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Everything posted by Bronyette

  1. The error is pretty darn small, it isn't really that noticable. What is more noticable is the fact that her cutie mark is wrong. XD but its cute so I like it. But I wonder if someone makes them and sells them online, if not I will. I would kill for a DJ pon3 shirt.
  2. I was at the fair and I happened to stumble across an airbrush t-shirt stand, and to my surprise they had a Fluttershy design. So of course I had to get it. X3 Dx Its sideways... darnit. Dumb phone. Oh well.. Anyways, I was wondering if you've ever found another place that has g4 designs. All I've ever found before this was a few g3 Pinkie Pies. ...Also I was wondering if I could fix the design a bit since it kinda looks like she has a milk mustache (not so much in the picture, but very noticible in real life). Would a fabric pen work?
  3. Ooh, if platonic friendships count, since I'm female, I'd have to say Fluttershy. We have so much in common, it would be fun to have her around. We could play with fluffy kittens and bunnies and chat about animals. I'm also very softspoken and nice. My friends who have seen the show always are first to point out I am just like her, even if I deny it. .-. But I think we would be the best of friends. Plus who wouldn't want to hug her? She's too cute!
  4. A teacher at my high school said my friends' multi colored hair reminded her of a mlp, then she proceeded to ask her if she liked ponies... to which my friend said no. XD The teacher was an older woman so I assumed she meant the older generation, but you never know.
  5. 0/10 I can't say that I've seen you before which is surprising since you're a dragon. Nice to meet you!
  6. 8/10 The ear looks a bit small and positioned weird, but it is good overall.
  7. You seem to want to date everybody. XD so... maybe? But probably not.
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