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Blog Entries posted by Scootalove

  1. Scootalove
    Once upon a time where Hollywood directors were giving superhero movie sequels a bad name, a fourth installment of the Superman movies and the 2nd worst Superman film of all time behind Superman III. We take a look back at Superman IV: The Quest For Peace.
    Now we start the movie off with, Russian astronauts in space and a huge debris of hits one of the astronauts and Superman talks in space while he flies off to rescue the Astronauts from certain doom.
    Superman flies back to his family's farm and hides one of the green crystals which would heal him later in a overall pants pocket.
    Lex Luthor breaks out of prison with his nephew waiting for him, with Luthor's goal is you guessed it.. take over the world!

    Then, we go to the scene where Luthor and his nephew sneak into the museum which holds a piece of Superman's hair which can hold 1000 tons. They steal the hair, throw it with a nuclear rocket into space. Superman vows to take all of the nuclear weapons, then he grabs the rocket hurls it into the sun to destroy it but it creates Nuclear Man!
    Long story short, we get to awkward fight scene between Superman and Nuclear Man in Metropolis then on the Moon.

    Nuclear Man abducts Lois Lane who is able to breath in space. Then, Superman blocks the sun from Nuclear Man by moving the moon. Superman drops Nuclear Man in a Nuclear power plant defeating him.
    Anyway, the movie is pretty bad. But if you want to see it, by all means go for it.
  2. Scootalove
    As we look back on the Batman movies that helped build a super hero movie franchise like the Superman movies, we look at the 1989 classic Batman movie directed by Tim Burton.
    This classic Batman movie helped pave the way with the Batman movie franchise that Warner Bros. operates, this classic appealed to the children and adults when the movie first released. We got to see Jack Nicholson play as the comedic & sinister side of Joker while we have the bachelor playboy by day and mysterious vigilante by night known as Batman played by Michael Keaton. In this movie, we saw Batman smile while he intimidated enemies to put fear into them after he beat the shit out of them.
    Luckily, Burton & Nolan adopted two different styles while Schumacher went to the kid friendly and colorful styling from the 1960s Batman TV show with Adam West as Batman. Anyway, Nicholson and Keaton basically paved the way for Ledger & Bale to take the roles as Joker and Batman in the Dark Knight in 2008. Batman (1989) stays as the most grossing Batman movie to date until more movies followed along them.
    Do you think Christopher Nolan surpassed Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher or did Burton use the right style of Batman to beat the two directors? Comment it out!
    This was ~Chaotic Lightning~. I remember it so, you don't have to!
  3. Scootalove
    I'd like to wish all of you a very Happy New Year, with a lot of promise and happy memories!
    Now that 2013 has come to a complete close, we're all ready to make our New Year Resolutions to plan for the future. I am so glad that I spent my years here on the forums, I think that since Season 4 is having a such a great start, this year will hold many promises for the future.
    To all of my friends and acquaintances, I'd like to wish you all a happy New Year!
    2014 is the year of the Best in the World!

    I'll catch you guys later!
  4. Scootalove
    I know that I didn't get a chance to say this but, thank you all so much! After all of the generous support that I've gotten over these past few months, my depression has faded away and in fact I look happier than ever!
    So anyway, thank you all!
  5. Scootalove
    Now before you say anything, yes this is a serious moment so if your here for the silly and random Scoots you've come to the wrong place. After a few weeks, I've been rising up from my depression and I feel that I've angered some people on the forums. With school coming closer to starting, I'll have to cope with the anger.
    Cutting this blog short, so that's about it.
  6. Scootalove
    I'll make this, short and sweet. Since, Saints Row IV is coming out and not a lot of people are interested in buying it. I'll just be buying it on the 20th of August. So, whoever is going to buy the game on PS3 you can add me if you like just tell me who you are in the friend request message.
    Good day.
  7. Scootalove
    Batman Begins directed by Christopher Nolan
    Christian Bale - Batman/ Bruce Wayne
    Michael Caine - Alfred Pennyworth
    Liam Neeson - Henri Ducard/ Ra's Al Ghul
    Katie Holmes - Rachel Dawes
    Gary Oldman - James Gordon
    Cillian Murphy - Dr. Jonathan Crane/ Scarecrow
    Morgan Freeman - Lucius Fox
    ( There is the cast, not really surprised at the Christian Bale part.)
    WARNING: If you haven't seen this movie avoid the spoilers! You've been warned!
    Filming began in March 2004, where they had to film the whole Batman film in Chicago. The whole budget went up to about $150 million dollars, and it really did blow up the box office with about $374,218,673. It released in the U.S. on June 17, 2005. So let's dive in. It was based on Bob Kane's comic book origin of Batman, and the story was put on the big screen by Nolan and David S. Goyer.
    The movie starts out with Bruce Wayne in Iceland, after he was reminiscing on what happened when his parents were murdered.

