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Shwaaaalalalalaburger started following Cliffhanger
Cliffhanger started following JamesBobbyDReed
JamesBobbyDReed started following Cliffhanger
Hello, friends! I'm making this thread to find out if anypony here plays my absolute favorite MMO of all time, Guild Wars 2. I've been hoping for more friends to play this game with and don't feel guilty at all for promoting its sales. This MMO has simply been the most fun out of all of the MMOs I've ever played. Best of all, once you buy the game there's no subscription fees like with games like WoW. I really can't recommended it enough, but since I know not everyone has my taste in games I'd recommend you research it before buying. If anyone else has this game (or plans on getting it) let me know! Don't worry about your server because this game now lets you play with anyone on any server through guesting. Feel free to pm me for my in-game info! I play on a NA sever. Cheers!
gaming A Little Treat For Digimon and Virtual Pet Fans
Cliffhanger posted a topic in Media Discussion
I was speaking with my good friend, Google, earlier and stumbled across a little gem of a game emulating the older style Digimon virtual pets. I've always been charmed by these types of things so I quickly downloaded it and wasn't disappointed by it's charmingly outdated graphics. I was lucky enough to get my favorite Digimon, Elecmon, soon after starting the game and it's been sitting on the corner of my screen infrequently demanding attention ever since. Download Here If you play the game do share what Digimon you get and maybe we can test out the online battling function. I personally can't wait to see what my little friend here digivolves into. Cheers! -
Romance Roleplays: Anyone Else Feeling A Little Left Out?
Cliffhanger replied to Cliffhanger's topic in Sugarcube Corner
Ah, but an IM system would limit people the most in terms of timezones if that was your concern. More than the alternative it would require everyone to be able to be on at the same time in real time. I think at any level I'd want to screen who entered simply to avoid that "juvenile" atmosphere I mentioned earlier, but it's true that a pony having an incompatible time zone isn't something I'd want to impede their participation. No one knows better than a colt on the grave shift what it feels like to be excluded because of your schedule. I think, if I try to arrange something, I'll see how well the time zones of the potential participants mesh together before fiddling with alternative solutions. -
How Long Should Your Fanfic Be
Cliffhanger replied to FlutterLegacy's topic in AK Yearling's Writing Resources
I couldn't have said it better than this. The length of your story should be based on many things. How you percieve people will judge it by that length isn't one of them. -
Alex Kennedy started following Cliffhanger
Cliffhanger started following Alex Kennedy
ooc Pen & Paper is Magic: A Survival Slice of Life Roleplay
Cliffhanger replied to Cliffhanger's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
To be perfectly honest, I've only barely skimmed parts of the Roleplaying is Magic book and found certain mechanics interesting. For example, certain aspects - though not all - of their health bar system and how they handle spells. If you were interested in making a unicorn character the spellcasting might be worth a look since I'm planning on using some aspects of it. It reminds me a bit of the "spellcasting" in the WoD book, Geist: Sin-Eaters, though I digress. Here's a link if you happen to be interested: http://www.mlprim.com/s2e/ I must say that I do strongly dislike some parts of the book. For example, how unicorns get a bonus to their Mind score simply by being unicorns and such. I don't want to use such a strong word as "racist" here, but I'm sure you can see what I'm getting at. I know it wasn't the creator's intention and I simply dislike saying that one race of ponies is naturally smarter than the other and that the other naturally has more heart. I wouldn't even mind if they were only physical bonuses, but those should be based on personality. Moving on, WoD stands for World of Darkness. I primarily roleplay horror and WoD is the system I'm most accustomed to. This is probably - loosely - the system I'll be running for this game, if you'd like to read up on what the different stats represent and the Willpower system. If not, I'll explain the mechanics to the roleplayer when we start. Please let me know if you have anything specific you'd like more information on. Edit: Apologies, Faithful Dawn. I was still writing this when you responded. I would like to thank you for your interest in my roleplay and let you know that your character looks good and has been put in for consideration. Let me know if you have any questions you'd like to ask. Cheers! -
Romance Roleplays: Anyone Else Feeling A Little Left Out?
