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About Avery

  • Birthday 1996-07-19

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Profile Information

  • Gender
    Transgender - FTM
  • Location
    Northern Ireland
  • Personal Motto
    The only thing a child should anticipate from me is a slap across the mouth before i tell his starving ass to get back into those salt mines and make me some god damn money...
  • Interests
    Gaming, Furries, Ponies, Anime, Rock and Metal Music.

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

Avery's Achievements


Cupcake (3/23)


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  1. I hate Mac's -_-

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. None42069
    3. Avery


      Why I hate them even more is that I was doing a music composition for school. Needs to be done by next friday. So I was about to finish it today, so I added some more and hit return to go back to the beginning and it froze...I thought ok well I have it saved, but of course no. These Mac's are connected to a file server which failed to back up my work. Now I have to start again! ;_;

    4. DND


      Macs have a good graphics card, and a easy manageable setting output, (for me) but they have horrid support for programs and programing. PC's the way to go when you have the dream of creating really cool stuff with all your Flash, Minecraft Mods, and Music programs. XD But overall, most PCs are slower...

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