    Now we see why Bruce was gone for so long.
    Now, we look back at the movie where we see Bruce being trained by Ra's Al Ghul at his training dojo for the League of Shadows in Iceland.

    Bruce Wayne returns back to Gotham, taking interest in Wayne Enterprises where he starts to work on the technology known as the Tumbler, and a protective bodysuit. He provides information to Rachel a childhood friend, about Falcone who is shipping drugs in the shipyard. Dr. Jonathan Crane takes Falcone and his henchmen to Arkham Asylum. Jonathan Crane drives Falcone insane with his Scarecrow mask.

    The League of Shadows and Ra's Al Ghul start to unleash fear toxin all across Gotham, after Bruce celebrated his birthday at Wayne Manor. Batman confronts Ra's Al Ghul on a train, while James Gordon destroys the elevated tracks on the Gotham train. Batman escapes the train, leaving Ra's to die in the crash.

    Batman loses Rachel, and buys a controlling stake in Wayne Enterprises. Also, replacing one of his mean employers with Fox. Gordon mentions a criminal who leaves Joker playing cards and, Batman disappears into the night.

    Overall: 8/10
    It was a pretty solid movie for Christian Bale's beginning as Batman, and he tried to portray as playboy Bruce Wayne and Batman even with a very hilarious deep voice. Cillian Murphy did a good job as Scarecrow, Liam did a solid job as Ra's Al Ghul, also Gary Oldman.. may I say more?
    That's about it, I did my best but it was still a good movie. Great job, Nolan.
  8. Scootalove
    Hello, I'm the reviewing critic.. I remember it so you don't have to!
    We have all seen movies based on best selling books, there are some movies that do better than the book while there are movies that do worse than the book it is based on.
    Stephen King's movies based on books for example, don't do so well as the book does. So we are here to look at the movies based on Stephen King's books.

    This is Stephen King's movie IT, which of course it is based on the book IT. The movie is about a clown who terrorizes children in a neighborhood, also this movie really tries to promote that balloons are scary. That is the first problem with this movie, secondly the movie isn't scary.
    The clown basically turns into a fake CGI spider, then they just blow the spider up into ashes. So, yeah I wouldn't recommend the movie but I would recommend the book.
    Now, lastly... let's look at another Stephen King book that turned into a movie.

    The Langoliers basically has bad special effects, bad writing, plot holes, and any other problems with his movies. So, that's about it. I'm the reviewing critic, until next time.. I remember it so you don't have to.
  9. Scootalove
    Today, I'll be showing a video about superheroes in general. What people say about the movies and comics on what path that superheroes follow. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the video! WARNING: Try not to take the video seriously.
  10. Scootalove
    I know I'm a year late on this review but, I want to make a quick review of the last movie in the Dark Knight Trilogy known as The Dark Knight Rises.
    WARNING: Spoilers are in this review so, if you have yet to see the movie. DON'T READ THIS REVIEW!
    So let's jump into the review of the movie:


    The movie itself had a very good uprising atmosphere where they had Talia Al Ghul help an ex-communicated Bane cause anarchy and revolutionize Gotham so he could save the corrupt prisoners in Blackgate Prison. Batman had to make a sacrifice by exploding with the bomb in his new Batwing, in which he survived in the explosion. We cut to the ending of the movie where, one of the officers who is now known as Robin is seen in the Batcave as the platform rises. Sadly, this is the last movie of the trilogy. Christopher Nolan stated that: ''There will not be another Dark Knight movie after Rises.''
    Overall: 7/10, it had potential to be better like most superhero movies.
  11. Scootalove
    Well hello everypony! I guess some of you aware of Sony announcing the next upcoming sequels of the Amazing Spider-Man, which they will have The Amazing Spider-Man 2! So if you didn't enjoy the first movie, I suggest you don't watch the sequels that are coming soon. As for the people who did enjoy it, watch it if you may even if it is connected to the comics or not. So expect Rhino and Electro in the movie.
    What are your thoughts on Sony Pictures working on The Amazing Spider-Man 2?
  12. Scootalove
    Judging from the conferences that we saw yesterday at E3, showed that the new games that are coming out hold many promises including the exclusives for the PS4 and Xbox One. Microsoft putting out the restrictions and the new ''no used games'' policy on the Xbox One going commando. Ubisoft showing off Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag and the masterpiece known as Watch Dogs.
    Sony decided to put Microsoft in their place with allowing players to play used games on the PS4, since it is cheaper than the Xbox One. So, how about we get some pictures in here?




