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Mr Dash

Poniverse Staff
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Everything posted by Mr Dash

  1. But Grandpa Dash doesn't have long on this mortal coil. His old bones will turn to dust. Oh, and don't squeeze too hard when you hug. I don't have to say why.
  2. Hello youngsters! I thought that maybe you kids would be nice and let an old fart like Grandpa Dash win.
  3. So close to Archer season 7. I can smell the liquor.

  4. "I'm just going to stand here sipping my drink and stare at you"
  5. Time to get this birthday thing on.

    1. power strike

      power strike

      what are going to do on your birthday ?

    2. Mr Dash

      Mr Dash

      Eat out. Have some desert. The usual family birthday stuff.

    3. power strike

      power strike

      awsome (: how about some mlp toys to go with you birthday ? lol

  6. "It's so cool. Whatever I'm looking at is astounding"
  7. Got a test in TV Production today. Hopefully I don't bugger it up.

  8. Come join for some Samurai action with Samurai Champloo at Anime Night. Starting soon. http://equestria.tv/r/The_Dash_Lounge

  9. Get yer booty's in here for some Matt Damon Martian action! http://equestria.tv/r/cmc_clubhouse

  10. I hope to god to see Rainbow Dash fly. If that would happen, my life would be complete and I can die a happy old woman. Also if we could see Celestia actually do something, other than lose a fight. That would be nice too. Also also, a return of our rightful ruler, Queen Chrysalis.
  11. Classy without class.

  12. Time for more anime. Come join us! The anime to be shown is Samurai Champloo. http://equestria.tv/r/The_Dash_Lounge

  13. Finally got and updated Crescent Star done. Just in time too. I look forward to seeing the final result.
  14. Come join us at The Dash Lounge for Cowboy Bebop the Movie! http://equestria.tv/r/The_Dash_Lounge

  15. Here's hoping that we have EQTV back up and running soon. Don't cancel your movie night just yet.

    1. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      I am hoping for the best. I don't know what else to do, except playing all of those steam games i have. :P

    2. Mr Dash

      Mr Dash

      I have a bunch that I need to go through. Cursed steam sales keep making me expand my library.

    3. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      I am not sure if i will be through all of them, once Summer comes along. :P

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