Cliffhanger replied to Cliffhanger's topic in Sugarcube Corner
Thank you for your responses, friends. I hadn't considered the idea of starting my own romance roleplay because even though they do pique my interest, many of them - though certainly not all - come off as either a bit juvenile or sloppy by my personal standards. If I were to make my own in my own style, it would likely be more mature - though not in that sense, I assure you. It would be more structured in some ways and less structured in others. If I was to really get behind the idea of a romance roleplay, I'd want to dissolve the usual rules and reform them into something more suiting to what I think a blind romance roleplay should be like. I wouldn't enforce any post minimum besides that the forum itself enforces. I generally encourage shorter posts, in fact, because it creates more fluid interactions. In my ideal scenerio, everyone would pm their characters to me to create an actually blind experience and roleplayers would be encouraged to use only sensory information in their posts to create the experience of actually having to talk to the different ponies to learn about them instead of being able to pick your partner from the start based on the reader's "mind reading" capabilities. Making sure to be detailed about such sensory information would be key though. Tone of voice, expression, and posture would warrant more description once thoughts were absent. I generally prefer IM clients for this sort of thing, actually. It's a bit more messy with more people, but they suit fluid conversations better for my purposes. Ah, I'm already working on a pen and paper type project right now though so unless my fair ponies found themselves very interested in that concept and were hoping for something of that nature for Valentine's Day I wouldn't start plans for such a project just yet. It is an interesting idea though. -
ooc Pen & Paper is Magic: A Survival Slice of Life Roleplay
Cliffhanger replied to Cliffhanger's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
No problem, Feather Gem! If you change your mind or have any further questions just let me know. -
ooc Pen & Paper is Magic: A Survival Slice of Life Roleplay
Cliffhanger replied to Cliffhanger's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Hello, Feather Gem! IM stands for "instant message." An IM client would be something along the lines of MSN messenger, AIM, or Skype. -
Hello, dear readers! I'm writing this topic today because reading through a handful of the planning-stage romance roleplays has me feeling a bit left out. Now, I'm going to start off by asserting that I don't think this is anyone's fault. I'm just wondering if their are any other ponies who look through these threads and have similar feelings. The main reason I feel left-out, so to speak, is how hetero-oriented the many romance threads are. This isn't anyone's fault and I understand it would be more difficult to run if you had to account for homo and bi-romantic people, but it just leaves me feeling a little blue when I see "okay guys, this is how many colts and mares we need because we need to make sure it's an even number." Now, I'm actually bi-romantic, heavily leaning towards men, and I'm even sure that it wouldn't be a problem to include me in that fashion if I went out of my way to find someone who was "gay." The issue isn't that they couldn't make exceptions for me, it's that they would have to and at that point it'd be less of entering the roleplay and talking to different people I might be interested in roleplaying with than roleplaying with my designated partner in a group setting. Even if I did join as a colt and ended up picking up another colt anyway, it'd be ruining the roleplay for two fillies since most of the group dating threads I've seen make a point of having a balanced number. I'm not here to complain or say that they should be managing their roleplays differently. I myself am perfectly capable of being content with a female partner in this situation even if I wish I didn't have to ignore my preferred gender. I'm just wondering if anyone else - particularly fully homo-romantic ponies - sees these types of roleplays cropping up and wish it was easier for them to participate. (As a final note, I'd really prefer we didn't go down the "well, then just roleplay as a girl" route. Some people may be okay with that, but I dislike being the other gender in a romantic context and I'm sure I'm not the only one uncomfortable with playing a female role to pick up men.)