  13. Scootalove
    The Batman movie that was released in 1995 known as Batman Forever, had a lot of negative reviews for it's comedic results after the movie was released. Maybe we could look at the cast of the movie.

    Batman - Val Kilmer
    The Riddler - Jim Carrey
    Two-Face - Tommy Lee Jones
    Dick Grayson - Chris O' Donnell
    Dr. Chase Meridian - Nicole Kidman

    I think that movie in general had a different style to what Tim Burton had in Batman Returns and Batman (1989), but the thing is Schumacher's movies appealed to kids. But, oh well.
    This movie was funny and it was so funny that it was bad.
  14. Scootalove
    As we wait for the rest of 2013 to come to an end, we already have a huge lineup of upcoming games that will definitely surprise some or leave others disappointed. The way we look at it, we are all waiting for high expectations from the developers and publishers who are currently working on their games as we speak. The development and the storyline have to make the game worth playing, basically I don't really have high expectations for Saints Row IV since it has a different play style than Grand Theft Auto.
    So let's dive into Saints Row IV!

    Maybe high expectations for this?


    What a weird coincidence, huh?


    This definitely looks promising.

    I don't really know what to say but, I guess we could be expecting a very crazy acid trip and mindfuck of a video game coming out soon. So wait until August 20th, for a new action-packed intstallment of Saints Row IV!
  15. Scootalove
    Well so far from this game we have seen the demo, and we have seen the multiplayer trailer where you get to play with other players in clans. This year has been promoting a lot of new games that we are all saying '' Take our money!''. While we look at this game, let's look at pictures of the game.

    The game itself will be very impressive


    Well.. by all means take our money!

    So what do you think what this game will have in store for all of us? Talk about it in the comments, about The Last of Us!
    You guys get to vote on which upcoming game, I talk about next. Ciao!
    So make sure to have your credit cards out, to get the game!

    No, that did not happen!

  16. Scootalove
    The game that we are all anticipating to see showcased at E3, and to see more gameplay of since the only features we have seen are how we can play as three characters for the first time ever in Grand Theft Auto in which it will have the styles of San Andreas and Vice City. In where you can fly helicopters, fly in a airplane, skiing, and doing other activities that we couldn't do in the past.
    We know that Rockstar Games will not disappoint on the series at all. You can play as three characters: Michael, Trevor, and Franklin. There will be a Collector's Edition and Special Edition of the game available only for pre-order only. There will be a huge variety of cars, trucks, bikes, helicopters, planes, ATVs, and jet skis.
    It will definitely not disappoint with the new activities, mobile, map, and the new open world style.
    When the game releases on September 17th, what are your expectations and your plans on what you will do in Grand Theft Auto V? That is all, for now. Ciao!
  17. Scootalove
    We are all looking forward to Battlefield 4 when they showcase it at E3, to show the newly developed Frostbite engine that DICE and EA decided to upgrade since Battlefield 3 and the other past Battlefield games had the Frostbite engine.
    Everyone is anticipating with different opinions, since it is in competition with the other upcoming games of 2013 that will either be showcased at E3 or be a playable demo in the near future.
    Am I looking forward to Battlefield 4? Yes, because I think since Battlefield 3 earned Game of the Year we could expect the same thing from Battlefield with all of the speculations on the weapons and single player. We haven't seen any multiplayer gameplay but, we may expect it at E3 this year.
    Note: If you preorder Battlefield 4, you will be able to play the China Rising expansion pack in the game.

    Gameplay incoming!

    So what are your expectations for Battlefield 4? Share it out in the comments.
    Battlefield 4 releases on October 29th for North America, October 31st for Australia, and November 1st for Europe. Also with three playable factions: U.S., China, and Russia. The next game, that I'll be talking about in the next blog is Grand Theft Auto V. See ya!
  18. Scootalove
    Now, we look at the prequel known as Batman: Arkham Origins© which takes place seven years before Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, whom are the predecessors to Origins. So far, the information that we know of the game is that the design and the background of the game takes place on Christmas Eve.
    The villains in the game include Joker, The Penguin, Bane, Scarecrow, Deadshot, Anarky, Alberto Falcone, Deathstroke, and the infamous crime lord known as Black Mask. The story takes place before the existence of Batman's sidekick, Robin. Deathstroke is a hired assassin who was hired by Black Mask, and Deadshot who never misses his target as the assassin.

