blueprint's Doorstep @, Braeburn, ever positive, raised his eyebrows slightly as he replied "Indeed not, Miss Blueprint - or Ah should probably say Mrs Blueprint, given that you are apparently married. Mah apologies," he tipped his head back a few degrees and let the hat on his head fall backwards onto his back, where it was held in place by a leather strap "I wouldn't have no worries 'bout secret police or nothin' in this House, ma'am. If we had a problem, you'd know about it." The Ranger peeked into the house once again as one of Blueprint's children called out from within. However, at the mare's reply his smile vanished, replaced by a confused frown. It was a rare thing to see Braeburn's mouth tilt downwards in such a manner. "You would lie to your own children?" he asked skeptically, but then dismissed it with a shake of the head, and his smile returned "Anyway, it's out of my hooves, I'm afraid, Mrs Blueprint. The General Board makes the decisions, not me. Although, you must tell me something," he smiled and leaned against the doorway "If y'all, as you say, aren't "that great an investigator," then why'd General Smart Flank request you personally to investigate this matter?"
  6. House Earthborn - New Ponyville - Military Assembly Ground @@The-Master, @@Windbreaker, The scribe chuckled at Long Stride's cynical demeanor as he ticked his name off the list of 199 others in the company "I wouldn't go invoking the name of the False Goddesses too loudly, sir. Captain Iron Scales might not take too kindly to it. Still, blasphemy never hurt anyone. Good riddance, I say," he chuckled again "Anyhow, we're heading out to rendez-vous with four other Generals on the Moon & Star border and show those two-bit slave traders the might of the people. With any luck, they'll run as soon as they see us coming, unicorns being the cowardly bastards they are. Nevertheless, good luck out there, comrades. Keep fighting the good fight." With a quick salute, the scribe was gone, registering the rest of the company to a man and leaving Long Stride and Poppy Seed no company but the stallions next to them and each other. Meanwhile, further back in the formation, a squad of Siege Engineers were formed up as part of another 200-stallion company, this one a mobile artillery company. The leader of this squad was Staff Sergeant Fixit, whose front two hooves currently rested atop his Bucker Cannon. To his left were team mates Eagle Eye and Gunpowder, to his right Short Fuse and Buff. They had been squad mates for fifteen years now. Fixit shifted impatiently and adjusted his black visor cap. He was also clad in a black trench coat and boots; less than stellar clothing for these warm, sunny conditions. But uniform was uniform, and the rules had to be obeyed. From here he could see the regimental standard, proudly bearing bearing his regiment's motto of "To hew the stone and break the door" beneath the Earthborn logo. Once again, Fixit shifted on the spot, eager to begin the next march. House Earthborn - Entering Stormwing Territory @@The-Master, After leaving Appleloosa, Applejack and her guard had embarked on the Supreme Commander's personal Buster, in this case equipped in Beastbuster configuration. While Applejack did not expect there to be violence on this little trip, there was always the possibility that House Stormwing would adopt a kill-on-sight policy regarding the entrance of a House leader to their territory, in which case the Beastbuster's anti-personnel weaponry would come in handy. The Buster had increased their travel time dramatically, as depite its size the titanic vehicle could cruise along at a steady pace thanks to the huge steam engine that took up most of the vehicle's rear. As this Buster was the Supreme Commander's personal vehicle,it had a name worthy of its owner; along its flanks the name "Fortress of Valour" was painted in huge, golden letters. As the Buster crossed the border into Stormwing territory, the co-pilot turned to Applejack, who was observing the scenery from the vehicle's cockpit "We should be arriving at Cloudsdale in about an hour, ma'am," he said. At first, the Supreme Commander did not react, but then she said "Either that, or we get a violent greeting court'sy of an old friend," and left the cockpit to await their arrival in the Buster's passenger compartment.
  7. @@Windbreaker, I believe that was an error, as AnonBrony asked Scholar to change some sections labelled New Ponyville in the intro to Appleloosa, and he changed all of them. So yeah, the Aseembly Ground is in New Ponyville. Originally the Bastion was in New Ponyville but Anon thought it'd be better off in Appleloosa so it was changed.
