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Posts posted by Алексей

  1. Skrillex was a huge favourite of mine for a month or two when I first started opening up to electronic music. However, nowadays, I don't listen to his music nearly as much as I used to, but I still enjoy listening to a few of his songs occasionally.


    I never got into Deadmau5, though. Not sure why, but I never liked his music at all for some reason.

  2. I met a couple of friends/mild acquaintances at my school in result of my wearing a Fluttershy bag, and a few odd people who seem to be only half in the know of what Bronies are(one pronounces the term as "Brahnies") and consistently harass me about how much they love my bag and Bronies, whilst not being Bronies/Pegasisters themselves. One of the peepz I've met actually comes out with me to the paintball park every once in a while.


    Online, I've met quite a few peepz I consider decent friends/acquaintances due to ponies(e.g. some of you freaks).


    However, I haven't converted any real life friends over to the fandom, Mainly due to an overall lack of friends and the fact that I don't normally talk about it unless someone brings up the subject.

  3. Well, I used to rewatch seasons 1 and 2 on YT every week or so before season 3 came to be. Nowadays, since I have every episode recorded on my DVR, I just go to my recordings, click play all on MLP: FiM, then let it play through every single episode throughout the day in the background while I sit at my comp as I glance back and watch through one or two at various points in the day.

  4. When I was younger I was often bullied in school for being different and for having few (or no) friends. I know how horrible it can feel, and I could have used some support and advice back then. People don't always seek help when they're bullied, simply trying to ignore it, even when they're hurt by it. I feel that a discussion of this topic could prove both interesting and helpful.


    So, share your experiences and thoughts. Have you been bullied? Have you been a bully? What do you think one could do in such a situation?

    In my life, I have dealt with quite a bit of bullying. Mostly verbal, but I take it fairly seriously, since I have a lot of social anxiety. However, I mostly try to ignore it, bottle it up, and forget about it. However, one particular instance, I didn't just ignore it, and it didn't turn out very well:


    I was in the seventh grade towards the beginning of the school year, and, having lived all my life in a fairly secluded place and going to a private school, I didn't know how to fit in very well at my new public school, despite my desperate attempts at it. In my science period, I sat at a table with 3 girls who were definitely of a higher social standing than I was at the school(that is for sure). Anyway, I tried to talk to them and fit in, but, of course, they did not like me at all, and proceeded to insult and taunt me("You have no friends", "You should go die", "Everybody hates you", etc.) the entire period every day. This coupled with having 0 friends and a lot of social anxiety caused me to take their insults very seriously and view everything they said about me as true. After a while, I just stopped all attempts at associating with them altogether and ignoring them.


    Eventually, one of the girls decided to ask me(I guess seriously?)"Do you want to murder me?". And I, being the eternal sarcastic bastard, decided it would be a fantastic idea to fuck with her by saying "Yes. I have my pocket knife right here, even." That wasn't the best idea, and the 3 of them went and told this to the vice principal of the school. Of course, them being the bright young girls and me being the social outcast who won't talk to anybody nor look them in the eye, it was clear I was a huge bully who wanted to strike fear into these nice, young girls. They searched my stuff(ripped apart some of my things, too), found no knife, called my parents out for a conference, and decided to suspend me for a few days for an idle threat(<-- put that on my permanent record) that was meant to be amusing.


    tl;dr, I guess the moral of that bullsh*t'd be to ignore bullies and try not to take what they say/do seriously. And, certainly, don't threaten or act out violence in response to them.

  5. Fallout: New Vegas.


    I've purchased the game about 3 times in total(twice for the Xbox, since my Xbox's disc drive scratched my first copy, then another on Steam for 12 dollars with all the DLC), and all of the DLC twice(once on PC with the Ultimate Edition, and as they came out for Xbox).


    Every time a new DLC came out for it, I pulled an all-nighter to download it and play it as it came out. And, they all came out at around 3 AM over here in Pacific Time, so, yeah.


    And, of course, I have a LOT of hours put into the game. I played it every day for at least a few hours for about a year, which, along with my playing it on PC a lot in 2012 and playing it every once in a while now resulted in 1k+ hours on 2 characters alone, and most of that was played on vanilla. And, of course, that is not counting the many other characters I made for achievement hunting, playing through every single quest, and sheer boredom.


    And, I've went ahead and purchased the New Vegas collector's card deck and a replica Platinum Chip of the Internet.


    I'd say I am fairly obsessed with NV.


