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  1. Interesting.... If I have time this week, I'll try this out and see if it holds up.
  2. Permanent brain issues are unlikely, but then, if you are willing to believe that hypnosis could have that effect, you might accidentally force it on yourself. Long term issues, on the other hand, are quite possible. I'm assuming you are referring to the Disclaimer and Warning Document recently put out by the Pony Hypno community. Let me clear up how hypnosis works. Normally, you change habits and patterns in your brain over time. You add information and complexity, and you reduce it by compressing your thought processes to short-circuit unneeded thoughts. Hypnosis is a method of using that same pattern of self-alteration, and guiding it to produce a specific effect. It works faster than your average habit formation by dumping a large amount of data in the form of suggestions onto your mind. What it doesn't do is stop you from forming new habit, from growing further. You will always be able to work your way out of a hypnosis effect, if you want to, the old fashioned way of changing your sub-conscious bit by bit. The DeprogramAll file works, even if it isn't particularly high quality voice work. IF you can be hypnotized by one of our files, you can be dehypnotized by means of DeprogramAll. Now, as for the effects of the files. There are two uses, really. The first is what the majority of people here do, use them for recreation and for temporary mental and physical alteration. The second use, the use that the gdoc warns about, is the effect on those who WANT to have permanent effects (and I don't mean consciously want. Some people will deny they do while misusing... meh). If you are willing to constantly upkeep the effect and push to make them long term, you can have personality alteration, etc. Let me be clear though. Feeling more confident after RD is common. Using the file to feel confident more often... that is pushing the edges of dangerous. Experiences by longtime users can be found at http://hypnoponies.niceboard.com/, as well as contact information. As before, the IRC channel on rizon (#Pony_hypno) can answer questions Seeing your body as a pony is hard, simply put. Here is a test for whether you'll be able to do it. Look at a blank wall. If you can, without moving you eyes, impose a believable hallucination of, say, a pony walking (like it is a video screen), then your visual imagination is powerful enough. If you can't get anything, then you need to work on your visual imagination further before your body will be able to produce those sorts of effects. Honestly, maybe 1 in 10 is able to do that within their first month of using the file recreationally. Truthfully, it sounds like you are making good progress. Just keep working and you'll get there I'm wondering the same thing.
  3. This is mostly effects from the Binaural. The hypnosis itself is likely the reason for your strengthened belief in Equestria. The psychology aspect is quite interesting, but it entirely relies on the participant's belief. It is, simply put, all in your head. But, as we know from placebo effect, this is an expected occurrence and the placebo effect is really ALL that is involved when you are modifying your own perceptions. Simply put, if you are willing to believe it and your mind is able to, then it becomes true. All files, except for the Pinkie File, have an off trigger. I won't be so crass as to post it here, where someone might read it and have it de-trigger them, but I have a list on this page of both on and off triggers. If you've used the hypno files, be aware that some people are triggered simply by the test of the trigger, so read with that in mind. I'm not sure I understand what you are talking about here :/ ... Dna modification on a large scale doesn't exist, short of actually running high powered electromagentic waves through your body. The binaurals work on the basic of subtractive waves, with the difference between each ear's wave being a common brainwave. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainwave_synchronization explains the concept, which is not yet scientifically proven.
  4. I and a few others have tested the files in other physical positions, like sitting and lying face down. One that worked well for me was laying on all four with my forehead on a pillow. Simply kneel on your bed and bend at the waist until you can put your weight on your elbows, with your arms pointing forward along your head. If you can get comfortable (some can't, I had to use a very stiff pillow), then you might be able to use the position for trance. It certainly helps by reversing the direction of gravity. Fear is the number 1 barrier to success in hypnosis. If your mind is afraid of the consequences, it will fight the suggestions, actively if necessary. This natural response will beat hypnosis every time; hypnosis can't force you to do something you wouldn't normally (despite the TV portrayal). SO if you have a fear of hypnosis itself, you will have to overcome that first. The best way to do so is to educate yourself, learn what can and can't happen, and learn what effects are so out of the ordinary as to cause worry. As for 'diagnosed', I have found very few cases in which a functioning person had a brain structure so dissimilar from average as to have negative effects from hypnosis, which is used to treat many severe and mild mental illnesses. Actually... I've personally found no cases, but my sample size is rather small, so the possibility is, I suppose, there. Recreational hypnosis is no different. If you can understand the language used and visualize it, then it will likely be effective. The only case I can think of off the top of my head where hypnosis should be unilaterally avoided is that of incredibly slow individuals, as they might take longer to break out of effects that were intended to be temporary. Shifting limbs are usually an effect of the binaural tone. I'd suggest you listen to a pure binaural, no hypnotic track, and see how it effects you. which I used when first testing hypnosis. Turn the sound down until you can hear it constantly over the background noise, but can still hear everything going on around you (keep it low in other words). If you react similarly, you'll know what effects come from where. If it is the tone, you could try turning down the file when you listen to it. Finally, it might be helpful to notice what lines caused the reaction in you. This can be done by listening to the file while fully awake and noting what suggestions used make you uncomfortable. Keeping yourself awake can be hard for some... I suggest bouncing a leg, playing another song quietly underneath the track, holding you eyes open. Basically any repetitive action to keep you from falling into trance. Also, if you do try this, use a loop file or skip the induction portion of the file.
  5. ... Thank you for the heads up ... and I have no recollection of deleting that. I never delete documents... Regardless, it is restored and you have my utmost apologies.
  6. Hiya! Fillyosopher here, the blog writer and the creator of the help gdoc that people were asking about. (both linked below) I've got quite a bit of experience messing with my mind (You'll see quite a bit of tulpa based posts as well), and I've been trying to put that knowledge to good use by testing files and providing information. There are multiple resources on the right hand side of my blog, including a Q&A page. I'm also willing to answer any questions here on the forum. I may post the questions and answers on my blog, so please ask if you do not want your name mentioned there. Emails for personal questions or urgent needs are fine. Link: Hypnosis Help Gdoc (this is a bit outdated, but still fairly good) Link: My Q&A gdoc (I check this daily) Blog: Derpy.me/hypnolog EDIT: I'm going to start posting more hypno based content, starting with Functional learning, Imaginative Specialization, and Hypnosis. It should give you all a reasonable guess at what effects to expect your first time and after a few sessions. Note that I have tags on the posts; it may be best if you ignore the tulpa posts for now. Tulpa and hypnosis communities have strong overlays on the IRC, so I've been including information from both, but if it doesn't interest you feel free to ignore it ^-^
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