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Posts posted by TheMarkz0ne

  1. She's  a fan favorite. I don't think we've seen the last of her; she's a funny character, and bronies love her. (though, that's partially due to bronies making a large amount of porn of her)

    They put her in the EQG universe after all, in both the books and the comics.


    Celestia only hires the best of the best!

  2. The show's made of wasted potential, sadly :(

    So many good plot ideas that they've never done or passed up on.

    I want more of Ms Harshwhinny. I know her character is a total buzz kill. I just love her voice and demeanor. Imagine Harshwhinny trying hard to please Celestia? Would be a good episode for her and explore her obsession with perfection and professionalism.  

  3. I don't think it really matter who cast the first stone really. When you retaliate with the whole "anyone who hates this is sexist" you've played into it. The only winning move is not to play.





    Maybe... If it was still a good movie. Most reviews I've seen that criticize the film do so strictly on the quality of the film.





    To be honest, I see this as more of enforcing a negative stereotype of female action roles. Fieg went out of his way to make sure to pick middle aged women, and dress them as non-sexually as he could which basically is saying women can't be sexy AND smart. But look at all the male action movies? All the men are sex machines and clever enough to get out of any situation. I think this is actually a step backwards and reinforcing the whole "sexy is bad" ideal.





    Differencei was Rock Morranis wasn't there just to make the female cast look smarter by comparison. He was there just to make the GHOSTBUSTERS look smarter. There isn't a single intelligent male in this film. The women are the only logical people in this film. All the men are nothing but tools for them to look better by comparison.


    I don't think this was the greatest sin in film, but it definitely is a film I think we're all going to bury and forget about.

    All the males were dumb? The male villain seemed above competent in my book. I hated Rey from Force Awakens.. So that is definitive proof that I am not all "female characters=instantly good." 

  4. I had a feeling it would be "mediocre" and judging by what my friends are saying: it is just that. Very very very mediocre. However the male portrayal in the film is sexist beyond belief and does nothing to obliterate stereotypes, it merely reverses them in by far the dumbest way possible. Seeing clips of the film now and listening to friends tell me the script verbatim makes me realize the other flaws with the movie: the acting and writing. Many people are calling this McCarthy's worst performance, and the actresses just had no chemistry with each other.


    Honestly after the recent death of Harold Ramis this kind of comes almost as an insult rather than a tribute. The film was marketed on the whole "girl power" thing and Paul Fieg tried to claim sexism when people didn't like it, which to me spelled out one thing: He had nothing. He knew his film wasn't anything special and that's what it turned out to be: absolutely nothing special. Not the worst thing in terms of reboots and films, but from what the reviews are saying: Nothing stand out worthy. It feels very phoned in, 

    Who drew first blood though? I think the patriarchal crowd was the first to hate it based on it being 'all female'. I am willing to bet if this were a male cast WITHOUT Bill Murray and gang, people would be forgiving of the movie. I really think people don't want to  admit they hate women in actions roles. I do think powerful female roles has been creeping in Hollywood for too long.. But if a movie is decent I will give it credit for what it did. 


    I didn't  see the male sexism. The character of Kevin was an obvious replacement of Rick Morranis's character. My favorite was the woman who played the female version of Egon.. She had the best performance in the movie.

  5. I am in the strong minority here. This movie wasn't amazing, it was simply fun, and there were moments where I cringed. If I were to name some problems with  this movie, it would be some humor being awkwardly forced. I did laugh during the movie at moderate times... But I was laughing at the stuff people didn't find funny. Another issue was the male character Kevin.... Chris Hemsworth is a great actor... But his character was cartoon levels of stupid to the point of irritation inducing madness. 


    I never saw the original Ghostbusters. I always loved the song growing up in the 90s, but never watched the movie. I really think the whole hatred of the female Ghostbusters is the all female cast. Look people, we are mortal in this planet. I know Harold Ramis passing away was an incredible blow to the fans who always wanted a third Ghostbusters... But Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd and Ernie Hudson are old and it isn't going to happen anymore. Similar to how I had to accept I will never get a Star Wars movie with Luke Skywalker being the center focus(granted I hated the Force Awakens with the new characters).


    It isn't the worst movie ever people. In my opinion, I would watch this again. The women who played the new ghostbusters had some chemistry and were good actresses...I think most the script was not well written, but were it works it works. There was effort put into this movie.. Even though I know Sony is an evil company, I can tell the cast and crew cared here. 

  6. If we're asking questions, then answer why why brony themed merch is being discontinued at places like hot topic and more mainstream stores.


    Really hard core bronies are more mobilized, but the outer layer of mainstream bronies is evaporating. cons will still occur so long as the tiny kernel of hard core fans exist even if the numbers are small, but the fandom outside of the more obsessive is dying at a fast clip.



    >renewed seasons

    We still haven't heard about there being a s7, so that comment might end up being rather ironic in the future XD

    We don't KNOW there's going to be any renewed seasons after this one: Hell, the EQG movies might also end after this one due to how they're dropping in sales.

