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Everything posted by FancyPhoenix

  1. Well of course not, but I highly doubt Flutters would use her stare in a competition like this It's not a survive or die situation after all
  2. Heh I agree, Opal could... deal some real damage Would that mean instant win though? I don't think anyone's beaten Opal like ever in the show. If you don't count Tank ofc.
  3. Sounds fun Will be following how this goes. But just as a clarification, wasn't one of the rules that no "animals" are allowed? Opal's still there though, sneaky cat. Still, I bet this will be interesting
  4. My girlfriend lives in another country, so I fly quite often as that is definitely the most efficient way to get from place to place. I don't think there's anything bad about flying, in fact I love it. The feeling of taking off is amazing, especially if you get a window seat and can watch the ground getting further and further away. It's amazing. People always ask me "But aren't you afraid the plane will crash?" but the fact is, the chances of a plane crashing are so minimal, there's nothing to be afraid of. It's more likely for me to die crossing the street than by flying. In short, as one of my favourite wizards says: FLY YOU FOOLS!
  5. My family grows At least for a moment that is... I've had my little girl, Princess Lulu (Yeah, guess where that name came from ) for about two years now. Last year while I was in the army, she was taken care of by my parents, who decided to take another cat to be of some company for her. And what a company he was (If you know what I mean... :tAjTk7v:) When I returned from active service in September and took her back home, nothing seemed different at first. Then I noticed a slight difference in her gait. She was sorta... wobbling a bit. In October it became clear that something was indeed different when she started getting bigger in the middle. And as you probably guessed, in November I had a nice little bundle of fur to come home to They're eight weeks old now, and quite the rowdy trio... Enough so that I relocated to the couch for the nights to avoid being woken up by their nightly combat training and whatnot Sadly, I don't have the resources to take care of four full grown cats, so I'll have to give them away in four weeks Luckily my parents decided to take the only boy of the trio to be of some company to his now-alone father back at their place, so I'll get to see him from time to time
  6. Well... I guess I'm a godfather then ^^ This is kinda exciting :P

  7. Oh, what a lovely crisp autumn-morning. What productive to do today? Wait... What's that, bed? Come back, you say? Naaaw, I don't think it would be okay... No, bed! Let go of me! I said, LET GOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAARRRHHH!!!.... And now it's 12:55PM... Fuck...

  8. Is it strange that my dad just told me he and my mom are getting a divorce and the only thing I feel about it is relief..?

  9. Oh how I thought this day would never come. But so it has and I'm FINALLY done with army! Nine months of service behind, filled with awesome memories with the best possible unit. Thank you conscript band! (Though I doubt any of you hang around here :P) Now I can try and ease myself back into the fandom ^^

  10. Happy Midsummer everypony! :D

    1. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      Ummmm, a lot of ponies aren't there yet. So it's just "someponies".

    2. FancyPhoenix


      But it's Midsummer here, so I get to wish Happy Midsummer, no? D:

    3. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      It isn't until I have arrived, then the Midsummer can start at my command.

  11. Something EVERYONE needs to read through ^^ http://www.equestriadaily.com/2014/06/not-doing-hurtful-things-to-your-waifu.html?m=1 I have not seen anything this adorable in a good while! :3

  12. Well I guess I could once again participate I just hope I haven't missed any of the giveaways because of the army... But sign me up and if I win I'll hang it over my bunk
  13. Well, this is it, guys. It's my last night as a private. Tomorrow I'll become a Jaeger. (I actually think that's kinda cool 0.o)

  14. My hatred for Hasbro grows... I know it's old news by now, but taking down "Ask Princess Molestia" was a dick move. It's almost like they want to suffocate all good fan content. Why??? What is it but free advertisement for them? Even if the nature of the blog was a bit NSFW-ish, I don't see any reason to put it down. Bad Hasbro! >:I

    1. Yellow Diamond

      Yellow Diamond

      Hasbro didn't take "Ask Princess Molestia" down. The only thing known is that the tumblr was taken down and JJ decided not to contest it.

    2. FancyPhoenix


      It was confirmed by JJ that he received an e-mail from Hasbro asking him to take down the blog. After this Tumblr shut down the blog by the request of Hasbro, due to "copyright issues"

  15. Well, here we go! In the army now :P 255 days, the clock is ticking.

  16. Här kommer jag igen, Sverige! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      Jiggle bobby snot obtuse sidewalk?

    3. FancyPhoenix


      Dsanders: You should ^^ It's a great place, and there's pretty girls :P

      A Makusu2: Wat..? o.0

    4. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      Zap bap pattycake.

  17. Haha I know, I know -_- And besides, mine is the best of them all if you ask me But you can NEVER have too many, eh?
  18. Dangit! I overslept... One of the reasons I hate living in Finland... All the fun stuff happens in you 'Muricans' time zone :okiedokielokie: Well... I guess my being there wouldn't have changed much of anything. So congratulations to all of you who won something!!! Especially that Pinkie Pie painting's winner! (I am so jelly to you right now...) Merry Christmas, people!
  19. And how high exactly would you want me to put my legs..? And why..? (I need an adult) TPAM wants to win some awesome art in Detective Butler's giveaway in 4,5 hours. (Because why not)
  20. Supernatural, why do you always make me feel for the bad guys??? D: Poor Crowley... (note: end of season 8)

  21. Merry Christmas everypony!! :D (And yes, I'm allowed to say that because we celebrate Christmas on the 24th in Finland and it's 25 minutes past midnight here ^^)

  22. I'm also pretty close to the finish, chapter fourty-three. I think.. I started reading approximately five weeks ago I have to say, at the beginning, I felt a bit cheated... Yes, the story was pretty nice and interesting, but the basic quality of the writing wasn't really that good... :/ There were many basic mistakes that shouldn't be in a story, for example Kkat broke the Chekhov's gun -rule in about every other paragraph, and the parenthesis-usage -mistakes are still driving me crazy xD I actually thought several times about stopping, but then I decided "NO. I will read this now that I've started." And so, I almost have :3 And I'm not as thoroughly disappointed as I thought I'd be. AND it got me into playing Fallout myself ^^ It's a great story with a good plot, but I honestly think people give it way too much credit...
  23. Not getting into any wars here, but just to state my personal opinion, I do agree with Tech Pony. The officers made the right choice by restraining the guy. Sure they could have used some less aggressive methods than a taser, but they couldn't have let that guy into the house where he would've been killed with almost 100% certainty. A fire without any protective gear is a deathtrap. I feel for the child's family, and I think it's horrible that something like this happened, but if they hadn't stopped that guy, there would be two bodies to mourn right now. I'm sorry, but did you even read the article? They clearly said "After he was pulled back, a firefighter tried to enter the home but was forced back by the heat, the AP reports." Even the firefighter WITH FULL PROTECTIVE GEAR was forced to retreat from the house. How in the name of Celestia do you people think the man without any gear could have survived??
  24. Steam Holiday Sale is on!!! ARGHBLARGHGLARBH!!! (Goodbye munniez :'( )

  25. What the hell is a pregnasister...? TPAM doesn't know what it is either.
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