ooc Pen & Paper is Magic: A Survival Slice of Life Roleplay
Cliffhanger replied to Cliffhanger's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Hello Notabrony and Alex! I'm thrilled to see that you've taken an interest in my roleplay. As to Not's - I do hope you don't mind being called Not - question, cursing is perfectly fine. Since the roleplay itself won't be taking place over a public medium, vulgarity in speech is perfectly acceptable. Moving on to Alex's questions, it's only recommended to play as the Element of Magic for group dynamic purposes as I will say that the other characters are built with each of the other elements in mind. I would say that for the purpose of this roleplay you can represent the Element of Magic in a more symbolic sense. For our purposes, you may try to justify this however you like so long as it doesn't overlap with another element and is justifiable. For example, you might want to say that the Element of Magic represents curiosity and the desire to learn more about the world around you. It's alright if your character isn't very in tune with this element at the start of the roleplay or have lost touch with that part of themselves. For that matter, perhaps they never will find that part of themselves. I'm certainly not going to say it's mandatory to develop your character in some very specific way for the roleplay. IC actions should have IC consequences, in my humble opinion. I'm never going to turn around and say "Okay, you better have some character development soon to progress the story." Even if it was necessary for you to be in touch with your element to proceed with a certain action, I certainly wouldn't force it on you OOC because I perceive that the story should continue down a specific path. Due to the nature of a unicorn character, I would highly recommend one if you enjoy spellcasting type characters. They easily have the most complex and varied abilities if we look at them purely in terms of a traditional roleplaying class. That aside, you aren't required to play a unicorn unless they appeal to you. It should also be noted that it will take longer to create a unicorn character for this roleplay because we will have to balance their powers. We'll likely be using elements of the Roleplaying is Magic system here and they will likely have an additional stat for the intensity of their magical powers. Playing as a non-pony race would be more initial work since I'd have to do some rebalancing to account for the physical differences between a pony and a griffin or minotaur, but I must say that I'm intrigued by the idea. It would certainly set you apart and bring up some interesting group dynamics. Mechanically speaking, both could function as physically stronger counterparts to Pegasus ponies and Earth Ponies. Now that I'm down that train of thought, I'd be willing to hear ideas for interpretations on non-canon races as well. The MLP universe is capable of hosting a wide variety of mythical fauna, after all. For example, a (non-shapeshifting) bipedal werewolf type creature or barghest that are interpreted in such a way as to fit into the canon universe could be potential races. If you put enough work into it, a race you create yourself could be applicable as well. I would say that any such creatures would be ideally interpreted to be intelligent but not normally prone to involving themselves in pony society. The only other difficulty then would be explaining why they're being imprisoned by pony authorities - was their crime or the crime they were framed for so inexcusable that they couldn't simply be driven away again? - and to maintain the survival aspect of the game, make sure they aren't capable of simply leaving the group and striking out on their own, such as a very self-sufficient solitary predator. Since this is a campaign being run for one person, I'm more open than I usually would be to the idea of rarer and more unique races. I definitely don't want to discourage playing as one of the canon races, of course, and am only saying that I'm open to hearing your ideas. I eagerly await any further questions you may have. Thank you for your interest! -
Auditions are closed, but if you're interested in future games feel free to send me a PM and I'll alert you of any upcoming adventures you're qualified to join. Thank you for your interest! What would you do if you were sentenced for a crime you did not commit? If you stood to lose years of your life rotting in prison for someone else's crimes, would you escape if you had the chance? You don't think the guards are chasing you anymore. The trees seem to close in around you and the wind's song has never been so cold. You are surrounded by five prisoners. You do not know why they were arrested. You don't know if you can trust them. Returning to civilization means imprisonment and trekking off on your own will probably mean a quick end. Friendship is magic, but can you be friends with criminals? Hello, fellow roleplayers! My name is Cliff and I'm posting today because I'm looking for a smart and reasonable roleplayer to share in an adventure with me. I would like to share with one roleplayer a pen and paper game-esque experience in which I will be acting as the "Dungeon Master" of sorts. The best part is that you do not need to be able to write large posts or express yourself using eloquent language. The most important trait I am looking for is the ability to realistically portray your character. The tone of this roleplay will be somewhat dark while maintaining the cartoon-ish sense of humor the show is known for. It will have a "slice of life" style tone to it revolving around episodic adventures you share with the other escaped prisoners, occasionally growing into larger adventures more along the lines of what you would expect from the two-episode season-starters in the show. The more typical episodes will cycle between being based on your relationships with the prisoners (such as episodes in the show that revolve around one specific character) and means of survival. In this way it strives to be a darker toned version of the show. What this means is that while there will be darker themes and you will be expected to have a healthy respect for dangerous situations, you may build your initial character with the presumption that ponies in this universe behave as they do in the show when not under stress. Personalities may be exaggerated and silly - when appropriate - and dialog may be simple and fun. Now, this is a roleplay first and