  8. House Earthborn - Fillydelphia @, Braeburn could hear the mare banging around in the horse like a buffalo even before she reached the door, so breaburn's smile had already grown by a few centimetres by the time she flung open the door and begged for her life. In response, Braeburn did something somewhat inappropriate; namely, he laughed his flank off. "Aw, sweet stars, miss, Ah ain't here to arrest y'all. Sheesh, this ain't House Moon & Star with their secret police. Ah just need to talk to y'all about somethin'. The General Board specifically requested that Ah head out here and hire you for a special assignment." He peeked past the mare and noticed the three children inside. Without quite knowing why, Braeburn found his smile growing smaller. "Might Ah step inside, Miss Blueprint?" House Earthborn - New Ponyville - Military Assembly Ground @@The-Master, @@Windbreaker, The scribe ticked off Poppy Seed's name with a swish and flick of his quill. "Thank you kindly, miss," he said, then turned to Long Stride "And you, sir; Long Stride, right?"
  9. But how will you kill me when I am raining shells on you from half a mile away?
  10. @@AnonBrony @@EquestrianScholar EDIT: Scratch that, I'll see how I go for now. If it becomes too difficult to run both I'll phase him out somehow, but otherwise Fixit's still in for now.
  11. @@The-Master Ooh, I don't know about kill. Beat the crap out of each other for a bit, make a fragile alliance, alliance fractures, rinse and repeat, is more like it. @@AnonBrony Thank you, and to be honest delays aren't too much of a problem for me since privately qccessing MLP Forums at my father's is difficult due to the computer being located in the living room. Nevertheless, I'll try my best.
  12. I have returned from the depressingly boring reaches of Wales! Sorry if I've held up the RP but I'm pretty much ready to go when everyone else is ready.
  13. There's no Wi-Fi at the cottage we're staying so I probably won't be on and I definitely won't be able to make my intro post for Earthborn. Sorry for any disruption I've caused.
  14. Just remembered, I'm off on holiday to Wales tomorrow and won't be back until next Saturday. I'm not sure if the place I'm going has internet access, but if it does I'll try and be on.
  15. On the subject of ponies killing from a conversation that I had no part in due to timezones, I'm pretty sure the reason you never see a pony use lethal force is because, well... It's a children's TV show. They're hardly going to show mortal combat between changelings and the Royal Guard, especially if one considers the abundance of pointy objects used. Anyways, yeah, good luck with applying for the Reserves, @@Windbreaker. Also, do any of the long-time mods (ie: Anon, The-Master) have any tips for writing intros? The Earthborn one's done but I think it could be improved.
  16. Right, I am about halfway through writing my intro, possibly three-quarters of the way through. I will definitely get it finished on Monday and then PM it to you, Scholar, just in case I need to make any alterations.
  17. Hm, wondered where Higurashi had got to. With any luck he'll turn up soon, if not we'll have to see what happens. Speaking of Storytellers, when's the Mod PM getting started?
  18. Moon & Star use slaves to work the farms, and Stormwing use their "voluntary non-pegasus citizens," aka slaves () in a similar manner, at least I think so.
  19. Righto then, thanks, I just wanted to know for my intro (which I haven't finished yet but have started.)
  20. There are currently no allied Houses, though I can see some of the Houses or independent entities trading with Whitegold. Moon & Star probably doesn't have a problem with them but Earthborn aren't exactly on good terms with them since their society is essentially the opposite of Earhborn (Earthborn is very much focused on the many above the few, Whitegold is all about personal profit.) Okay then... And the war? Is it like a Cold War state or is open warfare still in progress?
  21. Thing is, who does anyone trade with in Equestria Divided? The only people anyone can really trade with are the equivalent "indigenous people" such as buffalo and zebra tribes, because trade with other Houses would be... well, it's not going to happen, I imagine. Also @@EquestrianScholar, how involved are the Changelings going to be in this conflict? Following on from that, what's the state of the war at the moment?
  22. Damn it, forgot to write that up. I'll try and get it done tomorrow. Also, happy birthday!
  23. God, I hate bloody time zones; everything happens while I'm asleep. Anyways, I'll start writing up an intro tonight for when we do eventually get started, though I'm not sure how much time we should realistically wait. EDIT: @ Oh, damn, sorry, I haven't looked at your app. Assuming I still have the authority to do this, approved, can't see much that needs improving. MORE EDIT: Also, working on some Earthborn lore for military doctrine and orgnaisation and such, may be some time though.
  24. Had a look at this today actually, the transcripting's not as funny, it seems; there's significantly less terrorists now.
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