    Physical sales always don't matter. There's online ad revenue and franchise fees. Hell Star Wars made most of its money off licensing fees, toys and games were 2nd and the very movies themselves were last. 


    Pony merch sales drop, because fans make better merchandise than Hasbro themselves. 

    • Brohoof 1
  7. She could be the final boss of mlp. Really though, she would be ridiculously overpowered, not even plot armor or the magical macguffin could touch that shit.

    Hopefully we will see her in the season 6 finale. With that confirmed changeling spy synopsis.. I hope to Goddess  that Chrysalis is coming and packing heat. Being many episodes absent, she better have fed off love for a while.

  8. I changed my mind, Chrysalis is my new fav. She has the potential to reach godly levels of power with her love absorbing ability. If bug queen can absorb the love from all the ponies similar to what Tirek did, she would be completly invincible. She could swat Discord and Tirek full power like a fly.

    Chrysalis from the alternate time line was probably so over powered from her love consumption, that she didn't need to worry about being overthrown. 

  9. Let's be honest people, it most likely isn't going to be the same kind of success that something like Frozen, Zootopia, Finding Dory, or even the Minions movie ended being.

    I don't think it will bomb, but it will probably end up being a modest success and not some kind of ground breaking record or anything.

    Ratchet and Clank had heavy advertising on tv and online and still bombed in theaters. MLP has a stronger brand recognition than R&C. Hasbro needs to promote this movie like they would Transformers.

  10. I don't know man, the meme status of the fandom has died and the fandom isn't what it once was back during S1 through S3. Back then, the fandom was loud and proud and had high hopes for itself; Now the fandom is less self secure and, due to the meme status dying, less "mainstream" than it was in S1-S3.


    As such, it remains to see if bronies will show up in large numbers of if bronies will feel too self conscious to go see it in large numbers in public.




    I'm HOPING it will make at least as much as the TMNT movie did.

    That being said, like others have said, the reviews are what are important; if it gets good reviews we can expect some high numbers. Otherwise, its going to be a little more dicey.

    Memes are a cancer. I think the fandom is still strong, if it wasn't why are we still having brony cons and renewed seasons? 

    • Brohoof 1
  11. I really really want this movie to succeed. I wanted to type a thread before I check the new Ghostbusters(I have my reasons ok).


    I am making a modest and realistic prediction that MLP The Movie will make a total domestic box office of $65m or my highest prediction, $85. I do not expect this movie to even touch $100m, just for sheer logic alone.


    -This movie will either have a G or PG rating. It will not make the PG Disney money. While Hasbro has a AAA brand status, something like MLP I don't see touching a Pixar or Dreamworks box office number. 


    -The stigma of the brony community. Millions of bronies will see this movie, but we are still a minority. This could actually work in the adults's favor. Because mommy and daddy, take little Suzie or Timmy to the theaters usually once. Whereas adults will see a movie in cinemas numerous times. I KNOW I will be seeing this movie more than once. So there's that double edged sword right there. 


    -It is being released alongside Thor III(if delays occur this changes).Many high blockbuster titles have been successful in the winter aside from the summer(Avatar and Force Awakens being the top grossing holiday season movies) So a possible winter blockbuster could detract attention from MLP The Movie. 


    -Creed... Basically Rocky VII, had an opening weekend of roughly $30m... Imagine this.. Rocky is a major franchise. Granted Creed's total domestic gross was just shy of $110m, but if a movie like Creed, has an opening weekend of that number, how can MLP get half that? I say this because with all these super hero movies.. Rocky as a franchise you could argue is AA and not AAA.

  12. The only flaw would be Celestia's banishment ... does it end because Nightmare Moon is defeated? What if it ended the banishment spell and then Chrysalis imprisons Celestia. Trying to factor in Sunny would be tricky, but the movie didn't care about how she found out about the EoH, so I can assume the same way she found out about that ... she found out about the rule. Would she see this as an opportunity to lead and ascend? It fits. Perhaps she winds up in Equestria and sets up a separate resistance not wanting to take orders from Zecora. At one point she gets Rarity, Rainbow, and AJ to help her try and free Celestia, which fails. Wow, Talk about an amount of wars that would even make freaking England of the 18th/19th Century blush. 


    Trying to tie in all this is a mental hurdle. :|


    Especially fun if you add up an envoy going to Yakyakistan asking for help and getting war declared on them in the process. 


    Yak War vs Chrysalis Swarm vs Ponies would be fun 

    I imagine Chrysalis would decide to stop for a good amount of years after a successful Equestrian conquest. Chrysalis becomes the Empress of the Changeling Hive Order. I think the Yaks and Griffons would form an alliance with a pony resistance(Zecora's army) to fight off the powerful Empress and her changelings. 

