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Posts posted by Galen

  1. It was a question not a statement, I've only talked about those who take for the sake of maintaining their lazy lifestyle, of course I would help those in genuine need but without a proper way to discern I don't see how, nor do I have the time to assess every single homeless person I meet, I haven't mentioned a lot of scenarios that don't  make it right to assume my position from something I have yet to discuss.


    Yes, I understand that there's little you can do to discern between homeless people who really need help and those who just want to feed their fix, but that's a poor excuse for not wanting to do anything. Like I said, the best way to circumvent that dilemma is to donate to shelters which handle that differentiation (hint: that's their job).

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Nope, read my post, I've never said that I 'refuse to have anything to do with any of them at all' as you've put it; On the contrary, I've merely asked why should I care for those who only take?


    All the while not mentioning that you don't mind to give to those who are actually in need. Which is why it makes me think you're implying those who only take are basically every homeless person and thus why want nothing to do with them. It's fine if you don't want to have anything to do with it, I'm just wondering what your reasoning is.



    that's not a generalization, I've clearly began my post with the word "some"


    Yet you refuse to have anything to do with any of them at all based on your observations of some homeless people. So how are you not generalizing?

    Yes, there are those homeless people who just beg money for their fix, but the best way around that is to see how desperately they beg or, much better yet, donate to shelters. The fact of the matter is there are people who're ligitimately in need of help. You and I can't always tell the difference between who needs help and you wants to satiate their fix, but that's what shelters are doing.

  4. Some homeless people have a... how should i put this? An illness. They are addicted to their poor state and therefore cannot bring themselves to find a better alternative, even if they can. Why should i give to those who only wish to take?


    This is a blatant generalization if I ever saw one. Not every homeless person is like what you say. Trust me, I've been there.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Give to homeless shelters. NEVER give to homeless people directly, especially since like you say, some of them are posers. I know from personal experience a lot of them prefer to use the money they get for drugs, and by personal experience I actually refer to the brief period I was homeless (tho that was in Canada, not the UK, and homeless people there are actually more honest to some extent).

    There's a number of charities in the UK which provide for homeless people, one in particular named Shelter that I give donations to at the end of each year. It's a much better way to give to homeless people because that way you know your money's going toward providing for them in the right manner.

    Another trick I picked up when I was in Canada is also to see how homeless people act. Generally, it's the more vocally desperate ones for money that want it to get their fix. The more quiet ones are generally the safer bet, tho I'd still recommend donating to shelters rather than giving to people directly.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Aang vs Edward Elric


    Another very good idea.


    I'm not really sure. Based on Aang vs Ozai, Aang is hypersonic and mountain level DC. FMA verse is at best town level if I'm not mistaken, not sure about speed. Aang would obliterate anyone in FMA verse except for maybe Father.




    Usopp vs Sogeking


    Ummmm they're the same person...


    That's the joke.

  7. Saitama is comfortably at moon level DC and durability himself. OBD wiki says continent level+ but considering his meteor feat created a shockwave on the moon (all the way from deep within the earth's atmosphere at that, meaning it carried over through enough distance to cover the diameters of every other planet in the solar system at least), it's arguable that his DC is much higher than what the wiki says, also considering he did it with extreme ease (like he usually does). Wiki also confirms Saitama as sub-relativistic. If we're talking about any version of X in the canon games (MMX1 through 5 and perhaps 6), X is well below Saitama, but still somewhere above Genos who sits at city level+ and hypersonic. The series still has ways to go so it's likely Genos will get a number of upgrades, particularly given that Metal Knight is implied to be considerably above Genos as well.


    I could be wrong on X tho, I don't know much about their individual feats but I have in mind that it took a giant laser cannon to destroy Eurasia, which should itself be moon level feat at best. Based on what I hear, I'm fairly certain X and Zero in MMZ are well above their MMX counterparts.

  8. Given time, I could probably see Genos from Onepunch Man reach X's level. Right now, he'd prolly be around Megaman's level tho afaik.



    How much do you love cheese?


    A lot. I seriously mean A LOT.




    What's your favorite type of cheese?


    All cheese have their uses and unique tastes. I prefer to have buffalo mozzarella on pizza because it just tastes so much better than the regular version. Four cheese pizzas can be quite interesting with their combos as you can add anything on top of the mozzarella. In Italy, you'll usually see gorgonzola, parmigiano reggiano and swiss cheese on top of mozzarella. On certain types of pasta dishes, you can have either parmigiano reggiano, pecorino romano or salted ricotta. On its own tho, I have a certain preference for parmigiano and swiss cheese, but I also REALLY like spicy provolone. It really depends.




    How often do you eat cheese?


    Not as much as I would like, which I'm kinda thankful for as that would be unhealthy xD




    What meals do you have with your cheese in?


    Depends on the dish, but I usually like to have it on pasta.




    Is cheese life?


    I just love cheese.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. Spike is good character but episodes that focuse on him are quite bad in my opinion I really dont want to watch himself screwing up all the time =/


    Pretty much this. Every time an episode focuses on him, the writers make it like he regresses from the last time he made some progress. Each and every episode which focuses on him always centers around greed in some shape or form. I can see how that makes sense as that is every dragon's primary sin as well as defining feature, and you can chalk it up to that. But as viewers of the series, we'd like to think Spike is above base instincts, and with good reason. Multiple times have the writers managed to have Spike rise above those instincts. But that is literally all the happens when he's the focus, and they all follow a common formula which typically involves destruction of something or other due to Spike's own greed and negligence, something we all thought he'd gotten over the last time he had to learn something. It would be nice if Spike-centric episodes focused on another type of flaw instead of having him regress almost completely as a character for the sake of it.