    It releases on October 25, 2013 for PS3, Xbox 360, PC, and for Wii U with a spinoff.

  19. Scootalove
    Well ladies and gentlemen, here it comes... My review on the classic 1997 Batman movie known as Batman and Robin directed by Joel Schumacher.

    I didn't know I was going to review this movie, but I had to put my opinions on this movie. When I first saw this movie, I thought it was going to be the classic predecessor like Batman Forever. But, after I saw people review the movie and show how Schumacher's directing on this movie went in the wrong direction.
    So here are the positives:
    Fighting scenes: The fighting is what makes the movies and the crowd sitting back in their seats waiting for more action to take place.
    The soundtrack: The music in the movie may have it's problems but, when a movie like Batman has to include Danny Elfman, then you have a good soundtrack. The music in general, is decent.
    The comedy and the bad puns in the movie, speak for itself since it tries to be funny but the movie is so bad that it is definitely funny.
    Basically, the whole movie is very bad but not every movie is perfect. So if you like the movie, that is fine too. But, we were expecting a good Batman movie. The movie itself was called an embarrassment, to the Batman movie franchise.
    But oh well, the puns were very bad and the plot was pretty empty.

    And also, A BAT CREDIT CARD!

    Oh, forgot to mention... This movie includes bat nipples, bat asses, bad puns, bad lines, and the colorful choreography from the classic Batman 1960s Adam West TV show.
    In conclusion, the movie was bad overall but it was basically more of a comedy movie then a Batman movie. That is all, not just yet.

    also, the evidence of the bad writing of the movie!
    This is what Schumacher's evil plan was for the movie:
    Okay, that is all for now.
  20. Scootalove
    2K Sports© announced the release date for next upcoming wrestling game for Xbox 360 and PS3. 2K Sports is now the wrestling gaming brand for WWE since THQ went bankrupt.
    The U.S. release date for WWE '14, will be on October 29th also the Europe release date will be on November 1st.
    That is all for now, I'll be doing a blog on Batman: Arkham Origins next week. Ciao!
  21. Scootalove
    I have been very silent about this, so I'll just say it to anyone that is wondering. When my birthday arrives next month, I am planning on writing my first My Little Pony: Fan Fiction to celebrate on turning 16.
    I'll cut to the chase, since those are my plans. Let's get down to the advice part, I know what my fan fiction will be about and what the storyline will be based on. But I'm calling out to anyone that wants to give me advice on writing my first fan fiction. It can be anything. (Grammar, Spelling, Sentences, Spacing, etc.)
    So I'm all ears, and I'll be thanking you guys for your advice. So ciao!

  22. Scootalove
    Lately, I have been in while the worst mood for months now thanks to high school. But, the forums have really turned my frown upside down and every time that I come on to the forums I always feel so happy to talk to the members on the forum. Discussing topics, and anything possible.

    So I have to say.. thank you everypony!
    So I really appreciate it.
  23. Scootalove
    Well, ever since the Uprising DLC was announced I decided to make a blog about it.
    The Uprising downloadable content is the second map pack that was announced in March and is now available to all Xbox players currently right now and will soon be available for PS3 and PC players next month (May). The reason why we have to wait is because, Microsoft signed a contract with Actvision/Treyarch and it guarantees that Xbox gets all Call of Duty downloadable content first before PS3 and PC players get it.
    The Uprising DLC includes four diverse multiplayer maps and ''Mob of the Dead'' a new zombies experience to date set in San Francisco's notorious Alcatraz island.
    Four multiplayer maps:
    1. Magma
    2. Studio
    3. Encore
    4. Vertigo
    So, enjoy the new downloadable content experience!
    UPDATE: Uprising comes out for PS3 players on May 16th! PC players get it on the same day.
  24. Scootalove
    Here is my review on the classic 2002 Superhero film by Marvel: Spider-Man 2002 ©
    The filming and the movie takes place in New York, more specifically Manhattan. The movie in my opinion, was good for my childhood and it really changed my opinion on superhero films.
    The film itself, is really good especially when you have the classic Green Goblin vs. Spider-Man battles.
    The crew goes like this:
    Green Goblin/Norman Osborn - Willem Dafoe
    Spider-Man - Tobey Maguire
    Mary Jane - Kirsten Dunst
    Harry Osborn - James Franco
    Rosemary Harris - Aunt May
    Cliff Robertson - Uncle Ben
    Not a bad crew, all of the scenes were pretty good. I guess, a film like this can make you squee with excitement.
    Anyway, sorry if this review wasn't that entertaining. Hope you enjoyed it, that is all for now.
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