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Posts posted by GamerLuna7

  1. well guys, you convinced me, I just sent an email to equestria daily with my artwork, I hope they accept it despite the fact that they don't want OC's (though the make some exceptions XD)

    Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss. I hope to see they put it on Equestria Daily and that you will become famous :) yay im so excited now :) Good luck to you and i really hope they put it.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. It looks nice. Though i'm really not into pony Human art, so i can't really give you any good critique on this drawing. Keep up the work and keep practising :)

    One does not simply not like Human pony art.Cmon it is human rainbow dash how much more cooler can that be,it is like 20 precent more cooler.

  3. lol...you guys seriously think that I should submit this to Equestria Daily don't you?

    have you seen their galleries? there is canon everywhere! no OC's or unknown ponies around.

    Hell Yeah, you must submit to Equestria Daily,Luna commends you to do it because of the awesomeness of your artwork.Welcome to the family. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  4. It only took me about 4 1/2 hours to do and it was completely worth it. I may do a remix of it, but it'll have to wait until next year

    Ok,and rember everything is better with Dubstep you can never ever go wrong with Dubstep ,dubify everything! Guess il have to wait til next year.

  5. Hello there good sir / filly, this is the thread where everypony on this forum can talk about anything to do with tulpae and thoughtforms in general.


    For the guys that have no idea what I'm talking about, you are no doubt asking; "What is a tulpa?"


    Well, flip that open-mindedness switch of yours on, because this is going to sound crazy; A Tulpa is basically a forced hallucination of a being that has its own sentience.


    It's kinda difficult to explain, but think of it as an 'imaginary friend', but wait; it's far from just that. When you think 'imaginary friend' you would probably think of a being that you can 'kind of' see, but is mostly not there, and any time you imagine them doing something, it's because you imagined them doing so.


    Well, this ain't that. I mean, yes, a tulpa does a lot of things that 'imaginary friends' do, but the one thing that makes it separate from them, is that a tulpa is sentient. What that basically means, is that everything that the tulpa does, it does so on its own, and it requires little to no brain power from you. Whereas for an 'imaginary friend' if you watch that imaginary friend do something, like walk across the room, it did that because you thought of him doing it. For a tulpa, you won't need to imagine them doing something, he/she just will out of it's own free will.


    "So you're telling me, that a tulpa is a hallucination, that only you can see, that does things on it's own? Schizophrenia!!1! Creepypasta!1!! Blah Blah Blah!!11!"


    Hey, wait! Come back! I haven't finished yet. I know it sounds all scary and stuff, I thought like that too when I first heard about it. But here's the thing; this 'tulpa' isn't able to physically interact with the real world. Ever. They are not able to hurt you or anyone around you, let alone be able to even pick up something that could be used in a harmful way, because they are entirely in your head. They are not in any way in the physical world, but they are still in fact very real and are just as sentient and alive as you. Making a tulpa is all done without changing your brain chemistry in any way; it's all done through the power of thought alone.


    The creator of this tulpa can also give it a form, a body if you will, and even be able to impose it on reality if they so desire. But again, it's not a physical body, your hand and other objects will be able to pass through them no problem.(However, I have heard of quite a number of people with a lot of experience with all this say that they can, in fact, feel their tulpa's body. They say they can somehow feel their tulpa's skin / fur run through their fingers. However though, all of them also say that there is still no solidity; their hand passes through their body just as easily.) The tulpa can take the form of whatever you desire. Be it a human, animal, male, female, and yes, even our own little cartoon ponies.


    The tulpa is also sentient in other ways, through personality. You can give the tulpa it's own unique characteristics, flaws and personality of whatever you desire. (Though, you don't necessarily HAVE to choose their personality; you could skip the process of building their personality and let your tulpa decide for itself who it wants to be if you feel generous, or if you don't feel like doing all the work of building their personality, since for most people, working on the personality of the tulpa is quite time consuming.)


    Again, it's all very difficult to explain all this without sounding like someone from a mental asylum. There is a lot about tulpae that I haven't even touched on yet, and so I will leave it up to you if you would like to know more about this; there is a website devoted to the whole thing right HERE, if you wish to read more about it. It is probably better at explaining it than I am. Also, there happens to be a forum over there as well, and pretty much everyone over there are, despite all logic, quite sane. Oh, and it turns out that a decent amount of them even have pony tulpae('tulpae' is the plural for tulpa by the way). But just remember, the forum over there isn't exactly sunshine and rainbows like this place, but most of them are willing to help if you have any questions. (If you do have a question for them, just be sure to use their ol' search button up the top right. No one likes seeing two threads asking the same question.)


    Here's a few links, in case you missed the ones I put up somewhere up there.



    The front page of their website. Have a look around, there's much to read.


    Tulpa forums

    Their forums. Interesting people here. Again, not as much sunshine and rainbows there compared to MLP Forums, but most people there are helpful and will try to be friendly.


    (By the way, I'm sorry if I seem like the equivalent of a used car salesman, but I am actually NOT doing all this because someone told me to, I'm just sharing this because it's very interesting to me and I would like to share this whole phenomenon with all you wonderful people.)


    So there you go. Now that you've read a little bit about the subject, you may now proceed to tell me for the 9001th time how insane I am, and how I need to be locked up in a straitjacket and sent to the asylums and blah blah blah etc etc.




    EDIT: Wow, this thread has gotten big. Thank you to all that have kept an open mind about the whole subject. ohmy.png


    Also, since September 25th, I now have my first sentient tulpa, Crepuscule.(Ugh, yes, that is indeed a lipstick mark for a Cutie Mark. If you knew what her personality is like, you would know that it actually kinda suits her. Besides, she specifically asked for it, so I couldn't just say no. huh.png )


    And since October 22nd, I also have my second tulpa, White Rose. (However, the three of us have decided that it is for the best if we temporarily stop working on Rose for a while. I have found that it can be quite difficult for me to focus on two tulpae at once throughout the day, and as such, has slowed me down on making progress for either. But don't worry; she is still here, and Rose was actually the first to suggest this idea. So it's pretty much all voluntary on her part. The only thing different is that I see her significantly less than Crepuscule.) However, we are not done yet; I still need to work on their personality and actually impose them on my vision, which is coming along quite nicely I think. It might be until next year that at least Crepuscule will be at a point where I can say the process is 'done', however, I do know that my tulpae and I will never stop learning about each other, and I think that is important.


    For those of you that may be thinking about making a tulpa; remember, there is literally no wrong way to go about creating a tulpa. However, it is still important to read as much as you can about them, so that you know what a tulpa is, and what they aren't.

    You just f..... my mind man. I must have a rainbow dash and a Luna tulpa. WoW just wow,and also can your tulpa make sound? And if they can do you only hear it?

    • Brohoof 1
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