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Everything posted by Bronyette

  1. I would totally help you out, friend, if my voice didn't sound so weird. Definitely nothing close to a Rarity voice. But the best of luck for you in your voice skit thing, I'll be looking forward to it~!
  2. Closed~ I'm super bored nowadays, so I thought I'd try my best to give back to the MLP community. I'm not the best so I need a lot of requests to get better. Practice makes perfect, no? I will only take 5 requests at a time so I don't overload myself. I draw pretty quickly, so you wont wait for long. Honestly... I'm not expecting a lot. Form ------------------ Picture reference: Cutie mark: if not shown well in the picture Pose: ---------------------- Waiting list 1. No one 2. No one 3. No one 4. No one 5. No one ------------------- You may do whatever with the pictures I give you. You can vector, color in, or anything, I do not mind at all.
  3. Okay, I'm done doing my drawing. xD I don't really have my pen to my tablet so I hope this is okay. I'm sure if you ask someone they will trace over it digitally... If it looks alright of course. Also, I was thinking of making a request thread, so can I use this pic as a reference?
  4. I would totally enter this for fun but.. I honestly have no pictures of myself at all. Or at the very least good ones. xD I have a crazy smile in every single one. Plus... just general shyness. Edit: Oh, my boyfriend said I should. But warning; I'm not wearing makeup and my hair is far from done. :3 Pssssh, who needs make-up! Natural beauty is better, am I right?
  5. Nah, I never get bored at all. xD And finding colors is the hardest thing for me to do. x.x I swear it took forever to pick colors for her. Her mane and everything else came to me, but the colors... nope. Plus simple colors, like grey and black, look the best to me. So that's what I used, with a splash of pink.
  6. Aww Thank you, it was the only one I actually spent a large amount of time on. The others were just really quick practice. I really like the use of pen in your drawings, they are all so good. Even if they are old, they are still amazing. Maybe if I practice enough I could paint like that someday. :3 Or at least I hope.
  7. Okay, I'm pretty new to painting. I recently got a set of watercolors and I've tried my hand at painting but I can't make backgrounds really easily at all. Do you paint them first and then try to paint your subject or is there some other technique better for watercolors? Whenever I make them they sorta blend into the subject and It doesn't look good at all. I would like to paint some ponies soon, but I would like to include some sort of a background as well. Also any other tips or critiques would be appreciated! Pikachu Rainbow Giraffe Wolf (first watercolor painting ever + cruddy background) Sadly, the first painting I made is the best. ;-;
  8. Neat, I was hoping would draw a picture of my new character. She is pretty simple, so she shouldn't be too tough to draw. :3 She is pretty shy too, so a kinda shy pose would be cute. She is an earth pony, but for now could you draw her as a filly? :3 Until I'm sure that paintbrush is what I want for her cutie mark. Also her tail is like a blue version of Pinkie Pie's. Thank you so much~
  9. Ooh, this looks like a whole lot of fun. Could you draw a picture of my Ultraviolet. :3 These are so cool. I wish more artists would do this kinda stuff. Her cutie mark is headphones. No goggles please. :3
  10. Edit:: I realized none of my pictures really qualified. I'm sorry, but consider this a friendly bump. :3 Ooh, I hope you get to use Ultraviolet, that would be super awesome! I honestly don't care about the prize but it would be really cool to have her in the animation. Name: Kylie Forum name: Bronyette
  11. Not yet. Im not quite sure what to name her. :3 Im sure ill think of something. Since Ive started drawing on my phone it hasnt been taking as long as it used to. So not a whole lot of work, but enough. Sketches is a pretty cute name and it fits her pretty well. :3 I might keep that one.
  12. Thank you. It was a long process but I love how she turned out. I need to draw her tail though, the program wasnt cooperating. Now all I need is to pick a name for her.
  13. Thank you. I took a pretty long time to draw it actually, just to get the smaller things right. The outline on it was the hardest, some places i couldnt do because it would get jumpy and bad. XD
  14. Oh. XD yeah. Its her cutie mark. Since it was so hard to make i didnt want to accidently mess up since there isnt any undo button. Im sure i could edit it on when I get the time to get on my computer. :3 Plus fluffy mane-do's are what I do best~!
  15. Just a cute pony I drew, im probably going to keep her as an OC because she is so darn cute! I made this on a free paint program on my Samsung Galaxy 2. It was on a small touch screen, so this drawing was super hard to make. Comments and Critiques welcome!
  16. Bronyette

    request shop Free Art for Someponies!

    Could you please draw my oc? Her tail is like pinkie pies, but it matches her mane color. :3 She is sorta quiet and shy and prefers her solitude. Oh. And the paintbrush is her cutie mark. Thank you so much for doing this, it is very generous of you.
  17. Ooh, those drawings are awesome. I loooooove it~ they are both super awesome! Thank you so much. They are perfect. And the sandwich queen looks great. XD
  18. Oooh I really want to add mine up there just for the heck of it. Ill have it done ASAP. Hopefully mine wont look too bad though. XD i do use paint a whole lot though
  19. Kid, you could have PM'ed me. xD But I will. Remind me sometime. And I'm going to take artistic liberties with some of the pictures, okay? Mostly cause the background pic is gross.
  20. Thank you. My favorite drawing program is Paint, and it's great for drawing ponies because you really don't need all that much detail for them.
  21. >w> You just don't take your time, silly. And honestly, paint is easier for me to use. The line tool is super useful. I can't draw anything well at all on gimp or photoshop, at least not without my tablet.
  22. Ooh, this looks super fun! Could you draw these two together. It's me and my boyfriends ponies. Make something goofy, okay? xD Thank you soooooo much in advance! And if you could do one separately of my little cousin's goofy character that would be amazing! Sandwich unicorn princess queen.
  23. Glad I could be of assistance. Starry Night is my favorite too, actually. :3 Practice always makes perfect as they say! I can't wait to see more from you.
  24. There is something I find about this that is completely and utterly adorable~! I love love love it. I kinda want to draw something like this myself now. I'm sure if you keep to it you will be able to draw super awesomely one day. When I use paint I normally just use the pencil tool, it makes the lines smoother and look better. But the grass you made on this picture looks very good, like in an artsy sorta way, and all the stars kinda in swirls reminds me sorta of Starry Night.
  25. Thank you~! I was really hoping for someone to critique the drawing on the bottom if that's alright. I have been trying to make a style my own, but I'm not sure if it looks good to anyone else.
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