    And, of course, I've played the hell out of quite a few other games (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2, Skyrim, Minecraft, ArmA 2, etc. etc.), but I don't think any of those quite measure up to what I've put into New Vegas. :I

  6. I have a fat Labrador and a three-legged German Pincher. The Labrador is fat, enjoys chewing on whatever I hold dear, and sleeping in wherever I plan to sleep the following night. The German Pincher really likes attention and to be petted, and, if you don't pet her while she is next to you, she will start smacking/scratching you with her paws.


    They're cool, but it is really difficult to get my labrador to move sometimes.

  7. Other than very indie horror games, I can't recall any deaths of children in games I've played, other than implied ones(e.g. in Blacksite when that child runs out of site into the backyard of some house, and, upon following her, she is gone and there is a big freaking alien creature there). What games have you played that depicted child death?


    Anyway, I don't see a problem with it, personally. Not too much of a leap from the deaths of anyone/anything else in games, at least to me, so I can't really get all the taboo about it. I don't find it too realism-breaking, especially since I normally play the good-guy in games, and don't kill innocents(unless they irritate me somehow, at which point I brutally murder them and reload a save, or something). It is somewhat irritating when a child character that won't stop pestering me is invincible, though.


    EDIT: Actually, after thinking a bit, I thought of one well-known game that depicts child death in a very gory manner: Happy Wheels, heh. Not sure if I have already been ninja'd about that by others who have posted after me, but I just thought of that.

  8. I'm starting to think you are trying to troll us.


    Saints Row 2 is the best in it's series, and I loved it, it suffered from a bad port to PC, but that's it.

    Fallout New Vegas is often recommended over 3 and is said to be a much superior title than it's predecessor. And Fallout 3 wasn't an awful game.

    Fable TLC is recommended over any of it's sequels to this day, it only suffers from being old.


    I think other people can poke at this list, but these games aren't widely hated by a majority of people.

    OP said to post games that are either hated by the people we know or that nobody seems to know about.


    At least, among the people I have ever met, only a handful have ever played SR2 and Fable: TLC. Although, among the people that have played them, pretty much all of them agree they were fantastic games, which they were.


    And, with FO: NV, it seems that most people I know never bothered to give it a chance, hate its atmosphere in comparison to FO3, or hate it because of the bugs it had before they patched most of them.


    But, this is just from my experience.

  9. Yeah, that's why Fallout 3 was and still is the best Fallout game. Fallout: New Vegas was a great game, but just not a great Fallout Game.

    I disagree completely. It is one of the main reasons I really didn't like Fallout 3. Fallout 3 was basically Oblivion set in a 1950's America-esque post-apocalyptic setting with the title of "Fallout" slapped onto it. It was the first game of the series I played, and definitely a least favourite(although, I haven't played Brotherhood or Tactics, and I have heard those were pretty bad).


    I suppose it is preference, really. I prefer an atmosphere and overall feel that is distinctly Fallout, while you may prefer FO3's with a post-apocalyptic atmosphere and environmental-storytelling(something that I unfortunately never bought into).


    Anyway, that is a discussion for another thread, I suppose.

  10. That feeling wasn't prevalent in any of the Fallouts(other than Fallout 3), unless you paid attention to it.
    The Fallouts(other than 3) didn't feel like a post-apocalyptic universe to me, really. They felt post-post-apocalyptic. Although, the Lonesome Road DLC for NV definitely had a very desolate, hopeless, and depressing atmosphere and overall feel.


    For me, the most depressing and saddening part of the univers in the Fallouts was what the present conditions were, not nostalgia about how they must've been in the past.

  11. The first day of this school-year(at a school of about 600-800), I met about 5 Bronies due to my not-so-subtle bag that I ordered off of WeLoveFine during the summer. So far, I haven't caught any flak about my bag yet c:. Now, the group of people I hang out with, which is comprised of mostly Bronies, contains about 7 Bronies, and I know of about 10-15 others in the whole school.


    So, yeah, buying some apparel(be it subtle or not) would be the way to try and find some Bronies throughout your school. There is no way you are the only one there.

  12. I've never been air-softing, but there is a paintball/airsoft place nearby and i've paintballed there a few times, my friends are really into airsoft so im thinking about joining them a few times and buying myself an airsoft gun, they're much cheaper than paintball ones (for ones that replicate real firearms that is)

    If I were you, I'd probably go into airsoft. At least, to give it a try.