foremost, but it also has game elements. What this means is that there will be rules for creating your character. I will be running a modded and simplified WoD-type system in the background with some "Roleplaying is Magic" mechanics mixed in. This is what will determine your successes and your failures in the roleplay based on stats that we will establish during character creation. Are you ready for the rules? Good! Here are the basics of what you need to know: - To join this roleplay, you should have an IM client. This is where the roleplay will take place. - "Replies" should consist only of a single action at a time to give NPCs time to react. Long dialogs should be split into several IMs by sentence to allow your character to be interrupted. NPCs will be restricted by the same rules. - I will always roleplay using text, but you may roleplay out loud if you have Skype and can speak clearly enough for me to understand you. What I mean by this is that you may dictate your actions and voice act your characters instead of writing. - Thoughts should be avoided in favor of sensory information. What this means is that I should never be aware of what your character is thinking, only the physical cues they give off as well as their tone. Likewise, you will not know what NPC characters are thinking. - You do not need a completed character sheet for the character you are using for this roleplay until you are chosen for the roleplay. I only need to hear your basic concept and the reason your character was convicted of a crime. - Assume a basic "Don't ask, don't tell" rule when it comes to plot holes in the canon. For example, don't bring up the fact that many ponies are somehow named after their Cutie Marks or special talents. - Though not a rule, you are recommended as the main character to create a character who represents the Element of Magic. Though I may run larger games in the future, this roleplay will consist of only one participant. This person will be chosen based on several factors. Above all else I am looking for someone intelligent, mature, and reasonable. You should be assertive enough to point out if you think I'm handling something incorrectly and willing to accept my final judgement on the outcome of dice rolls. You should be capable of accurately portraying your character without being swayed by your own opinions or knowledge of game mechanics. I would like to see at least one past character of yours when you apply. I would also like to hear a little about yourself to help me decide if you are a good fit for this roleplay. I am not bothered by short biographies and am looking for quality over quantity. This thread will be closed when a participant is chosen. I'm looking forward to roleplaying with you! Cheers!
I think this is a fantastic piece. I'm especially drawn to dark and peculiar things so I find his concept particularly attractive. The only downside I can see to him as a character is that it's tragically difficult to roleplay a character who can see the future without preplanning everything in advance, but as a concept or star in his own story I think he's brilliant. Bravo!
- 25 replies
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(and 1 more)
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Hello, Naught Herd! It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Cliffhanger. Cliff, if you would. You seem to be both an interesting and intelligent individual so I'm very excited to make your acquaintance. I'm an avid roleplayer myself, actually, and greatly appreciate the worth of an intelligent roleplaying companion such as yourself. In terms of describing myself and my own roleplaying habits, I have my own introductory thread you may peruse (http://mlpforums.com/topic/47555-a-cliffhanger-will-you-read-on/) and would be happy to answer any additional questions you might have. Though a colt as new as myself is hardly a suitable welcoming committee, I do welcome you to the forums. Cheers!
Thank you, Reversalx! I try to be polite and "comprehensive," as you put it, whenever possible. I like to think of myself as a young gentleman, somewhat rough around the edges and improving every day. I would gladly give you something of mine to read and regret that the problem is in fact the hidden meaning behind my name. I've started many works and crafted many worlds and just as quickly as my muse flares up my interest wavers. My stories have the unfortunate habit of ending in unintended cliffhangers. I enjoy having them in their odd little collection and my writing skills have been fine-tuned by the process of writing them and building the plot the story would have followed so it is unfortunate not many have found their conclusion. I do have one recently completed short story that I'll undoubtably want to revise once I open it up again. I have been meaning to and I'd love to share it if you'd take an interest in reading it and I find the time to fine-tune it. The only thing that concerns me is that it's a horror piece and gets a fair bit disturbing in some passages. You could say that dealing in horror and modern dark fantasy is my forte. A very apologetic edit: Sorry to have passed your post by, Dazzleglow. I was mid-reply when you posted. I actually do vocal roleplays very frequently with one of my friends in person and agree that they're quite fun. The only thing that prevents me from normally pursuing that sort of roleplay is that I have what I'd say is an embarrassingly feminine voice. That aside, once I have grown comfortable enough with my character's mannerisms to fluently portray him out loud, I'd certainly be interesting in pursuing the idea with you.
Hello Firebolt! I agree that my post is very long and the reason is that I am looking for a specific type of roleplaying partner and want people to be able to make an informed decision as to whether or not they would like to roleplay with me. Since you did not read my post, you did not read that I said that I specifically dislike exactly the type of roleplay that is the focus of the Advanced Roleplay forum for reasons outlined in my original post. Unless you were interested in roleplaying with me that should not be important and I graciously accept your warm welcome! Even though you did not read my post, I would like to thank you for taking the time to reply to me and would add that if you choose to read my post in the future I would be very glad to have an interesting conversational starter if we talk in the future. Thank you for your time! Cheers!