  13. That'


    No EoH. Nightmare Moon returns and rules. She moves the Discord statue to prevent his release. The resistance is approached by Chrysalis who helps them fight Nightmare Moon. During the climactic battle Cadance is injured. As Shining stands over her body battle worn body he tells her she must live to lead, and declares his love. Sensing this power, Chrysalis betrays them by absorbing her love and uses it to defeat Nightmare Moon. This act was witnessed by Zecora who warns the survivors to leave and take shelter ... thus the Dawn of Chrysalis begins with the death of the Night.

    That's m biggest issue with the season 5 finale.. Logically Nightmare Moon's future is the only one that could work. In order for the other villain's timeline's to even exist.. Some failures must come from Nightmare Moon's short rule. I actually like your theory. I wanted to include Sunset Shimmer in mine because I think in an alternate reality she wouldn't have left Celestia.

  14. Wanted to have fun with my favorite alternate universe in the S5 finale. I was letdown for how short it was and I am having all the more fun filling in what happened before Twilight arrived in the alternate reality. Some points I wish to debate with you all.. Or just help me come up with good theories. 


    Ignoring the continuity of Nightmare Moon not ruling Equestria without the EOH to stop here, what actions spurred Chrysalis to succeed? 


    The wedding I think still would have happened between Cadence and Shining Armor. I wiill even get more creative and state that Sunset Shimmer never left Celestia and Luna was reformed by Celestia and Sunset when Nightmare Moon returned. Twilight Sparkle never met Rainbow, Rarity, Pinkie, AJ or Fluttershy.. So Twilight became Sunset's student... Because Celestia wishes to test Sunset's abilities as Equestria's future role... Notice how I interchanged Twilight/Starlight.. with Sunset/Twilight.


    Chrysalis succeeds because the marriage went to fruition. Sunset eases Twilight's suspicions about Cadence's odd behavior. Cadence's whereabouts are unknown to everyone.. She might still be in the caves below Canterlot.


    After the wedding, Chrysalis orders her army to remain hidden. Chrysalis realizes she will need to absorb more love to handle both Celestia and Luna. She goes around feeding for weeks off Shining Armor and other ponies. Later Celestia and Luna are dethroned.. Canterlot has become a changeling territory. 


    What cities fell after?


    Chrysalis after establishing her throne in Canterlot as Queen. Chrysalis banishes Celestia and Luna to the deepest dungeons of Canterlot, where Chrysalis's elite guards are present. Chrysalis feeds off them by hypnosis and changing her appearances to Celestia/Luna to deceive the two sisters into a state of false love. In the course of several months.. Fillydelphia, Manehattan, Baltimare(during a convention...hahahaha bad joke) fall easily.. Ponyville wasn't even an issue. Chrysalis in my mind would have taken Equestria in 7 months... The royal guard remnants tried their best for their fallen Celestia and Luna. 


    Sunset and Twilight's whereabouts?


    Twilight Sparkle was inexperienced at this point in time. Chrysalis instead of disposing of Twilight, had seen amazing potential in the young unicorn and Chrysalis decided to brainwash Twilight into her pawn/apprentice. 


    Sunset Shimmer, after nearly escaping with her life, failed  to defeat Chrysalis. With Sunset's remaining energy, she decided that she had to let Equestria go, it was too late to save. She could at least save the human world(mirror). She decided to exile herself to the human world as a high school girl... She then would destroy the gateway back home.. To prevent Chrysalis from invading yet another defenseless world. Sunset lives her life full of regret.. She wishes she could have saved her mentors and her young student Twilight Sparkle.. 



    Any other points we wish to discuss? I brought up a few.

  15. The only people I have ever seen complain about death or adult themes in animated movies are those hacks over at Common Sense Media.

    If I wrote the movie... I would have 2 villains... I would pick Chrysalis, not just for her alone, but the changelings themselves being a massive threat.. Have the bigger villain pull the strings on Chrysalis and have Chrysalis try to fight back. Then the Mane 8(Sunse+Starlight) being the focus of the movie after Celestia passes.

  16. Not really. Kids will enjoy it regardless. The advantage here is that adults will too. A well-written film will make most adults forget their grudge against grown men enjoying MLP.

    I know it will sound stupid... But I always thought years ago, Chrysalis would have been a good candidate to kill off Celestia, if the two ever had a rematch. I watch the show for the positive messages. But I am fine with it being real at moments. I am just saying in our soft and politically correct culture, it will most likely not happen.

    • Brohoof 1
  17. Look at how Oogway "died". You can have someone Die without them falling on the ground and choking to death or bleeding out.

    Obi wan died in a way that wasn't traumatic and so did oogway. You have them die in a mystical manner that has them either fade away or the body dissapears, or conversely you have them simply exaust their life force and more or less "go to sleep"

    If Celestia does die... Maybe the movie would be about Twilight maturing. That's if bronies think Twilight is capable of ruling Equestria.. If Celestia and Luna were dead.  Who would control the sun and moon?

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