    • Brohoof 2
  11. It seems like you're just saying this crap, to argue. The fans have nothing to do with it, it's the fact the writers have made him stupid OP since day one. SA isn't wrong, you're just trying to argue with it, for the sake of arguing. You're trying to argue that the "no limit" thing is wrong, when it's not SA's fault that exists, when it's there because the people who have been writing Superman's stuff for 75 years, made it like that.


    I'll try making things simple.


    - I know it exists, but it's a theory. It's hype that forms the basis of Superman's chracter. I'm not against this facet of Superman's character existing either.

    - All his feats are quantifiable, contrasting, but not contradicting, the above.

    - In terms of vs battles, it's more sensible to use quantified feats instead of basing the outcome around theory.

    - SA wouldn't have been wrong with having Supes beat Goku strictly using quantified feats, making the outcome based on a theory redundant and stupid.

    - By SA's logic, it should be perfectly acceptable to presume Goku broke down all his limits and reached the greatest level of power he'll ever reach, just like they did with Superman.


    I've broken down my argument to the bare essentials. I hope that helps you get that I'm not arguing just for the sake of it while spewing nonsensical BS like you're implying.


    The last point I made in particular is the reason why SA's logic is stupid. If it's applied to Superman, it should also be applied to Goku.


    And I know no one said that...I'm guessing you didn't see the youtube comments, and idiots trying to use that one deus ex machina fight, as some stupid ass excuse to say this fight is wrong.


    I know what the youtube comments said. Mentioning it here as if it was relevant to me is what I don't get tho, because neither I nor anyone else said anything about it, as you said.

    • Brohoof 1


    I don't think anyone here is a fanboy, but regardless of what logic you use, Superman is broken. He's been broken since he was created, since his creation era was when shit was screwed up all over the place. One minute Superman is being tossed around like crap, and the next minute he's tanking super novas without flinching. He's the embodiment of what fanboys make their characters in their heads.


    That's hardly what I'm saying. Even if he's supposed to embody whatever fans want him to be, which is probably what writers do to begin with, the fact remains that all his feats are calculable and thus can be placed within a certain measurable scale. In the case of Prime and 1 million, they all fall comfortably within the Galaxy level+ if not Universal level, which is already well above anything DB has ever demonstrated. I'm saying that as a lifelong DB fan, so rest assured I'm not playing the butthurt drama queen. I've said it repeatedly: I acknowledge that Supes is far beyond Goku's level. The problem is how fans want to interpret Superman, which is the invincible, indestructible superhero that he is perhaps meant to be due to his theoretically limitless power. However limitless his potential is, he still only ever reached a certain point with any of his incarnations.


    It's almost virtually the same story with Goku. As I said before, while he wasn't born with already limitless potential, he has a way of making that potential grow by constantly breaking barriers and limits down each time he faces a stronger enemy (kinda like Superman does by what you just said, tho not quite the same). Therefore, theoretically, we can also say Goku can reach limitless power as well given time. DC fans making Superman limitless due to his theoretically limitless potential is no different from Goku fans making the supposition that he can break limits and reach Superman's level. Given that such scalings don't have any measurable evidence, portraying a fight between them wherein either one has such "limitless" power is utterly stupid.


    Like I said, I'm perfectly fine with Supes beating Goku because all his feats suggest he can (depending on which incarnation we're referring to), but the reasoning SA used, and which you seeming to be backing, is stupid.




    Also, the idiots claiming that "Goku should have won, because Superman lost to Batman"...that is just beyond stupid. There's so many reasons why that fight in The Dark Knight Returns went that way, it's pretty much a deus ex machina joke. Not to mention in one of their fights with Batman, they mention how he could beat damn near anyone, if he had the time to study them...and since in DKR he's in his 50's, he's known Supes for decades...that's a pretty damn long time to know the ins and outs of someone.


    No one here ever said a thing about Batman. You don't need to bring that up with me.

  13. Maybe they're trying to use their imagination to match God and make a being more powerful than God. That's just my guess. Also Screw Attack seems to really enjoy making the characters from DBZ look weak for some reason.


    They enjoy making anime characters in general look weak. I'm not sure who it was (most probably someone on NF) also said SA outright confirmed they hate anime, hence their bias which showed more blatantly with Toph vs Gaara. At any rate, I'm always legitimately surprised when an anime character wins one of their matches, rare as that is.


    Also, Megaman and Ace should stomp those fights. I know you took what I said before into consideration, hence changing Zuko's matchup, but Ace is just outright stomp. Roy would've been a much fairer fight tbh with Zuko only having a slight edge with better reaction time. I'm also assuming you're referring to young Zuko.

    • Brohoof 2
  14. Nope. The entire point of that story arc was that Madnrakk was threatning the OverMonitor, a being to whom the whole of the DC multiverse is nothing more than a germ that happened to form inside of it:






    But, they only grow stronger the longer the fight drags on. By the time it ends, Superman has become so powerful that he winds up becoming a conceptual entity to said OverMonitor, literally outside its frame of understanding:





    You know, I find it almost comical how ridiculously powerful the writers keep making Superman. It's like they're trying to prove something and who knows what that is.

    • Brohoof 2
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