    I'm guessing you're more in it for the military simulation feel. And, while I prefer to play paintball myself, I personally think that airsoft would be better for that kind of thing. Plus, airsoft in general is much, much cheaper than paintball. For 5000 airsoft BB's, you might be down 10-20 USD depending on what you get. For me, since I use mid-level paint since it is decent and fairly cheap, 2000 paintballs are going to run me about 35-40 USD, and, that is with a discount I have at my local paintball store. And, I've never seen an airsoft gun priced above 400-500 USD, while, paintball markers go up to 2000 USD.


    But, that is coming from a guy who has never played airsoft in his life, so...

  13. Depends what you mean by "100% Brony". If you mean that my life revolves around the show and the fandom, then, no(at least, not anymore...). However, if you mean do I consider myself 100% involved as I was when I first became a Brony, then, no, I am probably 200% more of a Brony involved in both the show and fandom than I was when I first got into the show. But, I do have other things to spend my time on other than cartoon horses. That, and the influx of newer content from the fandom that I really enjoy is at an all-time low, which, might just be me not caring about new content I see or being to lazy to find some, but meh.

  14. My friend is unhealthily obsessed with paintball, so I often tag along with him and he pays for my rentals.  Luckily, I get to use one of his awesome pro-grade guns.  I like to play inside, mainly because there's plenty of places to hide in rooms without being flanked.  Toronto, being open wheatfield, isn't a paintball mecca, but living in the big city helps - there's over five places less than an hour from my house.  I'm very unskilled - only shot one person, in an all-renters party, and tend to cower in a corner all game until I get shot.  One day, one day, I might buy a cheap gun, because it seems like a fun sport.

    I hope you do, mate. Paintball is a very fun, albeit expensive, sport to play. Although, if you were to want to play on a somewhat regular basis(or at all, really), the first thing you should invest into is a mask. The mask is the absolute most important part of anyone's paintball gear. Don't be that one guy who posted above that got shot in the eye :I.

  15. Paintball probably cost a lot,and both are hard to find people to play with.If there's one thing I learned is that to never buy the plastic airsoft guns.they break easily.I used to have 5 airsoft guns.Now they're all broken.It's best to get the metal ones if you decide to play with others.

    Paintball indeed costs an absolute fortune to play. Although, fortunately, here in SoCal at SC Village there is a membership system, so, entry fee and air for walk-on play isn't much of an issue. Even without that, though, paint is still very, very expensive, and those are just the everyday expenses with paintball. Not even mentioning kit.


    I've heard airsoft is inexpensive to play, but, I am not too in it for the military simulation aspect, which airsoft seems to be wholly about.


    And, yeah, an airsoft gun from the dollar store probably isn't going to be the best performance-wise nor durability-wise...

    • Brohoof 1
  16. OT: Never been paintballing or airsofting, but I have had offers to go and I would like to play. Although, I get REALLY aggressive with team games...my parents say that is why I can't play basketball: someone would fault me on the court and I would punch them in the face.

    I'd definitely suggest trying it out. And, if you get irked 'cause of being shot, instead of punching someone, you can just shoot back! Although, staying in the game and shooting someone after already being eliminated is usually frowned upon. Anyway, it is a fun, physical, and team-building sport. Nothing that brings people together more than being shot at, right?

    On other forums I've been on, it's been looked down on as well. However, I'm pretty sure it's okay on this forum as long as you contribute to the topic.

    Either way, I didn't have much to contribute, and don't like necro'ing threads.

    A BB to my eye socket from a guy who cornered me and I knew it was time to call it quits.

    Eye protection, mate...

  17. Why not just revive one thread or the other?


    Anyway, I play Paintball maybe once or twice a year, not nearly as much as I want to. But I suck at it anyway.

    I find that necro'ing threads is usually frowned upon on forums. That and, the threads didn't really include too much to discuss about. First thread was really just "I play paintball!", "Me, too!" and a thread about whether people prefer airsoft versus paintball.
    • Brohoof 2
  18. Through my expert usage of the forums search, I discovered one or two threads have been made in the past, although, they appear to be fairly dead, :c. So, I decided to make one.


    So, MLP Forums, do you play paintball and/or airsoft? Do you play often? How long have you played? Where do you play? Do you enjoy it/them? Do you prefer one or the other? Why? What is your load-out? etc. etc.


    I, for one, love to play paintball, and I do almost every weekend. It's one of the only things that makes living in SoCal bearable; we have one of the biggest paintball scenes in the country, and there are a few good, well-known fields that are less than 30 minutes from where I live.

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