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Everything posted by Bronyette

  1. Well, finally got a tablet. What do you all think! Does it look alright? I'm still trying to get used to it. Also I think I should mention she's supposed to be underwater, and I haven't finished the background yet. I think there will be glowy jellyfish, does anyone else have a good idea?
  2. On the new episode at the beginning the maneiac looks an awful lot like my OC Pixie Dust. XD before she transforms though. My little brother pointed this out to me.

    1. Bronyette
    2. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Lol sometime Ocs will accidentally look alike xD

    3. Bronyette


      Yeah. She doesn't look "too" much the same. But the color of the coat and one of the main mane (lol) colors are the same. XD Pixie has two other colors in her mane.

  3. Started an ask blog for Pixie. Let's see how far this gets. ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bronyette


      No one else does. ;-; no one has commented yet. And that forum moves at lightning speed. You could still see the cute pic, right?

    3. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      Aww, it's okay. At least Silvertear has a little heart for her :3

      And yes I could still see the cute pic if i'm not mistaken. Forums that move like that generally have no comments in some threads, it kinda sucks.

    4. Bronyette


      Yeah. There are so many posted it's hard to keep up.

  4. Sorry, I was on a forum that had a hardcore debating subsection that I was a part of. I kinda get critical at times. But still all my points stand. On another note, I don't mind the halfway decent furries. There are a few types I won't go near because they tend to be childish and annoying. PS: I'm really not mean. ;-; just critical on points given I don't agree with, or if they don't make sense to me.
  5. So if I had a warrior cat character, it would make me a furry? Or would it make me a fan of Warriors? If I had a human character what would that make me? I'm really sorry, but I don't see your logic exactly. I'm sort of a furry, but I don't exactly understand. I think if you have an OC of a mlp all it means is that you like my little pony and are a fan. The 'only' way I see someone being a furry, is if they associate with the fandom. You can't really call people furries if they don't associate with the one thing they are supposedly a part of. ((Don't take this as an attack, sorry if it sounds that way.))
  6. Quantum physics, I cannot even begin to understand you. But I have an exam over you in an hour, so I better start.

    1. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      Don't worry, nobody understands quantum physics.

    2. Bronyette


      Yeah, it was an awful mess. XD I think I possibly did pretty decent though.

  7. Ooh, could you sign me up? I would love to decorate my new apartment with ponies! I'm wayyy too lazy to paint my own, plus there is no way I could paint that good anyways. Still trying though.
  8. Oh god, I don't think it did well on my chemistry final. ;-; I still have no idea how to do molarity

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      Yeah, more or less. It's a little sad that she has to live in a small shack. She's just too cute of a pony to be somewhere there~ :3

      Also, are we still doing the, PM thing? Just wondering, there's no rush.

    3. Bronyette


      Maybe. V.v I work a bunch this week for Christmas money. I'm not sure

    4. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      Ah, okay. Christmas is really awesome, mostly. Depending on some people (( Like my Grandma )) will spend a decent bit of money (( around 500+ dollars )) on that holiday alone. Not to mention food, supplies and other things like that :3


      But take your time for the RP, I can wait~

  9. Awww. :c you make me wish my hair was still pink. But you pull it off much better. XD
  10. Aww. Thanks. That's super cute! I'll add it to my gallery
  11. Hello everyone. I'm sorry to say that I can't get on for a while. My grades aren't doing too well and I really need time to buckle down. So sorry to anyone if usually talk to.

    1. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      Alright. I hope things improve soon.

    2. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      Aww, okays..

      Take care though Bronyette, you're a really good friend and I hope you get better grades! :3

  12. Bronyette

    request shop Drawing for practice.

    D'aaaaawwww. So cute. I really love how you drew this! Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
  13. Sorry for the wait. Added cute socks because I felt bad. http://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?t=1959962 ^ Here's the base, you need an account to use it. ^
  14. Okay, I'll do all of the requests. But I won't be taking anymore after this. here you go, hope it's alright.
  15. Whoopsy. I skipped over yours. I'll do it right after I finish the one I'm working on. It will be finished before 2:30 though. :3
  16. Sorry. D: I'm only designing characters on this thread. here you go, hope you like it. I'm doing yours next. :3 Same here, I'm only going to be designing characters. D: sorry.
  17. Yep! They are yours! :3 Sure thing! I'll do that ASAP Edit: wait wait wait. XD the last pony is a male. I wanted to make a pink stallion. Edit Edit: DONE~!
  18. Am I allowed to use a base to make characters for people? I found a neato base, and I'll design you some characters with it. Just give me a general feel to what you want. :3 Color(s): Gender: Race: Anything else?: DESIGN ONLY. NOT PRE-EXISTING CHARACTERS ================================================================== Wanna Adopt Some Premades? :3 Number 1: Adopted Number 2: Adopted Number 3: Adopted
  19. Alrighty! I didn't even think of that. Maybe I will go back and fix it, but the pone tree took waaay longer than the pony to make. I'm not sure why the more time taken and overall quality art never get comments. Are people afraid? Or is it because no one can critique it. Anyways, thanks for the critique. I'm going to go look at references since I have seemed to forgotten how to draw ponies. Sorry about the multiple quotes. X-x my phone glitches up and I can't fix it.
  20. Just a drawing of Pixie running in the snow. Trying out a new program. Critiques and comments welcome! Time took: 53 minutes, 29 seconds Of course when I actually make art no one comments on it. :/
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      Season 4 episode 3?

      Actually I never watched it, may soon :3

    3. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      I know! Already downloaded it! It was freaking fantastic!

    4. Bronyette


      I know! I think its one of my most favorite to date!

  21. Aww, that's very super kind of you Windhover! She's sort of oblivious and goofy. And she's a filly, but you can draw her as a mare. Thank you!! Other people can ponify her as well. :3 variety is a great thing.
  22. Awww! So cute. You did Derpy a justice by drawing her. Best pony.
  23. Hello forums, I've recently dug wayyy into my past and pulled out my most favorite character. Her name is Nyx and she is a malamute, but I'd love if someone would ponify her. :3 maybe as a unicorn since I don't have one of those yet. Also if you draw this you have my most sincere thanks. <3 You can go however you'd like with this drawing though, I wanna see creative responses. I'd like her coat to be all brown, don't worry about all the marks if you don't want to do them, just incorporate them somewhere
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