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Flailing Dinosaurs

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Blog Comments posted by Flailing Dinosaurs

  1. You're not alone. First time I had Ramune, it took me about 5 minutes to open, and the marble blew my mind.


    The old bottles had caps that could be twisted off, so I got the marbles the easy way, and then I put them all in one bottle :D

    Ohmigosh, that's awesome. My mom and I took at least five minutes to figure out how to take off the cap. Then we just gave up and smashed it XD

  2. I remember somebody crocheted something similar to those at a reenactment, they let me borrow them for the event because it was damn cold, and you can't really play a fife/flute with fingered gloves.


    They were a godsend nonetheless. XD


    I'm sure those will come in handy in the winter ;3

    Ohyus, they are fabulous aren't they? XD Though, I'mma make a better pair, out of gray yarn. Because gray is the best color LOL


    And, you do reenactments o3o? that's really cool dude!

  3. I'm an artist, and I'm not anything like you described. :c

    I try to be as nice as possible to other artist's and/or brony art in general. 

    But you are right, many people out there are exactly how you described them, stuck up and braggarts. 

    Well, just keep doing that then :3 Being nice is the best way to get through life, or at least, best way to earn brownie points. Like I mentioned, I've just noticed a lot of artists are like this, I'm not saying everyone is like that :P It's kinda weird how that works out though >.>

  4. Mmm, yes. 


    Actually, it seems like the ones that aren't very good at art are the butts. The ones that freak out when others say it's not the best piece of artwork in history, even though it'll be a microsoft paint picture of Twinkle Speckle. 

    Yeah... I truly wonder about the brony community sometimes :/ Seems like some folks just don't take Love and Tolerate to heart LOL Well, what can you do though? Just keep pluggin' along I suppose :P

  5. I'm an artist, and I'm a prick. :c


    But I'm a prick just because it's my nature. It's got nothing to do with my artistic skills. :w They're nothing to brag about, anyway. 

    I'm not saying the artistic skill has anything to do about it (oh dear, there I go again, being argumental again, gosh darn it >.<) I just noticed that a lot of artists are buttmunches :P Ones' nature has a way of swaying it too though, I've met a lot of folks who couldn't draw to save their lives, and they were the biggest butt nuggets I've ever met o-o

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